Monday, September 28, 2015

Healing and Protection of the solar plexus with the Merkabah and the Antahkarana

Antahkarana heal, cleans and protects the solar plexus

There are many methods, techniques and healing systems that can treat solar plexus, and all help greatly, but if you've used mudras, mantras, colors, healing energies and quartz crystals and healing is delayed so precious chakra, so be it because I've kept locked / unbalanced for a long time because one or more traumas experienced too strong, or perhaps you are sending negative energies I recommend you try it with Merkabah and Antahkarana.

We, the Masters of Healing System Tinerfe, we know that with the healing energies Merkabah can treat any chakra, organ, manifest imbalance or disease. Negative energies also get rid successfully using this ancient symbol representing almost the highest power of the Creator of the Universe. And reinforce any part of the spiritual and physical anatomy.

The Antahkara, the preferably used to clean the Hara Line and chakras, so a combination of the two symbols / energy in the therapeutic process often give very good results.

The Merkabah the yellow or visualize Dorado, also the Antahkarana.
Merkabah to try the front of the solar plexus, while the Antahkarana work from the inside, from the Hara Line, directing it toward the front cone chakra from within, moving it to the left (as opposed to the movement of chakra) to to clean of negative energy and energy blockages.

The Merkabah, heal, load and protects the solar plexus


Arrange your right hand on the solar plexus and left on the chakra that you think is most affected by the imbalance of chakra above, I mean on the Sacral Chakra or the Heart Chakra.

Display the Merkabah golden color under your right hand and on the solar plexus while repeating his mantra at the same time in three series: "Merkabah Merkabah Merkabah". Each time you display the symbol repeat the mantra three times. Reinforce it throughout the session.

At the same time also display the same color Antahkarana Dorado, but from below, from the Hara Line, turning left and cone rising from chakra to the more open portion thereof corresponding mantra while repeating sel "Antahkarana, Antahkarana, Antahkarana ". Reinforce the process constantly.

Antahkarana and Merkabah. Two of many "faces" of the same coin

Merkabah while maintaining the focused, strong, balanced, protected and be charged with high frequency energy chakra, the Antahkarna the cleaning of these energies will not allow you to vibrate healthily, thereby achieving a healthy chakra, strong, protected and free of outside powers.

Also say that to use the powers named in this article do not need previous Initiations.

The therapy requires a certain power of visualization, but for people who are used to working with healing energies in a conscious and active as Reiki Masters and Angelic Healing Teachers do not have to be a problem.

Previous therapy is a courtesy of Tinerfe Healing System.

Damian Alvarez

The solar plexus and the connection with reality

The solar plexus he is due to give maximum physical and psychic importance

The Solar Plexus, commonly called the stomach, becomes unbalanced by traumas, fears and dislikes. Who has not ever been in his life, often daily or ...?

Most of the people through ignorance or perhaps Medicine Science pains associated solar plexus to meals or something always physical but it is not.
The Solar Plexus besides unbalanced at above (traumas, fears and dislikes) is unbalanced in contact with other people that you come across every day, whether at school, at home, in the office, at the bank, cinema ... and that is to better understand what the Solar Plexus connects to all human beings with whom you have a relationship whether physical, sentimental, emotional, spiritual.

For example, if your child goes to school and comes home with pain in his stomach was not because the sandwich he got sick (which could be) but most likely, due to the energetic interaction what happened is that your Plexus Solar connected with each student in the class or only one who had the unbalanced Solar Plexus or perhaps the master himself.
Hardly anyone had knowledge and information about this reality every day supports our solar plexus.

Ideally, people, science and medicine become aware, they arouse their interest.
and inform why almost everybody hurts my stomach.
Recently the creator of Healing and Therapeutic Tinerfe, Damian Alvarez wrote a book "The Solar Plexus, the Sun of Your Life" ( which clearly explains everything related to this important energy center, responsible for the origin of diseases.

Beatriz Pallés in

The secret of perfect health and happiness

Happy is he who is healed. Healed is he who is Happy

We know the root of disease and unhappiness: Fear.
Sorrows and frustrations trauma system unbalance the major chakras. We experience the traumas, sorrows and frustrations because we live in fear. If we lived in love never enfermaríamos us because we do not traumatizaríamos not apenaríamos us and not frustrate us.

We know that the traumas, sorrows and frustrations afflicting human beings not allowing happiness.

