Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Quartz Crystals (a small introduction)

Quartz Crystals are characterized by being able to store, refract and amplify energy.
Some people call all crystals "stones" and that is not so. A stone is a stone and a quartz crystal is a quartz crystal, things as they are. We have to make a big difference between glasses, quartz crystals (badly called semi-precious "stones") and ordinary stones with a more opaque and no light.

Some people also do not believe in the properties of quartz crystals that are scientifically proven today. Which leads us to the conclusion that what some call skepticism is just ignorance.

Mobiles, computers, spaceships and an endless number of devices have quartz crystals inside. Without these crystals and their characteristics, their operation would be impossible.
The quartz crystals could well be used to cure and heal illnesses since with the crystals they can precisely undo, direct and metabolize the Energies and the Human Being is Energy. It is clear that crystals are cheaper than medicines and their use would not be profitable compared to the large pharmaceutical multinationals.

It is precisely these scientifically proven properties of quartz crystals that an experienced therapist uses to balance the human energy body, that is, his soul, where the root of all physical manifestations of diseases and dysfunctions is usually found.

Also say that what modern science has now shown regarding the properties of quartz crystals has been used since the dawn of humanity in all known cultures.

Anyway, for people who still do not believe in the healing properties of quartz crystals, inform them that every day the human being ingests a quantity of crystals such as sugar, salt, vitamin C, etc.

Friday, May 29, 2020

The Chakras System and Relationships. Infatuation and / or Friendship

Infatuation or Friendship. It does not matter because it is the same

Whether we want to or not, we relate to everyone, whether they are known or not. The relationships between human beings are defined by the energetic interaction between the System of Major Chakras of its own and that of the rest of humanity.

With the Solar Plexus chakra we connect to anyone, whoever, and always, for which all human beings are related.

For the above exposed and demonstrated (at least by my person), all relationship is soul, all relationship between human beings is energetic or if you prefer, spiritual.

Through the interaction and energetic resonance between the chakras of human beings an emotional, sentimental, mental and of course spiritual communication occurs. Without chakras, without emotions, feelings and other human energies, there would be no relationship.

Don't be afraid of relationships. Connect all your Chakras

Love spreads, it transmits, likewise, joy, passion, happiness, and also other not so positive energies. Of course, the people who best experience the energy of our chakras are the people with whom we have a deeper connection, a more intimate relationship.

But, the perfect relationship between two human beings is the one that is carried out by connecting the entire Greater Chakras System to each other. We are talking about really in love people or good friends.

Loving couples connect their Third Eye to each other because they have the same goals, ideas, projects, ideals. They also connect their Throat Chakra and have a good communication, in addition to planning and developing together and at the same time. The connection between the Heart of Lovers chakras is supposed to be obvious, lovers love each other. The Solar Plexuses of the couple feel fulfilled with each other, and each one reinforces his own leaning on the security that brings him (in this case) having a girlfriend or boyfriend, lover, husband, wife, or whatever you want to call to this relationship. Through the Sacral Chakra, lovers, not only who desire sexually, but also enjoy working, creating together.

Friends we can all be. Become Conscious

The relationship described above would be the perfect relationship, if there were no other even more perfect relationship (all redundancies apply). I mean the friendship relationship. In a good friendship relationship, it is also assumed that the members of that friendship perfectly connect all their chakras. the friendship relationship is a relationship based on love. The word friend comes from the Greek (amicus) which means love.

In today's society the separation between lovers and friends is merely sexual, that is, that the connection between the sacred chakras of friends should not be involved. But the above is just a prejudice or a taboo that has become widespread because why couldn't two good friends not have sex without having to be a partner (according to the current system). On the other hand, you must understand that the connection between the sacred chakras does not have to be sexual but could be creative: Enjoy creating together, as two good coworkers could. Anyway, I can fall in love with any person or persons without having to have sexual relations with those people.

Exposed the previous thing it is deduced that as much the relation of lovers as the one of friendship could be the perfect one.

