Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Congratulations Damien Alvarez

I want to give my sincere congratulations to Damián Alvarez for his article on mudras and love breaks.

Interview with Damián Alvarez about the Mudras in the magazine "Desparejados". 

"Mudras and Love Breakups"

The Photographic Montage is the Work of the Magazine "Desparetados"  (link)
Introduction to the article by the "Desparejados" Magazine:
"For quite some time I have been thinking about the possibility of bringing the world of Mudras closer to the magazine   as powerful therapeutic tools. I recognize myself as a fervent believer in the innate capacity of our hands to generate authentic healing circuits, but for those who are not or do not know them, I think this article will be very useful. Obviously there is no news in talking about  Mudras  (just search on the internet), but it has always been difficult for me to find a practical application of this ancient knowledge to the specific problems of heartbreak. It is not surprising that when I decided to seek experts in the art of  Mudra , not only did I find Damián Alvarez  as one of the top experts in the field, but he was also the only one I saw use them to heal heartbreak and love breakups. It was looking at his resume, researching his blog and knowing for a fact that he was the one we should talk to. I contacted him, and with surprising predisposition and haste he told me that yes, based on my questions, he would create a very interesting article on Mudras and emotional breakups. I am really proud to be able to show you how these simple manual postures will help you in your pain processes through the worked and expert words of  Damián Alvarez , who as he well said:  “I will be delighted to do it, everything is for the good of humanity. "Thanks from Despaired for your altruism Damián "...
If you want to read the two complete articles on Mudras to treat sentimental, emotional and mental wounds caused by love breakups visit the following links from the magazine" Desparejados ":
Finally, Damián Alvarez, he wanted to wish us all the best of luck to all the unpaired, and from Desparetados we thank you and wish you the best of luck in all the projects that Damián carries out.

* Inform that both the text and the graphic material  in this article  are the work of the magazine "Desparejados"

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Wrong Symbology of Happiness

Happiness does not depend on how much you have
but on how much you give

What is happiness? For me, happiness is experiencing inner peace, that is, peace of mind, emotional, sentimental and spiritual. Happiness is well-being, feeling good inside, feeling fulfilled.

Everyone really knows and talks about happiness, an inner state, so I do not understand that effort to associate happiness with material things, with possessions, and even with relationships.

The symbolism of happiness, instilled in the mind and soul, yes, the soul of the human being, by a commercial system, which tries to sell us a bottled, packaged happiness, is not that it is totally wrong, but that it also condemns unhappiness to the less handsome.

Once, a student / friend of mine told me: "I don't care, but I cry better on a porch than in a seat 600". I completely agree with my friend because God promised abundance to all of us, and of course neither wealth nor poverty are synonymous with happiness, but what we have been led to believe is the highest (material) wealth is of course the lowest wealth, and it brings no happiness whatsoever.

Personal Fulfillment is a Basic Pillar of Happiness

You can give millions to an unhappy, depressed, emotionally poor person and not by obtaining that money will he regain happiness, health, well-being.

There are many types of wealth, and material wealth is the lowest (as I said before), and the most absurd, because it is wealth that pollutes, destroys, impoverishes the human being as a worthy, ethical, moral, spiritual being, solidary.

There are people who are capable of killing for money, and in fact they do it, if not directly, if polluting the environment, destroying nature, at the cost of the health of human beings and other beings.

The richness of feeling fulfilled, for example, is a higher wealth than physical wealth, and it does bring happiness.

Love cannot be bought or sold, but it fills the Heart with Happiness

The wealth of knowing how to love, do it, and feel, allow yourself, be loved, is still a superior wealth, and it also brings happiness.

The wealth of knowing God is the most precious good and absolute happiness.

What good is it to you to obtain wealth if it is at the cost of the happiness of others? What good are the riches that kill the birds that sing, and the children that sing? What are your wealth worth if you are unable to contribute anything good to the planet that was your cradle and your playground? What is your wealth worth if no one loves you, nor are you incapable of loving anyone? What is your wealth worth if your unhappiness eats away at your soul and you are unable to sleep a single night with peace in your soul?

