Thursday, September 21, 2023

Development of the Child's Chakras

Children's Chakras Are Not Yet Developed

If my father dies without me I still won't have all the Chakras developed. 

-How is this separation of the Chakras that were still united done?
-Did I then depend only on my mother's Chakras?
-When both parents die, what does this person look like?
-Test-tube children or children made in a laboratory, children whose genes have been altered, adopted children, children born from a surrogate mother whose egg is from a different woman? 

I answer your questions:

Look, just because we separate a chakra from our parents every 7 years doesn't mean that we can't separate them sooner or later, and not only if our parents die. Do not think that your parents' chakras are very helpful since they can also be wrong, and more than helping us with their chakras, what they do is impede our own development. You can see this in dominant parents who often tell their children: "as long as you live in my house, I am the one in charge, I am the one who wins," and many things like that.

Some Parents Do Not Allow the Development of Their Children's Chakras

Of course, separating our parents' chakras early may or may not be traumatic, frustrating and painful. Many times separating ourselves from our parents' chakras "early" can be a blessing. Our parents' chakras can become a yoke for our own energy body.
It is very difficult for the vast majority of parents to see their children as adults. Some even want their children to never surpass them so as not to feel less than, so instead of helping what they do is hinder.

Look, I'll tell you: When you separate your chakras from your parents, due to their death, and being a child, the first thing you do is connect your chakras to another adult person. For example, if your mother dies, you can connect your chakras to your older sister, to an aunt, to your neighbor.

As I said before, we do not separate from our parents' chakras only when they die, but it can also be if we leave home, travel, move to another country, or also if our parents separate and we have little contact with them. Although the energetic relationship still exists, it happens in a lighter way (so to speak). In these trips, separations, etc., is when the individual has to defend himself without the energetic help of his parents, and is when he truly develops freely.

In the first Years, the Child is connected to its Mother

Regarding your second question, I can tell you that we are mainly connected to our mother's chakras. For the first 7 years of our lives we literally lived inside our mother's aura. Our father comes and goes, but our mother is always there. It is between the ages of 7 and 14 that we can be connected to the parent of the opposite sex and experience sexuality through them, that is, girls fall in love with their parents (they are connected to their mothers' Sacral chakra). , and children from their mothers (they are connected to the Sacral chakra of their parents).
In any case, you could receive the masculine aspect of your chakra system from an older brother, an uncle, a friend of your mother, etc.

When both parents die, well, you know, traumatic, painful and frustrating for the child who is left energetically alone, but only until he connects to the major chakra system of another couple of adults who may adopt him, or to the priest and the nun who run that "orphanage".

The interaction and energetic resonance between the chakras of parents and children is something that happens naturally but it is not mandatory, it is not exclusive or exclusive. I explain to you: The baby who does not have a natural mother will seek the breast of the first woman who puts it in her mouth, and connects to her, not out of love, as some say, but out of survival instinct (Base chakra). . I'll give you examples: My parents were 3 uncles who worked at home (I grew up in one of those old sales), I never saw my biological father because he was working and when he came home late I was already sleeping. I am aware that my personality was influenced more by those 3 uncles than by my biological father.

All Separations are, at least, Traumatic, since in all
our relationships we connect, at least, the Solar Plexus chakra

Of course, genetically we inherit traits, customs, manias, and energetic illnesses from our natural parents, but this does not imply that we can have "energetic parents", that is, real parents, to whom we have our chakra system connected as support until the develop our own chakras as we grow.
I'll explain it to you another way: Every separation is traumatic. We connect even to those who mistreat us (Stockholm syndrome),  and if that relationship was also sexual, then very frustrating. Thus, when a couple separates, they suffer, but their "energetic intention" to avoid suffering is to connect to the first person who passes by, that is, to connect, at least, their Solar Plexus chakra and their Sacral Chakra to them. another person so as not to feel empty.

How it affects, on an energetic level, that is, spiritually, sentimentally, mentally, emotionally, and even physically, the child who grows up in a family of homosexuals or lesbians, well, I think it will not affect him much, since the child by himself He will unconsciously look for chakras of masculine or feminine people depending on the case and what he needs to develop in a balanced way.

