Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Negative Transcendence of our Negative Acts

Who is Aware of the Transcendence of their Acts?
Almost all of us are Destroying the World

How do these Commandments play out in today's world? The same negative beings can confuse us, and we really are not doing things right. Hardly anyone kills, thank God, but our actions or inactions can lead to the same outcome.

That's right, neither more nor less. In fact, when Jesus Christ was asked "what we should do to obtain eternal life", Jesus Christ answered: Comply with the Commandments of the Law of God. In this teaching we can see two very clear things: that by complying with the Commandments we would live forever, but also, that no one, to date, has complied with the Commandments, otherwise they would have lived forever, and that is not the case.

We believe that we do not kill but very few people remember those 6,000 children who die of hunger on the planet every day. We believe that we are supportive, but many times we forget to share, help, even the neighbor. That we remember the children who die in that war of almost a decade now, in Syria, not many people.

Do you want to save the planet? Don't Demonstrate but Plant a Tree

I see a lot of people demonstrating against climate change but I don't see anyone planting a tree . I alone do much more for the planet than all those millions of people who demonstrate every time I plant a tree. And I plant trees every week.

That through social networks they get in touch to meet and demonstrate, great!, or not. They do not realize that their computers, tablets and mobile phones are what are destroying the Earth.

Who, nowadays, dares to change the motorcycle or the car for a donkey? Since, it is those cars, motorcycles, the fuel they use and the asphalt where they circulate that is polluting the universe and poisoning the human being.

The current wars where many people die, almost always have a basic interest: maintaining control, some safe places on Earth where the oil that will be used as fuel for the vehicles of the vast majority of people who live in countries can circulate. rich and not so rich. Yes, "poor" people also want to be as "rich" as people in "rich" countries.

... to be continue

Get the Book  "The Great Power in the Commandments of the Law of God"  (link),  by Damián Alvarez.