We know that there is no shame or frustration that is not associated with trauma, that is, that the penalties and frustrations suffered because of the trauma. The traumas block and / or unbalanced Solar Plexus chakra (mental chakra) is the one who understands "reality".

We interpret that reality with our teachings, and we have been taught to fear and not love.

Balanced Solar plexus. Secret of Perfect Health and Happiness

This exposure leads to several conclusions terminals:

The first root of any disease is in the solar plexus chakra.
That the solar plexus is unbalanced because of traumas.
The traumas that causes fear.
We have brought fear and so we traumatizamos and block the solar plexus chakra.
Traumas, sorrows and frustrations involve unhappiness.

Tinerfe Healing System. Experts in Solar Plexus Healing


With healing therapies as applied by therapists Healing Healing System Tinerfe deshacerían locks are in the solar plexus chakra balancing getting that energy center.

The pains and frustrations (all associated with trauma) disappear with the Healing of solar plexus chakra.

An education based on love as taught by the Master Healers Healing System Tinerfe avoid traumas, sorrows and frustrations, as the individual then interpret reality with love and not with fear.

Relevant protections as taught by Master Healers Healing System Tinerfe not allow external negative energies disturb the solar plexus of the individual, and do not unbalance nor would block.

The major chakras system is in good condition and were best physical energy or environmental pollution defend.

So, with healing therapies. relevant education, and good protection, human beings would not have ever sick, also live happily.

Choose to be healthy and happy. Choose Living with Love

Want to recover and / or maintain perfect health and also to become happy?

It is not easy, but not difficult, let alone impossible. Consult a Master Healer / therapist belonging to the School of Healing System Tinerfe, educate you to live with love and heal you.

Damián Alvarez

Friday, September 25, 2015

Load Energy Body with Crystaltherapy

You can load the body with energy with Crystaltherapy

Transparent Quartz 2 Generators
One in each hand
The two headed to the Body

Use when you are energetically Exhausted, in states of convalescence, long trips, etc.

(20 minutes while tune into the generators)

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Balancing the Chakras. "Central Stone" of each Chakra

Crown Chakra: Quartz Transparent

Third Eye: Amethyst

Throat Chakra: Turquoise

Heart Chakra: Rosenquartz

Solar plexus: Citrine

Sacro: Carnelian

Base: Smoky Quartz

Basic Energy load with quartz crystals

5 Quartz Transparent generators

1 On the Crown Chakra

1 in each hand

1 under each foot

Balancing the two cerebral hemispheres with Crystal therapy

Balancing the two cerebral hemispheres with octahedral of Fluorite

2 octahedral Fluorite
One on each eyebrow
eye! Fluorite octahedrons som very powerful,
not exceed the recommended time

(Tune with crystals, 11 minutes)

Balancing male / female energies with crystal therapy

Balance your Energies with Octahedral of Fluorit

2 octahedral Fluorite
1 in each hand
Tune with crystals (11 minutes)

Cleaning the Mind of Negative Thoughts with Crystal therapy

The Amethist Druse clen the Mind of Negative Thoughts

1 Druse of Amethyst on the Third Eye
(The Druze is changed for 1 Amethyst cabochon
To balance the Chakra after 20 minutes)

Get Crystaltherapy arrangement for Divine Wisdom

Get Divine Wisdom with this Quartz Crystal Arrangement

  • 1 Transparent quartz generator on the Crown Chakra
  • 1 Citrine and 1 Amethyst on the Third Eye

With this arrangement "compel" the Third Eye to vibrate with the Crown Chakra Frequency
and obtain divine Wisdom.

Citrine can be exchanged for a Stone of Gold.

(20 minutes)

Cleaning the hand chakras with Crystal therapy

Cleaning the hand chakras with Druses of Quartz Transparent

One Druse of Quartz Transparent in each hand

(20 minutes)

Therapeutic Quartz Crystal Trinity to Heal the Mind

Mind Trinity: Pyrite, Fluorite and Green Calcite

  • 1 Pyrite (Mental Clarity Perspective)
  • 1 Fluorite (memory, concentration, IQ, speed Thoughts)
  • 1 Calcite Green (Heal the subconscious)
3 crystals on the Third Eye.
(11 minutes)

How Energetically Cleaned quartz crystals?

