Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Post Confinement Depression or the Great Awakening of Humanity?

The Pandemic: Opportunity for a Great Awakening

Look, people are really down, that's where we come in as healers and guides.

Really, people have asked for it, let me explain: Most people got depressed not because of the virus or because of having lost a loved one (understanding the sadness of the aforementioned ones), but because they identified with their work, money , possessions and clothes.

When a person can't show off his convertible at the door of the nightclub, or the brand-name clothes he wears, or receive compliments for all the money, job, status, or whatever, well, he thinks that life does not It has any meaning. Why fight in life if I can't even show it off? Why have a high-end car if I have to have it in the garage and nobody sees it?

What Are Your Wealth Worth If You Can't Live?

That's right, we already knew, that is, we knew that we are not all those things that are ephemeral and that we can lose them at any moment. We have our faith, our mission, our wisdom, our love, we know who we really are and who created us, regardless of the circumstances.

So, we are here to guide all those people who thought they were the clothes they put on and the car they drove. With the book "Teachings for the Day After", I try to show that our teachings are not only for what we believe are good times but for those who believe "bad times" as well. Everything that is happening was already expected:  "this is not for now, but for after what is to come, come on" , have always been my words to my students, for 30 years ago.

What is your wealth worth if it is of no use to you?

The important thing is not to "get carried away" (Laws of Interaction and Energetic Resonance), by the energies of decay of others, but to stay in our own, for that we have a solid base, and thus be able to help all those people who are they feel bad, sad, down, desperate, poor, etc., etc., etc., as good healers and guides of life that we are. When someone tells me that he is down, that it seems that nothing has meaning, well, I tell him that it is normal, that he is feeling how the world feels, that all people are the same.

On the other hand, I have seen, in everything that a "great awakening" is happening, because, like us (supposedly), we woke up some time ago, right now, and "thanks" to the pandemic, many people begin to waking up, that is, to realize that there has to be something more,  that life cannot just be money and possessions, that is ,  working to buy and then die . These awakening people are looking forward to a guide, a healer, a "real meaning with life." They are really looking for love and God, even if they themselves do not know it yet ...

... to be continue

Get the Book  "Teachings for the Day After"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit their  Author Page at Amazon Publisher  (link)

Monday, September 28, 2020

God is Love

God is Love

God is Love. It is written "I am that I am." God exists in Himself, He is Pure Consciousness. God is a Reality. It is Eternal and Infinite. God is Absolute and His absolute nature pervades Everything. God is Energy and matter is also Energy.

 Why then, many insist on seeing only the physical as the only reality? Not even reality itself is real. The only reality is Love, God.

Matter is energy. Perhaps scientists defend that position tooth and nail because it is what they know, and it would be difficult to accept that they have been wrong.

The best definition of God, Pure Geometry, would be Love, God creates and sustains Everything. He has created everything out of Love. God creates because He loves. Every act of creation is an act of Love produced by the unfolding of that same Love. This reality is still unavailable to the "limited intellect of men" who still do not understand themselves.

God is Life itself. He radiates Light, Life and Energy. Love is the Only Way to experience God.
God is Omnipresent, He is in Everything. God is Omniscient because He knows everything. God is Omnipotent because Everything is the manifestation of his Power.

Most people fear God because they do not know Him and because they fear the greatness of his Love. Man prefers to live in ignorance of his Being but sooner or later they will discover that God is a Reality. Even Science will discover the existence of God. In the end many of us were right and they will have to agree with us.
And if others don't believe in God, it doesn't matter, they don't have a better alternative ...

Sunday, September 27, 2020

The Miracles

Everything is a miracle of God.

 A few days ago I wrote about "Supernatural Powers" as something natural since we all possess them since we are beings created in the image and likeness of God.

We are a Living Miracle. How is it that at this point they still affirm that we are the fruit of chance?
Miracles do exist and occur at all times. They are produced by Love and an unshakable faith in God, in Himself and in Life. The Energy follows the Thought and if in that energy intention, it carries the high enough energy vibrational frequency, a Miracle takes place. We all have divine powers, nature is also a miracle.
The Church is not the only one who should have an opinion on this issue and I do not know which God they worship because if it were the God of Love, there would be no doubt that miracles exist by themselves. Do they not know that we are all miraculous ?.
Science cannot obtain real and forceful answers because there is no Energetic-Spiritual Science that contrasts with the Science of pure physics.
When Science begins to explain that all the phenomena that occur in the Universe, Life, diseases, thought, our actions, etc. that Everything is Energetic, it will have been the greatest step of Humanity, they will agree with us.
All healing is a release from fear, it happens when you do not identify with the physical body. When there is fear there is no Perfect Love.
Miracles are acts of Power. We could all do them because we are all extraordinary, special and unique beings. The problem is that even in the XXI century, Man has forgotten his essence, his nature, his mission, his origins, his own Consciousness to fall into oblivion loaded with ignorance and it is seen that for now he does not is willing to wake up. There are really very few who Awaken from Ignorance to live being aware that Everything is a miracle of God.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Healing / Healings Masters / Teachers