Damian Alvarez

Get the Book  "Deep Spiritual Anatomy"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez.
Visit their  Author Page on Amazon  (link)

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

The Levels of the Chaktas

Apart from the Major Chakras we also have
a very Important Minor Chakra System

Do the minor chakras have levels like the major chakras, and vortexes? If the minor chakras are not linked to the Hara Line, how do we position them in the Spiritual Anatomy? Do they have colors?

Yes, the minor chakras have levels, or rather: each minor chakra system has a level, its own level, according to the major chakra to which they belong and receive energy. For example: The minor chakras of the legs receive their energy from the Base chakra, and are therefore associated with this energy center and the Etheric Body.

Yes, the minor chakras are linked to the Hara Line but indirectly, and through the major chakras. The minor chakras join the major chakras through what I call "paths between the chakras."

Yes, every chakra has a vortex. Understand that these small ones (in the case of the minor chakras and not so small in the case of the major chakras) are hurricanes of energy, which generate, absorb and release energy, therefore they have to be active, have strength, keep moving. , as if they were hurricanes.

Life flows through the entire Organism,
through Major Chakras and Minor Chakras

 To my knowledge, no one, other than myself, has deeply investigated the minor chakra systems that are part of Human Spiritual Anatomy. Therefore, I can only tell you about my discoveries, my own experiences: There are several minor chakra systems, the most important of which are the minor chaka systems of the legs and arms. They are located in all the energy bodies that form the aura (at least in the aura bodies that have structure), and they support the physical body. The best known, as they are treated in the Tinerfe Healing System Therapies, are those of the legs and arms, as has already been said, but I can assume and assume that each major chakra has its own system of minor chakras that They help the main chakra to expand life energy in the aura bodies,

The minor chakras of the legs maintain the red color of the energy frequency of the Base chakra. I visualize the arm chakras as very light blue, perhaps related to the higher chakras.

I imagine that the system of minor chakras associated (for example), with the Third Eye, will be lilac in color, the same frequency of the light with which this major chakra vibrates. The minor chakras that make up this system would be those located in the temples, under each eye, on each side of the forehead, cheeks, on the back of the head, etc.

The Minor Chakras join the Hara Line
through the Major Chakras

We have around 4,000 minor chakras, and the main function (or therapeutic function that concerns us) of each and every one of them is to sustain the physical body with vital energy.

We have a chakra on the upper lip and one on the chin, another on the tip of the tongue. We have minor chakras near each ear and at the back. We have minor chakras in the breasts, under each last rib on the sides of each major chakra forming crosses with them, in the shoulders, in the hips, in the lumbar, in the neck, buttocks, and even in the testicles, penis, ovaries, clitoris and scrotum.

There is also an even smaller system of minor chakras that would be called "acupuncture points." Likewise the points used in Reflexology.

I will continue researching but I am 99% sure that in the internal organs such as the liver, kidneys, heart, etc., there are also minor chakras.

Get the Book
"The Great Encyclopedia of the Major Chakras System"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Blocked or Unbalanced Solar Plexus: The Root of All Disease

Blockages in the Solar Plexus. The Root of All Disease

We have said before (in other articles) that the root of all illness is fear, the opposite of love, so how are we going to say now that the root of all illness is found in the sick Solar Plexus? It is only a literary question, that is, of expression.
We will always find the first root of all illness in the Solar Plexus and the first cause of all illness is fear.

Traumas are what block and energetically unbalance the Solar Plexus, and of course the cause of said blockages is always fear.

There are four factors that traumatize human beings. Let's understand that trauma means a blow, in this case a blow to the pit of the stomach, to the Solar Plexus.
Traumas are due to scares and upsets, witchcraft, negative energy that is sent unconsciously (jealousy, envy, etc.) and energetic interaction with the sick Solar Plexus of other human beings.

Energy blockages in the Solar Plexus chakra do not allow life energy to flow naturally through the Hara Line from the “Soul Star” to the “Earth Star”, which overloads or energetically weakens the other chakras.

As energy does not flow properly through the Solar Plexus, it becomes trapped in the chakras above it (Heart chakra, Throat chakra and Third Eye chakra), causing an energy overload. The opposite happens with the chakra that is below the Solar Plexus, but with an energy deficiency, since the life energy does not pass through the Solar Plexus to the Sacral chakra. In both cases, the proper functioning of the other chakras is altered.