When you are a Friend of the human being you will also be a Friend of God

There are other human relationships where only two or three chakras are involved but which, today are believed to be the most important relationships: The maternal relationship connects the Heart Chakra (love), the Solar Plexus (fulfillment) and perhaps no more between the mother and son. The relationship between lovers only connects the Solar Plexus (personal fulfillment) and the Sacral Chakra (sexuality). Coworkers who only connect their solar plexuses and their sacral chakras. The fraternal relationship only unites the solar plexuses and chakras hearts of the brothers. The teacher-student relationship is a connection between the throat chakras and the solar plexuses of each.

Of course, all relationships can be developed by connecting more chakras and become relationships of lovers or friends (which would be in practice, and free of prejudice, the same). Becoming aware of this reality provides us with an especially good tool, because if we are aware that we can consciously connect our System of Major Chakras to that of the other people with whom we relate, and then all other human beings do so. they would become, as if by magic, our best friends, our best lovers (even if we excluded the sex factor from the relational equation).

So, if we all fell in love with everyone, all the problems that afflict humanity today would end in no time ... and don't forget to fall in love with yourself, and of course with God.

Damián Alvarez at

Get the Book  "Interaction and Energy Resonance  between Human Beings"  (link)  by Damián Alvarez and Beatriz Pallés Visit their  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link) 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Friendship is a Chain of Love between God, your Friends and You (Teachings for the Day After)

He who Loves is also Happy because Sharing Love is Happiness

Love and love are an Art and a Science that can be learned (in fact, the Tinerfe Healing System school teaches how to love). No special talents are needed to learn to love but a predisposition to want to love, to heal. Actually all world healing methods are based on channeling the divine energies of love.

Love does not really heal, but returns the natural balance to the human soul, which should have always lived in love, in its natural habitat. The absence of love is what makes you sick. Love and love is natural (it should be).

Love is a powerful energy (the most powerful in the universe) that should flow from our souls to the souls of other living beings (including plants, animals, metals, stones, etc.) in a natural way.

We have tagged our "love". We have limited our "love". We have loaded the word "love" with a lot of adjectives (sexual love, brotherly love, maternal love, love between friends, etc.) that only disfigure and chain it, to such an extent that it reaches "zero degree", zero expression of love if I don't have a partner, family or friends.

Friendship is a Chain of Divine Love

Where is the "love your neighbor" or "love your neighbor as yourself" of Jesus Christ? not to mention the first commandment: "You shall love God above all things." Who can love God if they do not know what love is or how it is loved? Who can have a love relationship with another person if they do not know how to love? Who can have friends if they don't know what love is? ... I

also "discovered" or "re-discovered" that  human beings can consciously direct their own love energies towards other beings of creation, not only connecting themselves with the loved one but also connecting with God, creating a perpetual chain, eternal, you will see, of love, among all creation. The "chain of love" would always have at least three links: God. yourself and the being you love. In other words, you could say that  when you love, you connect your loved one to God's heart via your own heart. When you love you live, when you love you express your true self in creation, when you love you are "one" with God and the whole universe, and in that state it is impossible to get sick, in that state it is impossible to grow old, in that state it is impossible to die. In the state of "loving" one only "is" and one is eternally happy ...

Damián Alvarez

Get the Book: "Year 2015, The Great Era of Love Has Begun" (link),    by Damián Alvarez
Visit their  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Reiki and Quartz Crystals, Frontal and Dorsal Chakras and Tinerfe Healing System

A Reiki Therapy should only be applied Frontally always

First, that the Reiki Healing System is very basic and the hand positions that it uses are neither ton nor are. In previous articles I have written that it was absurd for the patient to roll over on the stretcher after half-therapy and very uncomfortable for obese, elderly or motor impaired people.

In Healing Systems with a foundation such as the Spiritual Healing System or the Tinerfe Healing System, one works physically (to say the least, since we know for sure that all the Spiritual Anatomy is connected, even if they are frontal and dorsal aspects of the chakras, the paths between the major chakras and the minor chakras, the different bodies of the aura, nadis, meridians, etc,) only on the front of the patient.

It is assumed, in my case, that by balancing the front of the chakras, because their dorsal part is also balanced. However, sometimes the dorsal part of a specific chakra must be treated, so in the Tinerfe Healing System we work on the dorsal part of the chakras channeling the healing energies through mental power and visualization.