Healing will be the Therapy of Future

 All the Human Beings that inhabit this planet are healers because they are all beings created in the image and likeness of God. We are all parts of all and We are all One. We can all heal and in fact we do it every day of our lives. The difference is that the Healer as a profession is dedicated with a vocation to heal. After a great knowledge of the energy bodies and an absolute control of the energies of High Vibrational Frequency of Light and Love, he channels said energies, colors, mantras, aromas, etc. on the patient's energy body, balancing, activating, cleaning and healing the chakras that together with the seven superimposed energy bodies make up the Human Soul. The Healer is highly aware that the physical body (matter) is Energy, that Energy follows Thought, that through the Energetic Resonance it diagnoses without error, feeling the energetic blockages and imbalances before the disease manifests itself; once manifested heal her. The Healer is also a Teacher as he consciously controls, channels and directs the Healing Energies. In addition, he is a great connoisseur of Healing Systems such as those that can be the Tinerfe Natural Healing System, Reiki, Karuna to name a few, he has been and is a Seeker of Truth, he has experienced so many things in his Soul that Science does not You can never discover, because if we start from the base that we are Spirit experiencing a physical body, they would not understand. The Healer is also a Teacher as he consciously controls, channels and directs the Healing Energies. In addition, he is a great connoisseur of Healing Systems such as those that can be the Tinerfe Natural Healing System, Reiki, Karuna to name a few, he has been and is a Seeker of Truth, he has experienced so many things in his Soul that Science does not You can never discover, because if we start from the base that we are Spirit experiencing a physical body, they would not understand. The Healer is also a Teacher as he consciously controls, channels and directs the Healing Energies. In addition, he is a great connoisseur of Healing Systems such as those that can be the Tinerfe Natural Healing System, Reiki, Karuna to name a few, he has been and is a Seeker of Truth, he has experienced so many things in his Soul that Science does not You can never discover, because if we start from the base that we are Spirit experiencing a physical body, they would not understand.

Healing is available to everyone and at the service of everyone. Everyone should know how to heal themselves, how to be able to develop Spiritually (which is Everything, because we cannot separate the Spiritual from us because it would be forgetting your "feet when you leave home"). The Healer and the Master know that healing, in its deepest sense, has to do with The Interior, with the Soul, which are the origin of man and disease.
All Healing is a release from fear in its various manifestations. Healing invites you to be a Master of your Life, to walk along the path of Light, of God, of Love and know that each one is called with himself to improve.
Why does Healing work? Because the Etheric, Astral Energies ... move at a speed higher than the Light, the effect is immediate, and they are transmitted from the healer to the patient at the speed of thought and this also moves faster than the Light.
It is a profession that at this point in the 21st century has not been treated as such and the main reason is that Healer and Teacher is equal to Love and in these times as John Lennon said: "People to make Love and Love have to hide while war and violence are in the light of day. "
Healing will be the therapy of the future and the "medicine" of the future where the patient and the non-patient are treated to understand that Our Essence is intimately rooted in the Divine and that we are heading towards a Real Consciousness of what our Soul is and has. been. The only thing that has happened is that Man has forgotten his Essence but he will never be able to escape from what his Soul feels (sorrows, phobias, anger, worries, thoughts, emotions, feelings, anger, jealousy, pride ... ) and for this there is the Healing and the Masters, to remind them.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Reiki, Yawning, Burping, Coughing, Sneezing, Hiccups, Screaming, Sighing, Crying, Laughing, etc. (All Energy Releases)

Breathe Reiki and Heal. Yawning, Belching, Coughing, Sneezing

We have already explained in previous articles that belching, yawning, wind, coughing, sighing, etc. are different types of energetic releases that can occur during Reiki Therapies and other Healing Systems, both by the Therapist and the recipient of the Therapy. Now we are going to explain them in detail.

Yawning:  They release negative energy from third parties, whether they are witchcraft, thoughts, emotions, negative feelings from other people or absorbed from people, groups and / or places.

Belching: They release energy blockages and energy concentrations that are causing damage, pain, imbalance and / or disease in the body and soul of the recipient of Therapy, mainly due to traumas, sorrows, frustrations, external negative energies and their corresponding symptoms.

