Friday, January 10, 2025

Channeling Aromas through Esoteric Breathing

If you can inhale aromas, you can also exhale them.

Esoteric Aroma Breathing:

1.       Align with the Light
2.       Change the frequency of the light in the tan-tien to the aroma you wish to channel, remembering the aroma in the tan-tien for a few seconds.
3.       Blow the aroma towards the patient's chakra, organ, body part or aura.

* Use aromas according to those that belong to each chakra and according to their therapeutic and healing properties (See: "Aromatherapy" in this same blog).
* For information on "Alignment with the Light" and "Esoteric Breathing" (See: "First Level of Spiritual Healing" and "Third Level of Reiki" in this same blog) be continued

Damian Alvarez

Get the book  "The Great Encyclopedia of Aromatherapy"  (link), by Damián Alvarez.
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Publishing  (link)