Monday, June 19, 2017


Physical Chakras
I also discovered, and based on that man if he really was created in the image and likeness of God had to be perfect, the Human Soul had to be perfect as God is perfect, and it really was.
Physically the Chakra are:
Base or Root Chakra
Chakra Sacral and Sacro
Solar Plexus Chakra
Spiritual Chakra are:
Crown Chakra
Third Eye Chakra
Throat Chakra
The heart chakra is the Astral boundary between the physical world and the spiritual world, between Physical and Spiritual Chakras.
Spiritual Chakras

Another discovery was the realization that each Chakra Physical concerned a Spiritual Chakra. It could not be otherwise: Absolute perfection.
The first relationship is Crown Chakra Base Chakra, the two inputs of clean energy that support the Human Soul.
The second relationship is Sacral Chakra and Throat Chakra. With Throat plan to create the Sacro. With the Holy develop create for the Throat.
Examples of the relationship between the Sacral Chakra and the Throat Chakra are many: Kids voice changes (Throat Chakra) when sexual development (Sacral Chakra).
Another example is that when people become sexually excited (Sacral Chakra) changes their voice (throat chakra) and cough or clear their throats in his throat at the slightest excitement.
Sexually frustrated people often suffer from hoarseness, voice breaks are, etc.
The third relationship is Solar Plexus chakra and the Third Eye chakra. Relationship between Ego and Alter Ego, between the physical self and the higher self.
* With the diagnostic and therapeutic practice you will see it better. Examples:
You will never find a person having problems Throat Chakra and who does not have the Sacral Chakra. The root of all linked illness always find the Throat Chakra in the Sacral Chakra.
A traumatized person (Solar Plexus) cannot think well, concentrate, suffer from insomnia, worry too much, will stress and psychological stress (Third Eye). All mental illness is in the solar plexus.
It is clear that the very materialistic person (Base Chakra) is far from God (Crown Chakra) and also use many fans spirituality (Crown Chakra) to escape the physical world (Base Chakra).

Damián Alvarez