Healthy Solar Plexus. Perfect Health, Inner Peace, Happiness

The Sacral chakra is related to the Throat chakra which will become unbalanced over time. The Solar Plexus has a direct connection with the Third Eye, which will also cause it to become unbalanced. The Crown chakra and the Base chakra will remain isolated from the rest of the Major Chakra System, also becoming unbalanced.

Knowing that the root of all disease is found in the Major Chakra System and the root of the imbalance of the Major Chakra System is found in the Solar Plexus, then we deduce that the first root of all disease is found in the Solar Plexus.

Therefore, a healthy person is the person who has a healthy Solar Plexus. It is impossible to find a sick person, whether spiritually, mentally, sentimentally, emotionally and/or physically sick with a Healthy Solar Plexus.

So the best way to treat a sick person is to treat the Solar Plexus.

We also deduce that by keeping the Solar Plexus healthy and balanced we will never have to get sick.

Get the Book  "The Solar Plexus, the Sun of your Life"  (link)
by Damián Alvarez.
Visit  his Author Page on the Amazon Editorial (  link)

Monday, September 18, 2023

Meaning of the Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus. The Warrior of the Sun. The Lamb of God

Called in Sanskrit Manipura which means “Solar Network”, “Center of Power”, “Seat of the Soul”, “Luminous Jewel”, “Bright Treasure” or “Palace of Bright Jewels”.

In Russian the Solar Plexus area is called “Jibot”, a Bulgarian word that means “Life” and in other cultures the “Third Church” or the “Navel Lotus”.

He has also been called “Master of Life”, “the Sun of your Life”, “Master of the Chakras”, the “Solar Warrior”. (Damián Alvarez).

The names define the visualization of the Solar Plexus chakra as a large luminous network that extends its golden energetic rays in all directions, providing vital energy to the other chakras and the entire organism.

The Solar Plexus chakra is represented by a bright yellow ten-petaled Lotus Flower which signifies the qualities of this primordial chakra of the Human Multidimensional Anatomy. The ten petals indicate the active influence of the chakra in the center of the soul of the human being and in all aspects of his life, in all his chakras, in all creation and in the entire firmament. Apart from the numbers that are between 1 and 0, that is, 10, nothing exists. Without the Solar Plexus the human being would not know that he exists physically and thanks to the Solar Plexus the human being can live physically.

The Solar Plexus. The Sun of your Life. The Sun of Life

The “Lotus Flower of the Ten Yellow Petals” contains an inverted red triangle inside with 3 swastikas that is related to the element fire and means strength, power, vitality, vital energy, life, movement, action,...
Each petal of the “Lotus Flower” represents a Mantra, a different energy that sustains it and that it distributes to other energy centers and parts of the body.

The Solar Plexus controls the Prana or Ki energy that this chakra absorbs and distributes. It is responsible for all digestive functions, the activity of the liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys and all other glands and organs linked to nutrition and excretion; It is also linked (indirectly) to menstrual flow in women and influences the sense of sight in both sexes. Its focal point in the physical body is the Pancreas.

The solar plexus directs all functions of the physical body; Breathing, nutrition, elimination, circulation, growth, the nervous system depend on it... The Solar Plexus has a much older constitution than the brain, and it is he who has been responsible for forming the brain and nourishing it. . If its functioning is not hindered, the Solar Plexus is tireless and has all the possibilities to remedy the problems of the organism, to cure it and eliminate all kinds of diseases from it.

It is the only Chakra existing at birth, it has a greater number of petals than its immediate lower and upper one, it is also the largest Chakra, it is a Chakra that transcends the space-time dimension, it is a regulator and dispenser of Energies to the other Chakras, and it is related to our first consciousness.

Sun-shaped distribution of all the nerves of the vegetative nervous system, seeking each of the portions of the digestive tract system. That is why it is called solar (nerve) plexus (sun-shaped, radiant distribution).

The Solar Plexus. Treasure of Spiritual Jewels. Eternal Life

The Solar Plexus also works by protecting your personal territory (aura) from energies other than you. In the face of danger, this energy center can close or expand to protect the other energy centers of your body.