Cough:  They release energy blockages and strong negative energies. They mainly come after a series of strong yawns. They also undo blockages in the Throat chakra and / or Heart chakra. Note, however, from which chakra expels the cough. The cough that accompanies common colds and flu usually comes from the Sacral chakra, the Solar Plexus, or the Heart chakra in case of Pneumonia.

Sneezing: They release superficial energy blocks in the entire Major Chakra System or in the lower chakras, since the "path" of energetic expulsion requires more force. They can also undo blockages in the Heart chakra independently of the rest of the chakras.

Energetic Releases during Reiki Therapies

Winds:  They undo energy blocks in the lower chakras, that is, Sacral chakra and Base chakra. They can also undo energy blocks in the Solar Plexus if they are associated with emotions (sacral chakra).

Hiccups:  Really just a symptom after energy releases and it doesn't undo anything.

Screams:  They are really only "burps" loud and long.

Sighs:  Need to undo energy blockages (short continuous sighs) or symptom after deep energy releases and energy flow (long and pleasant sighs ("spiritual orgasms")).

Crying:  Releases energy blocks in the Solar Plexus (deep crying) and in the Heart chakra while healing it.

Laughs: Releases energy blocks in the Solar Plexus chakra, providing a feeling of euphoria and well-being.

Laughter and crying are really "internal massages of the Solar Plexus" (name of Damián Alvarez; see his Book: "The Solar Plexus, the Sun of your Life"

Damián Alvarez at
Creator of Tinerfe Healing System

Get the Book  "Reiki, Eructos y Yawns"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Get the Book of Damián Alvarez

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Sexuality and Spirit. The last publication of Damián Alvarez already Available also in Spain

Sacred Sexuality and Spiritual Development
(A new Work of Damián Alvarez)

When you have achieved a healthy active sex life (the most active is the healthiest), the energy blocks in your sacral chakra, and in many other parts of your body and soul, will have been undone.

When you feel sexually satisfied / satisfied, you can develop sex to achieve higher states of consciousness, total integration with the entire universe. Get rid of yourself and make yourself "one" with the energies of orgasm and with the energies of your partner's orgasm. Falling into a trance and having orgasmic "convulsions" with the whole body and soul. Make love with love. Chained orgasms for 24 hours a day. Spiritual ecstasies while having sex. Merge your body and soul with that of your partner. Loss of everyday consciousness in cellular orgasms (with all the cells in your body), where, if you dare, and are not afraid, you can separate the soul from your body or turn your body and soul into explosive energy of pleasure and immense satisfaction,

Think that sexuality is a gift from God, a divine gift. Sexual energies make up the seventh part of our soul. Each chakra has seven levels. The levels of the sacral chakra (in relation to sex) would be: First Level: Having sex out of necessity or to procreate. Second Level: Having sex for carnal pleasure. Third Level: Having sex for satisfaction and self-fulfillment. Fourth Level: Have sex with love, as a way to express love. Fifth Level: Having sex as a form of communication and an opportunity to develop. Sixth Level: Having sex as a spiritual union with another spiritual being. Seventh Level: Having sex as a ritual of union with God, with the Whole, a ritual of gratitude to God, sex dedicated to your Creator. Transcendental sex,

Get the  Great Encyclopedia  of Sexuality and the Spirit  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit their  Author Page at Amazon Publisher  (link)

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Your Attitude will be your own Medicine

Every action carries within itself an Energ

Every action carries within itself an Energy. Depending on that action or attitude, it will be your health, that of others and that of the Planet.

People ignore the effect of a bad action or attitude. They believe that nothing is happening and that is why they continue to do so.

When a person gets angry, the same energy that anger entails causes:
- the sacral chakra to become unbalanced, subsequently creating dysfunctions associated with thischakra (see Sakro chakra in this blog).
- your heart races
- that angry energy unbalances the other person receiving that anger
- and then it expands affecting the Planet and the Universe itself.
This would be an example of anger, but how many actions do we do per day that harm our own health and that of others?
Worries, traumas, cheating, lying, thinking negative about someone or oneself, envy, jealousy, hatred, anger, a bad gesture, a bad look, contempt, etc. are energies, to name a few, that unbalance your body energy making him sick later. We are all One and therefore we also become unbalanced with the actions of others.

