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Energy blockages caused by Fear make the Heart sick |
An energetic blockage in the Solar Plexus does not allow the life energy of the Heart Chakra to circulate downwards to the chakras located below the plexus, not being able to "irrigate" these chakras (Sakral and Base) with the love energies of the heart.
But where does the energy that does not pass through the Solar Plexus go because of these energy blockages?
Different energy blockages produce different energy symptoms, whether mental, emotional, sentimental or spiritual, to later manifest as physical symptoms.
Knowing the Human Spiritual Anatomy, I know reliably that if the blocks in the Solar Plexus cause fear or were caused by fear, then the life energy that should circulate through the entire Hara Line and therefore throughout the Chakra System Major and Minor accumulates on the left chest/breast, to later negatively and physically affect the breasts, lungs and especially the heart.
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The Disease of Fear destroys the Heart. Live with love |
All heart disease then comes from fear. It is not surprising, the human essence, its natural habitat is love. Fear, being the opposite of love, damages, makes the heart sick.
Fear is energy that blocks vital energy. That vital energy bounces (literally) off the Solar Plexus chakra, which does not allow it to flow since it is blocked and as if it made a backward curve, it goes up the Hara Line to the Heart Chakra and from there it accumulates on the heart organ.
I am not referring in any way to the "fear of ghosts" but rather the fear of living, of getting sick, of getting old, of not being liked, of being left alone, of not being up to the task, of failing, of what people will say , to lose everything, to die, etc.
Some people can release some of the energies accumulated over the heart through the Throat Chakra when they sneeze, cough, sigh, but the vast majority become physically ill sooner or later, be it breast cancer, lung cancer, or cardiovascular disease (the most common derived from fear).
The first symptoms are small discomfort and pressure on the left chest, later pricking and pain will be noticed that may spread throughout the arm in the same area of the body and then begin to somatize the negative energy of fear accumulated in that part of the body : arrhythmias, tachycardia, severe pain, angina pectoris and the classic heart attack.
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Love is the Best Medicine in the Treatment of the Heart |
The pains on the left chest do not usually go unnoticed by the person in question, which causes more traumas associated with fears (that is, more fear), such as fear of dying, fear of suffering a heart attack, etc., etc., which produces a greater accumulation of negative energy on the organ of the heart, finally and irremediably causing cardiac arrest.
The treatment would be a therapy where the traumas caused or that were causing fear to the patient are undone, and also a local treatment on the affected area, also undoing the accumulations of negative energy that imprison (literally), the chest and heart of the recipient of the therapy.
Fear, although starting from the Solar Plexus Chakra, also unbalances the Heart Chakra, which does not admit that energy back, being the most prone organ in that energetic zone and specific part of the body the heart organ where the negative energy will finally stagnate, causing the already specified symptoms.
The therapist must not only undo the energy blockages and the negative energy coming from fear and the cause of symptoms, illnesses and deaths, but also educate the recipient of the therapy in the Art of Loving, that is, to live with love and not in fear. ...
Get the Book "The Solar Plexus, the Sun of your Life" (link)
by Damián Alvarez.
Visit his Author Page of him in the Amazon Editorial (link)