Life, the happy life, is more than all those possessions that if not used for the good of all are only garbage, and if they are not considered garbage now, they will be garbage in a few years. Mountains of junk, of poisonous gases and liquids, which your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren will eat, breathe and drink. Your legacy to Earth, your legacy to future generations.

Happy is everyone who leaves the Planet better than Found it

I know for a fact that your soul will not be healed by the latest model of yacht, car or dress. Do not be so absurd or absurd, to believe that you will feel better, that you will be happier the more money you have. With what is necessary is more than enough to be happy, because it is the only thing you need to keep your physical body alive. Spiritual food, that food that your soul needs so that you can become happy does not come bottled or packaged, it is not bought in department stores, but is born from you and transcends you, reaching the entire universe, and therefore yourself too.

Let's try to symbolize happiness in a serious, mature, true, conscious way. The rains of bills do not make anyone happy but they rude and complex our children, and ourselves.
To symbolize happiness with material goods is to mentally mistreat every person who is less materially graceful, and quite the opposite of solidarity and charity.

Let's be smart, let's be happy, ...

Article by Damián Alvarez at

Monday, March 29, 2021

The Great Age of Love Spreads Through the World

We are the Great Age of Love. Yes, You and I, All

The Great Age of Love has begun. We are all One. Yes, All.
Love creates. Love is Evident.
Love will always sprout because it is unlimited.
Planet Earth, without a doubt, the Planet of Love.
There is only one way and that is that of Love.
Love does not know Fear. Love is You, free from Fears.
It is never late, learn to educate your children with love.
Educate with Love to Love.
I Love, You Love, He Loves, We Love, You Love, and they Love ...
Loving (Perfect Conjugation):  Loving All Day Every Day.

Love transcends the Relationship with oneself and with the Partner

Loving. May every Day be the Day of Love for All.
To love. Natural Habitat of the Human Being  resembling its Creator.
Loved. Right of all living beings,  be they Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral.
The Verb Amar is never conjugated in the Conditional. The Verb Amar is Unconditional.
True Love must Transcend the Relationship of the Couple.
Only Selfless Love is Love. 
Love yourself for who you are and because you are the way you are.
The volume of Love that you can distribute is not proportional to the size of your Hands.
You are the Life, the Love eager to Manifest.
You are the Hand of God on Earth. Live consciously with love and you will be happy.
... and do not forget The Key against all suffering:  "You will love God above all things."
Damien Alvarez

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Blockages in the Solar Plexus. Interaction and Energetic Resonance. Energetic vampirism. Potential Healers and the Importance of Protections

In Every Relationship there is an Interaction and Energetic Resonance

The human being is made up of a physical body and seven superimposed energy bodies that form what is called Aura. A System of Major Chakras in direct relationship with the seven energy bodies with which we experience life.

Each energy body supports a vibrational aspect of man. For example: The Emotional body is composed of emotions, passions, the Astral body is composed of feelings such as love.

All human relationships are energetic relationships. Feelings, thoughts, emotions are energy, there is no doubt about it.

Every time two human bodies are related there is an energetic interaction between them, an energetic interaction between these vibrational bodies.

In all relationships there is at least one energetic connection and it would be the connection between Solar Plexus and Solar Plexus. A relationship between the "I" (Ego) and the "I" (Ego) of the two people involved in the relationship. In every energetic connection there is an energetic interaction and therefore an energetic resonance.

The Energetic Interaction from Solar Plexus to Solar Plexus is always happening

With the Sacral chakra we only connect with the people we desire sexually or to whom we have resentment, anger, etc. With the Heart chakra we only connect with the people we love, feel sorry for, etc., but with the Solar Plexus chakra we connect with the whole world, with all human beings.

Today we live (much to my regret) in a traumatized world, a world of sick people. There is no person who is completely healthy if some good Teachers and Healing Therapists are not. People get sick, they get old, they get depressed, they become violent, they are not happy because they are not healthy, of course.

Keep in mind, then, that with anyone you are in relationship with will be a relationship with a sick person. Whether you know it or not it does not matter, your Solar Plexus will always connect to the Solar Plexus of the other person and vice versa. Your Solar Plexus will heal the Solar Plexus of the other person or the Solar Plexus of the other person will make yours sick.

