Friday, October 11, 2019

Hidden Meaning of the legs

Some people tread Firmes others only drag their feet

Legs carry us forward in life. With legs us in space but also in time move. Left leg we rely on the past (experiences, lessons, goods obtained, failures, losses, etc.), and we urge on it to take the next step with the right leg.

Legs, like any other body part are formed (apart from the physical anatomy), an energy anatomy, a spiritual anatomy, meridians, chakras, and paths between the chakras.

In each joint of the legs (groin, knee, ankle) is a minor chakra, and among these chakras, including those joints, roads are where flowing life energy into the future or the past as leg right or left leg.

The state of health of the chakras joint depends on how flexible we are safe or unsafe contrary to, or rigid variables that can be.

There are steps in life that if they Footprint

The Chakras of Abundance (left and right groin groin), mark our financial security. Directly related to the Base chakra, chakras Abundance depends, largely, our physical and economic health. In the center we left Abundance we can diagnose a good personal assessment, that is, a person who knows what it is worth and what it deserves for his work or just to exist (universal abundance), or conversely their self contempt. At the Abundance Center right you can see the effort, perseverance at work and its fruits translated into monetary gains.

Flexibility or stiffness in the knees tell us if you are flexible with ourselves (left knee) and others (right knee). If we demand too much to others or ourselves, or both.

Left ankle gives us to understand if we are patient or overwhelmed, if we wait or we are a desperate (flexibility in waiting). Right ankle brand safety, faith, strength in our movement forward or, instead, variability, uncertainty, which does not allow us stomp in life, or doubts do not allow us to take the next step, to live, perhaps all life on one foot, the last, the left, while we turn to our right foot in the air by moving it from side to side without daring to support it on the floor in the future.

Right leg as we move into the future. The energy flows through the thigh (near future), followed by the leg (medium-term future), way down towards the foot (short-term future), which when deposited on the ground as a new step demonstrates a now energy that will flow into the past in the next step.

Some small steps leave large Footprints on the Heart

The left leg serves as a catapult left leg. We left leg support. The left leg firmly supports or weakens past experiences as positive or negative.

The main symptoms that can block the flow of energy in our legs are doubts, insecurities (right leg), which are symptoms of blockages in the solar plexus. Symptoms that can be found in the left leg are overwhelmed, despair, impatience (unbalanced symptoms and / or blocked sacral chakra), and concerns (symptoms that show blockages in the solar plexus).

The energies circulating on the block left thigh economic concerns. The power of the left leg support depends on the concerns or despreocupaciones as a symptom of security, faith and confidence we have. Left foot, and from the ankle, impatience, despair, the burden or peace accumulates. People who strongly support without delay, but if you hurry, in his past. People who wait because they feel happy and done with now.

Damian Alvarez

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