Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Chakras, Infidelity, Education and Interaction and Energy Resonance (Part Two)

Infidelity, rather than the body, is committed to the Soul

Through interaction and energetic resonance between our souls and our children we will transmit everything, but everything. Nothing is hidden behind the soul. The soul never lies.

A classic that is heard by parents is "but that's not what he or she was never home," but see no need to feel. The soul always feels (and children are experts feel), and as said earlier, we educate our children with our energies that pervade and shape.

Therefore, it is not surprising that teen daughter fell in love with the "uncle" one very good friend of his mother. Yes, the "Oedipus complex" also happens among several people if the mother or father of the teenager is in love with another or other than your mother or father.

The Sacral Chakra unbalanced unbalances the Parent Their Children

There are also children who fall in love with their "aunts" and is not farfetched. When the child does not have the sacral chakra developed, they simply live life through the sacred, sexuality and creativity of their parents, sexually desiring to their parents want and feeling participants in the creative achievements of their parents too .

The negative energy that might have their parents in their sacral chakras affect the sacral their children as any negative energy could affect the souls of children, neither more nor less.

But the above discussed it is whether parents of children having sex with other people besides their parents or mothers, though, and usually like that and their parents do not have sex with each other for a long time, and therefore, committed "infidelities" that energy and would not be such because the parent continues to have sex with only one person though not their own.

Damián Alvarez

Get the Book "Interaction and Energetic Resonance  between Human beings" (link)  Damian Alvarez and Beatriz Pallés Visit your  Author Page on Amazon Publishing (link)