 If a Butterfly flaps its wings, it affects the entire Universe. Imagine the Humans. There is no attitude or action or energy that can escape this Reality.
If that attitude or action is positive, it affects the Universe in the same way. Let's take a look around and think about how many negative actions or attitudes there are and how many positive ones.
Still the Human Being in his "Ignorance" needs a good "stick" so that he wakes up and realizes that he cannot continue like this, that it is necessary and urgent to change since it is in our actions to save the Planet and Ourselves.
If you have bad actions and bad attitudes it is not too late to change, you must make yourself aware that you really have them. Drop them, say yes to other more positive actions and attitudes. You yourself create Your Life, You live with yourself every day, if you only knew the damage that you cause yourself and others, rest assured that you would not do it.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


CHO KU REI: Dios Manifestado

Cho Ku Rei is an Energy from Dr. Usui's Japanese Reiki Healing System. In the Tinerfe Healing System of Master Damián Alvarez, it is used in the First Level of Reiki (see "").
The Cho ku Rei means "God with Us", and its energies represent the physical world. Trees, cyclones, hurricanes, tornadoes, DNA, flowers, galaxies move and spiral like the energies of Cho Ku Rei.
Reiki is a word of Japanese origin composed of two words. Rei which means God and Ki which means Energy, therefore when we practice the Reiki System we are channeling Divine Energies. If they are Divine, they are from God, and as God is Love and Love is Light, they are Energies of Love and Light.

We use Cho Ku Rei to heal animals, plants, water, food, other people, ourselves, the planet ... According to the amount of Love and Faith that the person or therapist possesses, the greater effectiveness. Let's not forget that Energy follows thought and that is why things happen.

With the Cho Ku Rei we can do Healing Meditations, carry a place, close a place, protect ourselves, open the Crown, Third Eye, Heart Chakras and the hands to channel the Healing Energy.
 Being a more physical energy we can use it to heal muscle aches, blows, falls, headaches, throat, ears, legs, ankles, feet, knees, and when we feel pain in a certain organ of the body (liver , lung, kidneys, pancreas, stomach, heart ....). In short, in everything "physical" of our body. We place our hands in the area to be treated and visualize the Cho ku Rei repeating the Mantra three times (that is, we repeat the Cho Ku Rei three times) and we reinforce it as we are healing.

Cho Ku Rei being a Healing Energy, of a high vibrational frequency, we move it with thought, faster than the Light itself, that is why it undoes the energy blocks Here and Now with effective results.
We can visualize it in white as a bright Light on the area to be treated and when we meditate we visualize it in the same way. The Cho ku Rei is a key and a seal with it we can open the Hara Line, the Chakras of the hands, cleanse ourselves of negative energies, cleanse the mind of negative thoughts and the other Chakras before the Initiations and the therapies to channel the Reiki energies. Cho Ku Rei roots us and centers us.

Monday, September 21, 2020

The Physical versus the Metaphysical

The Physical versus the Metaphysical
Most of the people are totally sure that the only thing that truly exists is the Physical World, that what they are really seeing is pure physics, but that is not the case. The Physical World is not the ultimate Reality. The Physical Body cannot be separated from the other existing bodies in the Soul or Energetic Bodies of Our Being. Such Energetic Bodies are the Physical, the Etheric, the Emotional, the Mental, the Astral, the Ceteric, the Angelic and the Divine. .
 A feeling or an emotion, a trauma, a disgust, an anger or feelings and emotions never happen on a physical level. The gestures or manners are physical but the Energy that goes behind that action or attitude is not physical. They happen and take place in other previously mentioned energy bodies.

Thousands of people on this planet experience and have experienced other non-physical realities. How can the lived experimentation of Immortality, of Eternity, of the Energies that you feel from people, of the Energetic Interaction between beings, of Telepathy, of Intuition, of the Energies we feel by Energetic Resonance of other people, places, of the existence of our own Soul to name a few? They are lived and felt realities. We could write a book.
Others confirm that Everything is the product of your mind and suggestion. Of course, they are very far from Reality, Knowledge and Wisdom and that they are unaware of it does not mean that they are not real and that they are Right. I have personally spent time of my life experiencing the Metaphysical versus the Physical and it is the most Natural.
Spirituality as well as the physical body cannot be separated from the Soul, from your True Essence. If we are Spiritual Beings, how can we not experience a Spiritual World that has nothing to do with Spiritism, but with other dimensions as real as this one. Jesus Christ, Buddha, Sai Baba, Damián Álvarez couldn't, they can't be wrong.
The laws of Metaphysics directly affect the Physical Laws and a more exhaustive study on Metaphysics as a Real Science would allow a better and greater explanation of what happens in the Physical World. In an article on my blog I wrote that there should be an Energetic and Spiritual Science for a better understanding of what is happening around us. Ignoring it or relegating it to Occultism or Esotericism or not reality is because recognizing that what one has studied in what the System believes should or should not be studied that is believed or not thought, is believed or not reasoned and considered valid, the rest we discard it, because yes.