A transparent quartz Druze can clean the other crystals

  • Sandalwood Incense
  • 1/2 Time to Sunlight
  • The Moonlight (not recommended)
  • With Energy Healing
  • Time for 1 1/2 Druse of Quartz Transparent
  • Under water flowing
  • Sal (not recommended)
  • With Saltwater (not recommended)
With sandalwood incense can also be cleaned quartz crystals

It not recommended Clean quartz crystals with Sal or Salt water, because salt is also Glass and verges and eventually they would remove the shine. Salt, to be Crista, l also absorbs negative energies, then we should first clean the salt before using it to clean the quartz crystals (something that seems absurd. Use Common Sense).

The best way to clean a crystal and the practice is placing the glass on a Druse of Quartz Transparent for 1/2 hour. In a Druze Large Miscellaneous Crystals can be cleaned at a Time

If you have many Clean Crystals can put in a colander for spaghetti and clean / Bathe with sandalwood incense smoke. Then they can be washed with tap water and dry with any cloth. Clean and bright.

Healing with Crystals can be cleaned one at a time. Crystal deposits in the Left Hand and give the Right Hand Healing. A lot of crystals may be sending distant healing.

The "Table Crystals" you can take the full sun for 1/2 hour.

If you work actively with Energy Healing in combination with Cristaloterapia just you need to clean the glass, since it Healing the self cleaning.

Remember that we are therapists and we must be practical in our work, no "Strange Rituals" in the Light of the Moon, on the beach, etc.

Damián Alvarez

Qualities of quartz crystals

Qualities of quartz crystals are Amplification, Reflection and Storage

  • Amplification
  • Reflection
  • Storage

Monday, September 14, 2015

How Quartz Crystals work in Healing and Therapies?

The Quartz Crystal have a specific etheric body

Quartz crystals have their particular shapes and size have been cut not because that way, but because they are living beings that grow following an Energy Plan a specific etheric body. For this there Rhomboids Crystals, Cubic, trapezoids, hexagons, etc.

Thanks to this energy field of quartz crystals and frequency Vibracionl have determined the color can heal and cure them. The Energy Field and color of a quartz crystal determines the frequency and Vibrational Healing qualities and Healing.

How Quartz crystals are formed?

A good example is the generator of transparent quartz that if growth meets Iron becomes Amethyst, changing its color and its Therapeutic
Properties. If conditions change Earth under Superior Temperatiuras 1,700 degrees then the Amethyst Citrine Becomes
also changing its color and its Therapeutic Properties.

Tuning with the quartz crystals

Tuning. Best Meditation with Quartz Crystals

Crystal in Left Hand

Alignment with the Light (see "First Level Spiritual Healing")

We Tuned with the Crystal when we no longer feel the physical contact of the crystal with our hand and begin to feel the energies of Crystal with our own energies.

(Meditation 20 minutes)

Quartz crystals (Introduction)

Quartz crystals have Healing properties

Many people do not believe in the healing properties of quartz crystals. Perhaps they have never felt their Energy Healing. Cause you do not feel the energy of quartz it is due to our daily stress, Agovio and Fixation in the physical world.
The crystal energy can not be changed, but if we can change our own energies. The more relaxed we are more raises the vibrational frequency of our soul and the closer we get the energy frequencies of the crystals. Then you feel the energy of crystals. It would be like tuning a radio station.
However, quartz crystals and their Qualities Amplification, Storage and Reflection we use every day and appliances in common use, as would be the Mobile Phones, Computers, Chips Credit Card, Screens Liquids of quartz, amplifiers stereos and of course, the famous watches Quartz.
In Devices aviation medicine and quartz are also used, for example: Lazer Beam, which uses a diamond.

Many devices are manufactured with quartz crystals

But it is not there, but crystals eat daily. Sugar, salt, vitamin C, etc., are good examples.
So that does not "create" in the energetic properties of the crystals is misinformed Little General Education.
God created us from the earth and is fully scientifically proven that our physical body is composed of all minerals, metals and crystals which is formed Earth, which aand need to maintain healthy body.
Properties quartz crystals continue to amaze us, balancing our energy even when we ourselves do not have the strength. But we not only Sanan, but also help us in our personal and spiritual development, protect us and give strength, vigor and zest for life.
Undoubtedly quartz crystals may turn out to be our best friends.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Charge the Chakras with Crystal Therapy

Charge the Chakras with Cristal Healing Energies

Basic Load Energy (available)

Balancing the Chakras (available)

4 generators transparent quartz directed toward "Central Stone" of Chakra Load desired (available in Cross)

In the same therapy you can load several Chakras,
Generators only change to the "Central Stone" / Chakra Load desired. In the arrangement of Photography are supposed to be loading the Sacral Chakra.