The Solar Plexus represents the Son of God incarnate, thus his body and blood are the bread and wine, wheat and grapes, foods of the Solar Plexus, foods of the Sun. Jesus the Christ represents the power of man created in the likeness of
God . Balance, strength, security, life.

Pay attention that the Manipura chakra is also often represented with a lamb in its central part just like Jesus the Christ... and is linked to Agni, the god of fire, the god of the sun: a powerful element that transforms the metal in useful or beautiful objects.

This energy center is related to power and willpower that has to do with the transformation of the being. It is the power that recognizes and understands feelings (Heart chakra) and emotions (Sacral chakra) and acts accordingly.

“The Manipura chakra is like the morning sun. By meditating on it with our eyes fixed on the tip of our nose we could move the world.”

Get the Book  "The Solar Plexus, the Sun of your Life"  (link)
by Damián Alvarez.
Visit  his Author Page on the Amazon Editorial (  link)

Monday, September 4, 2023

Current Wrong Symbology of Love

Erroneous Symbolism of Love. Love Transcends Relationships

Yes, you read clearly: Wrong symbolism of Love.

To say the previous words I base myself on what is used as a reference today when we need to find the meaning of something: the Internet.

Many times, my students tell me that they were never wrongly educated, but of course they were. It is not only the words of our parents that educate us but also society, culture, religion, which almost without words but subliminal messages through the media, whatever they may be, impregnate our minds and souls with culture, education that, perhaps, some are interested in having, that we believe in, that we live according to.

Until not too long ago, television occupied the most important place in the "education" of society. Television has given way to the Internet, and, of course, the Internet is made up of many individuals who were "educated" by television.

Right, wrong, moral, ethical, good, evil, etc., etc., have been instilled in our minds and souls through a modern Western "culture" created by people with certain interests, and in a way interested and predetermined, for example: "The good are the whites, the bad are the blacks," or perhaps "he who steals from the rich is good because the rich have a lot and that is why they can be robbed." More examples would be: The massacres in wars that are shown in movies as acts of heroism if they are carried out by the good guys, but if the massacres are the bad guys, then they are atrocious crimes. Computer or console games that teach children to hit, insult, assault, shoot and kill in cold blood,

Wrong Symbolism of Love. Love is not Impossible but Interest

What I am trying to say is that depending on which "side" the information comes to us from, they make us see it in one way or another depending on the interests of where that information comes from, that is, that we have been, we are being educated in an interested way. .

With respect to love there is also an education, of course, also erroneous, an education that rather distances us from love, from our neighbor, from the other human being, a selfish, partisan, interested education.

Searching the Internet for photographs that symbolized love to illustrate some of my articles, I found many photographs "baptized" as "true love", "real love", "true love", "love", but none really symbolized Love. This did not It happened only in searches in Spanish, but also in English, French, Italian, Swedish, German, Russian, Chinese, etc. Which shows that the problem is truly global.

The photographs that supposedly represented love were those of "a mother with her baby in her arms" and "a couple in a romantic attitude", that is, two representations that have nothing to do with real love, disinterested love. , that love that Jesus Christ speaks of, and even God himself.

What messages are we sending to this and future generations? How are we educating our children? What do we ourselves believe is love?

Wrong Symbolism of Love. Love is more than Sex

Of course a mother can love a child, but what about loving the neighbor's child as your own, as God commands? Of course couples should love each other, but why not love each other the same way you love your partner? Why is the love between human beings called friendship and not true love, even if they are not related or do not have a relationship as a couple?

Why is sexuality associated with love? Why you can love and have sex, and you can also have sex and not love, but love transcends sex.

Fatherhood and motherhood is very beautiful or not. You can love your children or not. You can take care of your children without loving them, and of course people who do not have children also know, can and love.

The exclusivity of love that has been granted to couples and mothers is totally absurd. Where are those photographs that truly demonstrate selfless love? The photographs of friends who hug each other, colleagues who help each other, people who care for those in need, photographs of unity, solidarity, photographs of compassion, charity, justice, temperance, creativity, faith, etc., those virtues that They really demonstrate love put into practice.

Don't believe the lies on television and now the Internet: Sex is sex, love is love. Motherhood is motherhood, love is love. Don't believe the lies of those who say "if you haven't had a child you don't know what true love is" or "if you haven't been in love you don't know true love."