Tinerfe Healing. Practical Use of Laying on Hands and Crystals

With the Quartz Crystals, the patient's dorsal area is sometimes treated, but always when they are specific symptoms such as severe back pain, lumbar problems, deviations of the spine, or exorcism, since possessions usually occur in the Hara Line and works best on the Hara Line from the back but not the dorsal chakras.

Anyway, if you want to treat the patient's back area you can do it, but I personally do not see anything practical. I would have to do a frontal therapy first and then, another day, a back therapy, which in my case is not necessary since the chakras usually balance their two aspects (frontal and dorsal) by themselves when one of them is balanced, and the visualization work if necessary.

I don't know what you mean by "the dorsal chakras receive energy"? All chakras transmit and receive energy, but it is with the front chakras that we connect to the world, to other people. With the front chakras we live, and it is usually that if the back of a chakra is blocked or unbalanced it is because first its respective front has become unbalanced or blocked, that is, that by a simple rule of three, balancing unlocking the front of A certain chakra should also balance or unlock its back.

Energies can be Mentally Channeled to Heal the Chakras

In my years of experience, I have never met anyone who had a fully balanced frontal chakra and its blocked back, that is, having the two cones of the chakra balanced always implies that the frontal is balanced first.
Here is an easy example: First you block the front of your Sacral chakra due to creative frustrations, which causes your dorsal Sacral chakra to accumulate too much energy and become unbalanced because of it. Another example (the same chakra): You use too much your creative energy (frontal aspect) which weakens the dorsal part unbalancing it. Therefore, balancing the front part of the Sacral chakra (undoing those frustrations (blockages) will unburden its dorsal part by balancing itself. In the second example, balancing the front part of the Sacral chakra that was too active, it will regulate the energy in its dorsal part that will regain strength.

Damián Alvarez
30 Years Educating and Healing the World

Monday, May 25, 2020

Spiritual Ecstasy,. and God will Return to Dwell on Earth with Men (Teachings for the "Day After")

Divine Mind, Enlightenment, Divine Ecstasy. Global Healing

The divine ecstasy should be the most natural state of the human being, since he is a being created in the image and likeness of God.

The divine mind is within each of us, we should only become aware of it, in order to obtain full happiness, full love, full health.

Divine ecstasy implies complete well-being in all aspects of our life. It would be living one hundred percent, that is, as true, real human beings.

Consciously meditating on the union of the divine being within you (your essence) with the Essence of the Universe, the Essence of God, will lead you to unimaginable forms of ecstasy, to a pure ecstasy, which you can also express in your daily life.

... and God will return to dwell on Earth with men

Denominated by some "Consciousness of Light", "Christ Consciousness" or "Illumination" surpasses the worldly human understanding, since its healing power and wisdom come from the First Source, overflowing its "bearer" for the good of all Humanity.

In other words, the enlightened human being has become one with the Creator and learns in the School of God. A real Divine School, where all the lessons are high, deep and transcendental. Where everything has a meaning, although previously it had never been revealed.

Healing at this level is not only personal but transcends the individual by healing and educating Humanity.

The day when all Humanity returns to the state of Divine Ecstasy, Enlightenment,

Get the Book  "Crown Chakra, God in your Life"   (link),
from Damián Alvarez
Visit their  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Saturday, May 23, 2020

How to Avoid Corona Virus Spread (Damián Alvarez Recommendations for the Day After (Second Part))

Essential Oil Diffusers can Effectively Keep
the Environment Virus Free Constantly and Easily

*Emphasize that the following recommendations will be carried out under their own responsibility. Please note that essential oils should not be used to treat children under 8 years of age. It is also not recommended for pregnant women,  epileptics , people with lung or severe cardiovascular disease. If you have any doubts, always consult your primary doctor first. People often hear about personal hygiene when it comes to protecting against the spread of the coronavirus, very rarely do they talk about disinfecting premises, homes, consultations, if not commercial stores, restaurants, and so on.

If you want to have your house clean of the virus crown, well, apart from normal hygiene with products that contain bleach, it is best to use an essential oil diffuser and have on hand, get some of the anti-viral essential oils ( there are quite a few).

Eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, niaouli essential oil, and a few others are strongly antiviral, so you can use them with great benefit in the diffuser of essential oils that are electric.

