Saturday, March 11, 2023

Vital Mission of every Human Being

Vital Mission: Do not be afraid, we all have a Higher Self

While we carry out our vital mission, we express our superior Self. We have so many talents that we fear our potential. Our wisdom is also very broad. Our vital task is to materialize our spirituality in order to create in the material world, for example writing, inventing, painting, planting, etc. We will achieve it when we lose our fear and unify all our wisdom for the benefit of others.

Trust in the Abundance of the Universe, in the Abundance of God

We also need to learn to trust in the abundance of the Universe and that we can meet our needs on our own. When we meet our needs we can open up to others and use our mental and spiritual clarity to create. We will become artists, scientists, co-creators of the Universe.

Surrender, Give of yourself and you will give of God, to God and for God

When we stop controlling others, and give of ourselves, surrendering our feelings to be able to relate to our peers and feel "real", with virtues and also with defects and weaknesses, then we will love, and God will love through us.

Live with Love, Be Honest with yourself, and with all Creation

Thanks to our great intellectual capacity we will be able to help others to solve their problems. Deep in our hearts we are very loving and honest people. Honesty will be our "vital tool" for creation.

With Love and Wisdom you will be God's Helper on Earth

If we free ourselves from the fear of being humiliated and express our creative qualities more, our "Higher Self" will overflow with love and affection, which together with our great talents will lead us to be highly appreciated people for our understanding, collaboration and solidarity. We will be helpers of humanity, helpers of God on Earth.

You are the Hand of God. The Manifestation of Spirituality

If we let our feelings, thoughts, and emotions flow out and accept the feelings, thoughts, and emotions of others, then we will share the emotions, thoughts, and feelings of the world. We will share, then, the energies of all human beings, while ours will move towards our Core Star, towards our divine essence, towards our "true and higher Self", and outward and towards God, thus our " Higher Self" on Earth. We are loving, passionate, adventurous, sane people. We are special for the mere fact of being. We are leaders of our life. We will come to have a very deep contact with others and with the Universe.

You deserve it. You are the Best, Leader of your Life to Improve the World

He manifests his "Superior Self" on Earth, carries out his vital mission in his incarnation, everyone who leaves the planet better than he found it, thanks to his love, wisdom, effort and tenacity.

with love to all
Damian Alvarez

Get the Book  "The Third Eye, the Light of your Life"  (link)
by Damian Alvarez.
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon  (link)