The relationship, interaction and energetic resonance do not always have to be physical, it can happen over the phone, via email (Internet) or just with someone else thinking of you or dreaming of you.

Assuming that the vast majority of people have a blocked or unbalanced Solar Plexus to a greater or lesser degree, the Solar Plexus of others will affect your own Solar Plexus in a negative way.

"Unconscious Energetic Vampirism" happens in every Relationship

Conscious or unconscious Energetic Vampirism always happens. If you have a healthy, strong and balanced Solar Plexus, the Solar Plexuses of other human beings will "want" your healthy, strong and balanced energies, but you may feel bad because they will absorb your strength, vigor and desire to live, hence the importance of the "Energetic Protections of the Solar Plexus".
A good Healer must always have a Solar Plexus in the best possible condition because it is a challenge to heal the Solar Plexuses of other people and it takes a lot of vigor and strength to stay balanced.

If when you meet a certain person you feel nauseous, dizzy, colic, it hurts, burns and your stomach becomes inflamed, if you feel generally discomfort you feel nervous, you feel ashamed, and much more, think that those Symptoms are energetic and are from the person you met and not yours.

Become aware of reality. They have taught us without words that what you feel is yours. Well, it's not like that, nothing you feel is yours. Let me explain: Illnesses do not come alone nor are they sent by God. If five minutes ago you had a good stomach, why now when you meet your friend do you feel nauseous? If when you get up in the morning you have a flat stomach, why does it get inflamed every time you go to visit your mother? Why do you get colic every time Pepito comes to your house? Why do you feel dizzy, nervous and listless when you arrive at your job? Why do you feel despair every time you enter that store? Why does it make you want to vomit when Luisa calls you on the phone to tell you about her sorrows and heartbreak?

Dizziness, Nausea? Do you feel the Solar Plexus of those around you?

Become aware, see reality. Everything that you feel (if you did not feel it before) is not yours, it is energetically transmitted from the sick Solar Plexuses of other people.

Do not think that you are going crazy or crazy if you can barely have a coffee in any bar or enter a department store or sit at the food table for five minutes in a row because you feel “everything”. What you feel about others is not yours, it is most likely that you are healing everyone else and that you are a potential Healer, a "Healing Link" of your family nucleus, of your group of friends, of the companions of work, etc.

Always remember that you are not going crazy / crazy, there is an explanation for everything. Most likely, you are healing everyone and you without realizing it. Surely those who call you weird or weird are living at the cost of your energy.

If that is your case, go to a Master of the Tinerfe Healing System, because you are probably a Healer and you will be able to learn to heal, protect yourself and understand the reality that surrounds you.

* Article by Damián Alvarez at

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Healing Child. Current Healing Link and Future Healing of Humanity

The Healer lives to Heal and Heals to Live. Union with the Whole

The truth, although many people do extract energy from others, is that all disease is contagious, at least at the energy level. Right now it seems that God wants us to realize, once and for all, that we are all one, and it seems that the physical manifestation of diseases transmitted at the energy level are happening almost instantaneously on the physical plane as well.

Any imbalance, be it spiritual, mental, emotional, sentimental, that is, the root of all physical illness, is contagious. Some time ago, it took about 10 years for an energy imbalance to manifest itself as a physical disease, each day it is happening faster.

Through interaction and energetic resonance, we connect to our fellow human beings, feeling and many times suffering from the diseases of the neighbor and vice versa.

God is doing his part so that human beings become aware that "as long as there is only one person who suffers on the planet, the rest of humanity will suffer with them." Bear in mind that God will not allow man to destroy himself, nor to destroy his creation.

May we all be One in All and May we all be One in God

We Healers have always known it, we have been aware of it. A Healer heals the sick person, balances the unbalanced, relaxes the disturbed, etc., but most people are not Healers (although we can all become one), and instead of healing the sick and balancing the unbalanced, they are the energies of the sick and the unbalanced which make them sick and unbalance them. Thank you that God has put a Healing Link or Healing Child in each group, in each family, in each place, in order to break the energy contagion between human beings.