Bulb Aromatherapy Rings are a
Cheaper but More Cumbersome Alternative to Keeping Viruses Away

An essential oil diffuser is, broadly speaking, a small fan with a cloth or fiber filter covering it, which is usually exchangeable. Put two or three, or five or six droplets (use common sense, depending on the size of the room, office, local) of essential oil in the filter and place it in the diffuser. When the diffuser is turned on the small fan will spread essential oil through the air (spray effect).

Of great benefit not only to eliminate viruses of weak charge that may be swarming in the air due to the "sprinkling" effect, but also because they provide other health benefits such as niaouli oil that strengthens the immune system, or eucalyptus oil that we use aromatherapists to treat lung conditions, etc., etc.

You can also put a few drops of one or more of the essential oils mentioned above in the scrub bucket. The best thing about essential oils, apart from their penetrating aromas, is that they stay longer on surfaces due to their adhesion power, since they are oils (redundancies apply). Recommended if you are allergic or allergic to bleach (really all humans and pets are in any way).

To disinfect the soil, add 10 drops of
Antiviral Essential Oils to half a bucket of water. 

The recipe is 10 drops of essential oil per bucket of warm water.

When you buy a liquid for scrubbing pine or lemon floors, you are really buying natural disinfectants like pine and lemon essential oils that have disinfecting properties.

You can also put a few drops of essential oils on the cloths or cloths that are used to clean the kitchen supports, the tiles, the bathroom, the furniture, etc.

Essential oils can also be added to the washing machine by mixing a few drops with the laundry soap.

Add a few drops of Essential Antiviral Oil to the Detergent
Your Clothes will be perfectly Disinfected and Scented

Regarding food, I recommend dressing the food very well with oregano. Oregano is a very good seasoning, and not only for pasta and pizzas, but also for stews, compounds, and even on tomatoes in salads and sauces. It has been fully demonstrated that oregano is a very powerful antibacterial, in fact it is believed in the field of vibrational medicine that it is more effective than penicillin.

Returning to the essential oil diffuser, I can recommend it for offices, small premises, but also for large premises such as libraries, congress halls, hotels, schools, and even on public transport. They are not expensive, need little maintenance, and the best thing is that they do not disturb or hinder the daily work in any way. This way you can keep the air clean, and with some time also the surfaces since the tiny drops of essential oils that are fumigated by the air, sooner or later will end up falling on the floor, on furniture and others.

In case it is impossible for you to get a diffuser, I recommend the essential oil burners, the light bulb rings where you put a few drops of the precious oils or the porous stones. As a last but no less effective remedy, a glass of hot water with a few drops of essential oils inside will temporarily clean the room of viruses.

You have to make it difficult for the covid-19 virus.
Damián Alvarez at

Friday, May 22, 2020

Books for the Day After (The Great Encyclopedia) Damián Alvarez's New Work

Books for the Day After. Books for True Reality
An Encyclopedia by Damián Alvarez

This work is a compilation of books written by the author based on the philosophy of life emerged in his classes, gatherings, congresses of healing, natural therapies and personal and spiritual development, where, he always explained that what he taught "was not for now but for what is to come, come ", that is, for the" Day After ".

These books must be read each in its own context, and not all four as a unique work, since, in each of them there are chapters that are also repeated in the others. This is because the topics covered are intertwined, and just as you cannot talk about life without talking about happiness, you cannot talk about spiritual development without talking about love.

Without love, happiness cannot be achieved in life, and that is the cornerstone of awakening consciousness.

"Learn to Love", "Learn to Live", "The True Key to Happiness" and "The Great Awakening of Consciousness" are inseparable works, and the wisdom of one transcends others, overflowing and uniting them in an eternal whole and infinite, real and wonderful.

Anyway, repeating some true teachings to us is just and necessary, since they require us to embed them in our soul in order to put them into practice in our daily life, turning them into practical, modern wisdom, and to erase with them all those erroneous past teachings. that have led us to unhappiness, misery and illness.

An unprecedented work, written yesterday when it was today for the day after. A work that does not limit the computation of human time but, on the contrary, is imperishable, like the soul and life itself.

Damián Alvarez

Get the book  "Books for the Day After (The Great Encyclopedia)"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)