Therapy is very strong. Using every 3 months or need.

(20 minutes / each Chakra)

Heart Chakra Crystal Healing

Heart Chakra Crystal Healing with rose quartz

Basic Load Energy (available)

Balancing the Chakras (available)

4 Quartz Rosa around "Central Stone" Heart (available in Cross)
The "Central Stone" Heart Chakra is also a Rose Quartz.

Provision very effective to heal the sorrows, fears and heartbreaks.
(20 minutes)

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Graphic History of the Reiki System of Natural Healing by Dr. Mikao Usui

Dr. Mikao Usui Reiki Healing Masters

Dr. Mikao Usui Reiki Group

Dr. Mikao Usui Pupils

Dr. Mikao Usui




Damián Alvarez
Reiki Grand Master/Teacher

The Reiki Principles

The Five Principles of Reiki are a Philosophy of Life

The Five Reiki Principles were Selected and introduced into the system of Reiki Healing by Dr. Mikao Usui from two thousand Standards of Conduct that followed the Japanese emperors.

"Spiritual Medicine" if you the "take" heals 85% of all diseases.

Lifestyle philosophy, concise, simple and concrete, no less effective. The "things" of God are simple, they are for everyone.

85% of the Reiki Healing System is based on trying to meet these principles. Healing through the healing energies (laying on of hands, distance healing, etc.) make up only 15% of the Usui System of Reiki Healing Japanese.

Damián Alvarez
Reiki Grand Master/Teacher

First Level Reiki: Healing Imposition of Hands. "Light Bearer"

First Level Reiki Healing:  Imposition of Hands. Light Bearer

  • Introduction to Reiki Healing System / Usui Japanese.
  • Reiki History and Legend
  • Reiki, Spiritual Principles Medicine
  • Does it come from the Tibetan Reiki?
  • Levels of Reiki
  • Operation Healing by laying on of hands
  • The Gift of Healing
  • Ethics and Morals
  • Clean Energy of the "21 days"
  • What is an initiation?
  • Initiation Ritual
  • 4 Initiations
  • Angels, spirit guides, paranormal qualities and Reiki
  • Energy exchange
  • Auto Healing
  • Healing Meditations
  • Healing Chakra or First Aid
  • Healing Chakra others
  • Healing with the bowl sitting
  • Healing entire body. Full Reiki Therapy
  • Psychic healing
  • Group Heal
  • Healing Plants and Animals
  • Prayers and Energy Protections
  • The symbol of power
  • Using the symbol of power
  • Healing Circle
  • Tips and Warnings
Damián Alvarez
Reiki Grand master /Teacher

Reiki Healing Hand Positions for full body Treatment. Reiki Grand Master Damian Alvarez

Full body Treatment with Reiki is very Relaxing


  • eyes
  • temples
  • ears
  • rear Head
  • throat
  • 1 chest (above the breasts)
  • 2 chest (under the breasts)
  • stomach 1
  • stomach 2
  • stomach 3
  • groins
  • thighs
  • calves
  • Feet (whole body)


  • back 1
  • back 2
  • back 3
  • back 4
  • buttocks
  • Balanced (beginning and end of Spine)
  • Grounding (feet)

(Position 3-4 minutes, 45-60 minutes Therapy)

Reiki Hand Positions to Heal the Chakras. Reiki Grand Master Damian Alvarez

Heal the Chakras with Reiki Energies is very Effectiv

  • First steps
  • Heart Chakra (both hands)
  • Solar plexus / Third Eye
  • Sacred / Throat
  • Sacred / Base (púvico bone)
  • Balanced (Third Eye / Base (púvico bone))
  • Grounding (English or feet)
(3-4 minutes position, 20 minutes Therapy)

Damián Alvarez
Reiki Grand Master/Teacher

Reiki Hand Positions for a Therapy with the Receiver Sitting

Reiki Hand Positions for a Therapy witn the Receiver Sitting

  • First steps
  • eyes
  • temples
  • ears
  • rear Head
  • throat
  • Heart Chakra (a front side and the other dorsal hand side)
  • Solar plexus (hand front side and the other dorsal side)
  • Sacro (a front side and the other dorsal hand side)
  • Balanced (beginning and end of Spine)
  • Grounding (English, knees or ankles)
(3-4 minutes position, 30 minutes Therapy)

Damián Alvarez
Reiki Grand Master/Teacher

Friday, September 11, 2015

First Steps in a Reiki Therapy

1. Prayer
2. Opening up the energy of Reiki
3. Protect the site with the energies of Reiki
4. Load the place with the energies of Reiki
5. Open the Hara Line of  Healing Receiver


Opening to Reiki Energies

Protect the Place with Reiki Energies

Load the Place with Reiki Energies
Open the Reiki Healing Receiver Hara Line

Damián Alvarez
Reiki Grand Master/Teacher

Legend Reiki Healing System Japanese Dr. Mikao Usui

Mikao Usui. Rediscoverer Reiki Healing System

To record a Legend has a lot of little tale and reality.