Erroneous Symbology of Love. Love transcends the Couple

Furthermore, what is called "making love" is just "making sex .  " "Making love" is taking a piece of bread from your child's mouth, breaking it in half, and giving the other half to the neighbor's child.

Love is the Art of being yourself, the Art of living as a spiritual being created in the image of God. Love is only for everyone equally, without qualifications, without conditions, without ways, without kinship, without limitations. We cannot be parents to everyone, but we can love them. We cannot have sex with each human being but we can love them.

So, we can now change those preconceived ideas of what love is, we can now change those photographs on the Internet for real photographs that represent love. We have the possibility of changing the world for the better. "Let's use the Internet to Spread Love around the World." I already do it but don't leave the "work" to me alone.

In any case, the "labels" only limit, they really nullify your infinite capacity to love, because if you don't have a partner or relatives, then (according to the system (the wrong symbology of love)) you couldn't love.

I am a Healer and I channel love indiscriminately to everyone equally. Healed by love, and I know that a true Healer is 24 hours a day. I am a Healer 24 hours a day, so I consider myself a true healer.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

The 7 Levels of Love. The 7 Levels of the Heart Chakra

Each chakra has seven levels, different vibrational aspects of expression of the same energy, supposing it is pure, that starts from that specific energy center. Follows the natural expression of the Heart chakra levels.

Every time you Love your Neighbor you are Loving God

Heart Chakra (Divine Level, ( Highest Level)) :

Love of God. ("You will love God above all things")

But how do you love God? God is loved by elevating each and every Major Chakra System in its entirety, to the energetic level of love frequency. When you love creation, then you are loving God. When you work with love, then you are loving God. When you love yourself, then you are loving God. When you love your fellow man as if he were really your fellow man, then you are loving God. When you plan and speak with Love, then you are loving God. When you think with love, then you are loving God.

Loving God is expressing with your soul, in your life, that, in truth, you are a being created in his image and likeness, an infinite flow of creative, selfless and indiscriminate loving energy. Impossible to live with love and not love God. If you love everything between heaven and Earth, including yourself, then you will be loving God.

Thinking with Love is the Rain that will make the Seed Germinate and Grow

Heart Chakra (Spiritual Level): Think with love. Impossible to think with love and not love ("You will not have impure thoughts") Allow your Alter Ego to express itself at that level. Think with love. May your spiritual mind not be negatively affected by your Ego. May your thoughts about creation be of love. May your thoughts about creativity and work be of love, May your thoughts about yourself be of love. May your thoughts of change and development be filled with love. May your thoughts about all human beings be of love. May your thoughts about God be full of love.

Teach Love with Love to Love. Basis of Human Development

Heart Chakra (Angelic Level): Plan how to create and develop with love. Loving creative expression is born in planning based on love. ("In the beginning was the Word..., and the Word was Love.") Plan with love so that you develop with love. Read, write, speak,  listen  with love. Study and teach with love. Communicate in every way with love. True education should always be based on love (and not fear). The true Master must know how to transmit that love to his students (complete creation) through his entire Major Chakra System (as we specify in this article). Furthermore, he must express that capacity for planning, developing and transmitting teachings based on love in all aspects of his existence.

Loving is NOT Helping the Needy
 Loving is NOT allowing anyone to Need Help

Heart Chakra (Astral Level, Sentimental Level): Love every human being. Loving all other people ("You will love your neighbor...") Loving others is easy, although a little complicated when you don't know how to love consciously. You could also say that today's society does not allow "love", but love does not always have to be an expression, a materialization. Love is energy, and you can always love even if you don't lift a finger to help anyone (you are still helping perhaps more than you think).

Consciously directing love toward others is simple: "Be yourself and allow others to be themselves." Free yourself from criticism, judgments, prejudices and other preconceived ideas about good and evil. Be and allow yourself to be. Learn that you are a being created in the image and likeness of God, pure love, and just be "that".

The "understanding" will raise your soul to a divine level of acceptance of what you cannot change because it must change on its own. Understand everyone else (they don't know what you know now) and understand that no one understands you (they don't know what you know now). They will learn...

Mistress, be...

to be continue...

33 Years at your Side