He studies for six years to have a "knowledge" of the Physical Body and yet he is still a great unknown. As Nostradamus said: "How many bodies have been opened for study and how many emotions and feelings have they found within it". Imagine knowing the other existing remaining bodies mentioned above.
 There are people of great sensitivity who are "suffering" a great misunderstanding by "Professionals" who do not know or are unaware of other realities as Normal as Metaphysics.
 Eleven Dimensions make up our Soul. Four Energetic Centers: the Gate of the Stars, the Star of the Soul, the Star of the Core, the Star of the Earth and the seven energy Bodies plus the seven Chakras that superimposed make up the Human Soul. They still have much to discover, accept and know what for millennia others like us (Tinerfe Natural Healing and Therapeutic System) have known for a long time ...

Saturday, September 19, 2020

The Chakras

The Chakras
Each Chakra vibrates with a certain energy frequency, which produces a certain color. Light is Energy, colors are the separation of the spectrum of Light into energetic frequencies.
 There are 7 main Chakras that make up the Major Chakra System in our Energetic Body.
The Crown Chakra located above the head in the center line of the body,
The Third Eye Chakra located between the eyebrows,
The Throat Chakra four fingers below the chin,
The Heart Chakra in the middle of the chest,
The Solar Plexus Chakra four fingers above the Tan-Tien (navel),
The Sacral Chakra four fingers below the Tan-Tien,
The Base Chakra located between the genitals and the anus, at the Hu-Yin point, although several points are attributed to it on the pubic bone, four fingers below the sacrum.
 There are other minor chakras called Chakras of the hands or Palmares Chakras in the center of the palm of the hands, with them we give and receive energy.
Chakras of the feet, located in the center of the soles of the feet, we receive energy from the Earth, we take root.
Centers of abundance (English) connected to the Chakras of the feet, we gain and obtain abundance.
Apart from these chakras there are thousands of minor chakras located throughout our physical body, among others the so-called Acupuncture points.
There are also the Transpersonal Chakras:
The Star of the Soul, located 15 ctms. of the Crown Chakra,
Core Star / Tan-Tien, our True Self, the Divine Spark in us,
Earth Star, located 15 ctms below the feet, from where we root ourselves to the Earth receiving telluric energy, grounding our Soul to the molten core of the Earth, thanks to the iron of the blood and the earth's magnetism.
Casual Chakra, located between the Crown Chakra and the back of the Third Eye Chakra.
The Gate of the Stars is an Energetic Center located 15 ctms. above the Soul Star, following the center line of the body (Hara Line). The Gate of the Stars is like a filter of the Universal Energies common to all Humanity. From there come the Divine energies that are filtered in turn through the Soul Star, towards the Crown Chakra and the rest of the Chakra system of the Human Energetic Body. There are seven levels, in turn corresponding to each Chakra.

The Chakra System is a living rainbow

Through the Chakras we connect to the Universal Energetic Body. The Chakras metabolize energy to and from the Aura. We experience that energy when we see, hear, love, etc.
The Ckakras metabolize energy from the Universal Energetic Body (God, Chi) towards our Physical Body so they must be kept open and balanced.
The more energy our chakras metabolize, the healthier we will be. A blockage or imbalance in the Chakra leads to disease. For example: a trauma is a concentration of energy, of course negative, that unbalances the Solar Plexus Chakra (mental world, Me Here Now).
By unbalancing the Chakra, the Endocrine system is unbalanced at the same time because they are closely related.
The chakras rotate to the right (clockwise) if they are balanced. If they become unbalanced, they do not turn to the right but up and down, on both sides (oval in shape). If they are blocked, they don't even move. Two or more chakras blocked (stopped) serious illness or death.
A balanced Chakra is 15 ctms in diameter. Each Chakra has 2 cones, one frontal (action) and one dorsal (will). Both aspects must also be balanced to have good health. We understand the world with our Chakra system and according to how they are we are.
The Chakras have three functions:
-vitalize the energy bodies,
-develop different aspects of Our Consciousness,
-Send energy between the different bodies and levels of the Aura since each Energetic body has its Chakra System.
For Medicine and Science today, the Chakras lack scientific foundation because they cannot be "seen" or measured. Just one test would suffice. When your throat hurts, where do we put our hands? When your stomach, bladder, ovaries, heart or head hurts, we place our hands right on the Chakras. Worries, anger, annoyances, sorrows, scares ... (to name a few) cannot be measured or weighed either, but they continue to wreak havoc on our Energetic Body and make people's physical bodies sick.