"They say that one day Mr. Mikao Usui while teaching religion at a Christian college in Japan, of which he was director and talking about Jesus Christ his students asked him, and if it is true what he says and to Jesus Christ Where are the tests?

Not having to answer the Lord Usui students travels the world looking for a healing system that worked and not find it. Then he returns to Japan and starts to meditate fasted twenty-one days in Monte Sagrado whose name I do not remember. After twenty-one days, a sphere of light will hit the Third Eye (between the eyebrows) and understands all Reiki Healing System. Down the mountain trips and one foot hurts and heals. Low to eat at an inn and after a great feast heals toothache innkeeper's daughter.

Dr. Usui's now not return to school but is dedicated to applying Healing poor and beggars on the streets of Japan until he realizes that those who "returned yesterday healed sick today" and it was then he realized that if no value the Healing not put anything on your part in healing and you become ill.
It then decided to open a Reiki Clinic and starts to several people at Master Healing System, including his good friend was called Hayashi military which entrusted the management of the clinic.
While on vacation in Japan a Hawaiian lady named Takata gave appendicitis and surgery but decided not to go to the clinic of Dr. Usui. Heals Hayashi Takata and such was his interest that is initiated at the first level of the system.

Takata returned to Hawaii and practice Reiki Healing System for those parts until a day traveling to Hawaii Hayashi and Takata starts at the second level and Master System ".

Takata later in life starts Furumoto her granddaughter and husband.

Husband is Furumoto and those who believe "Reiki Alliance International" and introduce the Reiki Healing System in America and Europe.

After a while some Reiki Masters do not agree with the exorbitant prices of Reiki Alliance Masters and become independent.

Among these independent teachers he finds myself: Damian Alvarez.

Damián Alvarez
Reiki Grand Master/Teacher

Reiki and Reiki Healing System

It is supposed that Reiki is Good for Everyone

The word Reiki is made of two words: Rei which means Universal or Divine and Ki which means energy. The word Reiki, then it means, Universal Energy or Divine Energy.
When some people (the majority) say they practice Reiki practitioners are saying Divine Energy and could be the case, but not to practice a system of healing. Practitioners and teachers Reiki Healing System practiced a healing system and not a Universal Energy. Every "thing" we must call it by its name.

Reiki Healing systems exist today many, for all tastes and colors. But in terms of the classical or original methods there is only the System of Natural Healing Reiki Master Japanese Mikao Usui and Reiki System of Natural Healing Tibetan.

What is Reiki System of Natural Healing?
It is a philosophy of life based on the Reiki Principles and Natural Energy Pipeline System Divine Healing by laying on of hands or mentally Distance and through what is called "Breathing Esoteric".
Spread throughout the world for its ease of learning.

Damián Alvarez
Reiki Grand Master

Reiki Healig System Initiation / Attunement Ritual

The Reiki Attunement is a Initiation Ritual

Initiation into Reiki Healing System is a ritual where a Master System passes called "Reiki Powers" to a Student / Container System.
In the Ritual Master a sentence ago, it opens at Reiki Healing Energy, Protect and Charge Place Energetically. Then "Open" line Container Hara, will Activates / Opens soul star with the Energy Master, Open the Crown Chakra and Energy Starts at the corresponding level Reiki. Le Starts Third Eye Chakra Heart and hand chakras, then joins the hand chakras Crown Chakra so that the container can channel Divine energy, the third eye that can lead to healing energies through the hands With the thought, the Heart Chakra to channel Love and the solar plexus to have Volunta and give himself neighbor in Therapies. You will then Kasual Starts Chakra to spiritualize their thoughts and eventually makes it through the esoteric breathing called "Final Blessing". Master separates your Chakra System Student / container and closes the Energies. Thank God.

Are usually made four (4) Initiation, the three (3) first and fourth to reinforce "a Seal Lifetime".

Damián Alvarez
Reiki Grand Master