I was a Child Healing, I was a Healing Link, and I realized the reality at an early age: "That I was healing my parents, brothers, uncles, grandparents, cousins, schoolmates, etc. I was not the one that I was sick, but that I was the one who (literally) carried the diseases of all the people who were around me. " Now, and every day, more and more people are awakening to this eternal reality, or as Jesus Christ said through the mouth of his disciple John:

«So that all may be one; as you, Father, in me, and I in you, may they also be one in us! "  (John 17:21)

+ 50 Years as a Healing Link

Friday, March 26, 2021

"Perfection in Love": Healing Energies channeled by Damián Alvarez

The LOVE Mantra, and the "Perfection in Love" Symbol,
Healing Energies channeled by Damián Alvarez

The mantra "Love" has been used by the Tinerfe Healing System since its creator, Damián Alvarez, channeled the "Perfection in Love" energies. The symbol and mantra "Perfection in Love" can be used with great benefit, especially to heal the double "organs" such as ovaries, thyroid, kidneys, breasts, lungs, eyes, cerebral hemispheres, and of course the physical heart. .

In reference to the chakras, and although the symbol and mantra "Love" can be used in each and every one of them, therapeutic practice shows that it works better on the Heart chakra and Sacral chakra.

LOVE, the Universal Healing Energies for Excellence

The symbol and mantra "Love" can also be used on any extremely serious organ or part of the body that needs extra energy or urgent healing.
The "relaxation bubbles" charged with the "Love" energies are very pleasant and increase peace and temperance.

The symbol and mantra "Love" work much better in association with the "Pink" colored light energies.

For more information on the symbol "Perfection in Love" visit the blog of the Tinerfe Healing System or get the book "Perfection in Love, Healing Energies for Excellence" by Damián Alvarez.

30 Years Healing and Educating the World

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Everything God gives you is free. What the Human Being has Created is not.

The Beauty of Creation is free.

Let's take a look around us and everything that Creation gives us is free. The sun, the moon, the air, the breeze, the crying, the caress, the sea, the stars, your hands, the sight, the song, the laughter, your creation, your cells, your skin, the aromas, the taste, touch, wind, love, kindness, compassion, your hair, your eyes, hope, faith, embrace, speech, silence, light, passion, dedication, charity, etc ..... everything you see has been created by God, your Creator.

Incredible true! You just have to enjoy, live and love what he has given you unconditionally.

This is the product of the Human Being


Of course, the Human Being has created beautiful things, and has made incredible advances, but surely none have been free.
You don't have to look around you to see what man has created. Fear, horror, pollution, poverty, famine, wars, weapons, drugs, devastates forests, extinguishes species, burns, pollutes lives, etc ... and all for a fundamental reason, for Money.
I wonder: And if money is the cause of so much evil, why not forbid it?


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Alter ego. The Power of the Higher Self

Do not hesitate, the Planet needs your Potential, your Higher Self

We start from the fact that every human being has a soul, and that his soul is made up of 7 energy bodies with 7 chakras with 7 levels each.

The Alter Ego of the human being, corresponding to the Third Eye Chakra, manifests itself in physical life in 7 different ways.

The Alter Ego or Higher Self transcends the Ego, the Self, overflowing towards all the other beings in the universe.

The introduction of the power of the Higher Self of the human being in daily life would cover all the rights of humanity and would create a dignified planet where one could live in peace and happiness.

Dare to be yourself. Dare to use your Alter Ego

  • Alter Ego (Etheric / Physical Level): My Self and your Higher Self only want all of humanity to have their basic subsistence needs covered.
  • Alter Ego (Emotional Level): My Self and your Higher Self only want all of humanity to work on what they want, for everyone to have the work they like.
  • Alter Ego (Mental Level): My Self and your Higher Self only want all of humanity to feel fulfilled.
  • Alter Ego (Sentimental Level): My Self and your Higher Self only want all of humanity to live with love. Love and be loved.
  • Alter Ego (Cetheric Level): My Self and your Higher Self only want all of humanity to develop, study, learn, educate themselves.
  • Alter Ego (Angelic Level): My Self and your Higher Self only want all of humanity to be in solidarity.
  • Alter Ego (Divine Level): My Self and your Higher Self only want all of humanity to know God.
Unleash the power of your Higher Self. Allow yourself to be free, big and strong as God created you. Be yourself, just like everyone else.

* Article by Damián Alvarez at