Friday, November 22, 2019

Chakras, Aura and Colors (Part Two)

The Pink (Love) is the Life Center of the Universe

In your book "Walking the Soul" explain how the Hara Line is composed of light of different colors depending on the area, that is, what the White light entering the Crown Chakra through the "Star of the Soul" goes breaking the colors that make? If we look at the reverse, that is, thinking that the heart sends power to the higher spiritual chakras, for example to the throat chakra or third eye chakra, thenwould have to think the same way: the heart chakra send the throat chakra light pink, simply because no other, and so, wecommunicate with love.

The word "break" is real because the light is broken, but only a generalized use of the term to avoid having to explain the whole process in each of the paths between the chakras, a person with common sense and a minimum base knowledge about the chakra system could draw completely reliable and accurate deductions, that is, that 2+ 2, but is equal to 2 + 2, it also can give us four.

What amazes many people, and does not do further study of human spiritual anatomy, it is because they are always waiting to give you the knowledge already done, refined but yourself with the knowledge you have on human spiritual anatomy you can reach the same conclusions I terminals.

The idea is not satisfied and want to want to learn to grow more and more each day.

Damián Alvarez

Get the book  "Walking the Soul"  (link),
Damian Alvarez
Visit their  author page on Amazon Publishing  (link)