Friday, February 28, 2020

Disease-free Lives, Connect to God

Scientifically proven that Love is healthy.
(Never, no one has been sickened by Amar too)

If you think or focus your attention, if your whole consciousness is in the Lord we are we connecting with our system Chakras Seniors with (from our point of view)? If that is how we can remain sick?

The answer is obvious: We remain sick because we do not connect to God consciously as you say. In order to have a complete connection with our Creator, then we must raise our system of higher chakras to the divine, and that's very easy to say but very difficult to achieve.

Notice that I have 30 years offering 1,000 euros for entirely happy person (meaning "happiness" as a state of full health, whether physical and mental, emotional, etc.), and even today, no one has come to seek the 1,000 euros. I offer 1,000 euros per person you know you have all your chakra system vibrating divine, expressing in their daily life 24 hours every day of his life, divine love, and been sickened by it.

Reconnection with God: Life Fully healthy and happy

I have not found anyone, not even any of my students or myself, to keep this high vibration in your chakra system. A human being to live with such vibration would never come to look for 1,000 euros because it would be far above material wealth, would light of Light, Divine Love of Divine Love would be like Jesus Christ.

What then is an impossible goal ?, not thus. Jesus himself said:  "I greater things you will do" inside love having you recognize, etc. "

A Being created in the image of God to live as such not sick

In my book "The Great Power in the commandments of God's law" explain / I try to show, never, no human has lived according to these commandments, because when they asked Jesus that "what should we do to get life eternal? ", that is, a life free of sickness, old age, Jesus answered them," fulfill the commandments of God's law. "

Complying with the mandates of God is a way to elevate our system of chakras to the divine level, and get easy "loving God above all things" (First Commandment), all other commandments would flow, would be developed, would be coupled to our life automatically while we express that "love God above all things" in our daily lives. But who fulfills the commandments of God's law so he could live forever, healthy and happy?

... to be continue

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Energetic Interaccion and Resonance between Humans and God (Part Two)

People close to God are happier and healthier

How the Laws of Interaction and Energy Resonance operate between Jehovah and humans?

In other words, people close to God (other than religion), are happier, happier, more positive, more generous, kinder, gentler, ... shine ..., that is, manifest in their lives the virtues of love of a lighter, easy, spontaneous, etc., that people who are far from God. "By their fruits ye shall know a tree , "  said Jesus.

People who despise God often aggressive, moody, sick people, without love of neighbor. Anecdotally, paradoxically, I can tell you that there are closer to God atheists who call themselves believers, as some atheists are constantly connected to God while some of those only called believers remember him at Easter and Christmas.

Interaction and energetic resonance between God and humans is because we are all one, and we are in and we are part of the One. Nothing happens in the world without divine light, without life, and we can not get out of creation . We are inside the whole. Think holistically.

Connect to God consciously. You will be the Light of God

There is no specific form of connection with God, but I know you want to , you're looking for that answer. The connection with God happens naturally because God is natural and its creation is part of the loving nature of God, but if you want to connect with God consciously in order to feel better, stronger presence and the benefits of His Presence so knowing that each chakra has seven levels, just to elevate your system higher chakras to the divine level as would be automatically connected to God, you would be light from light, the reflection of God on earth, as it would be  "loving God above all things "  (First Commandment of God's Law).

Jesus also gave us an idea of ​​the global natural interaction when he said "knocked on your door and you opened me, I was thirsty and you gave me drink ..."

Light is light, and if you are a ray of light, for light are also light and light formed by the light, and part of that Light. It really is not that connection between work life in some certain way it is mandatory. This is life. Without God we would not be able to breathe even once by ourselves.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Interaction and Energetic Resonance between Humans and God

Interaction between human and God: God is also Yours

How the Laws of Interaction and Energy Resonance operate between Jehovah and humans?

Actually the answer is simple: The laws of interaction and Energy Resonance in regard to humans and God is "do His will on earth, in this our incarnation." If you really reflejáramos what comes from our Creator be ourselves, that is, beings created in the image of God, so we would live as God created us. Creation is a reflection of the Creator.

Look, thanks to the interaction and resonance with God we are alive, and not only us humans but any living being, including planets, minerals, plants, etc. We are the mirror of God's energies. If there were these energy laws human beings would disintegrate, destroy self.

Not only because they say "Lord, Lord" will enter the "Kingdom of Heaven"

We know that the interaction and energy resonance among humans is almost always negative since humanity does not live with love, positively, so sick, grow old, die. The energies of God keep us alive despite everything for a few Earth years, but the connection with the Creator, would not last even minutes on the planet.

The splitting of the Holy Cross, the unfolding of God's love to create both the spiritual world and the physical, is a good example of the laws of interaction and energetic resonance between the Creator and His creation.

Obvious: The more you approach God, the closer I'll

It is shown that interaction and energetic resonance is more evident, profound, tangible, lasting between beings most are connected together, that is, that you can feel stronger and stronger, or better, the pain of a loved one that of a person who does not know anything, therefore God works the same way, the closer you are to him, for the stronger interaction and energetic resonance so you better feel and you will affect their energies Divine.

... to be continue

Saturday, February 22, 2020

"The Solar Plexus, the Sun of Your Life". Rerelease of Damián Alvarez

"The Solar Plexus, the Sun of Your Life" by the creator of the Healing System Tinerfe

Finally the most anticipated book and more controversy created in the field of Alternative Medicine. "The Solar Plexus, the Sun of your life" has seen the light and has been published for the benefit of all mankind.
You can get: 

Studies, diagnosis and treatment of the Solar Plexus

Editorial synopsis:

Damian Alvarez, the creator of the Healing System Tinerfe surprises us once again with a work unprecedented in the history of mankind.

Undoubtedly the best thing ever written on the chakra of the Solar Plexus and its treatment with Vibrational Therapy.

What is the Solar Plexus? Why is blocked and imbalanced? How we can heal for full health?

Get rid once and for all the anguish, anxiety, nervousness, tachycardias, depression, nausea, dizziness, fear, insomnia, migraine, shame, insecurity, respiratory problems, inflammation of stomach, chronic fatigue and many other dysfunctions misnamed by modern medicine as "chronic illness" and get peace, prosperity and happiness.

The best and most complete ever written on the Solar Plexus

Recommended by the creator of the Healing System Tinerfe all Healer, Massage Therapist, physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, nurse and other professional or interested in the field of medicine and human health.

A book that really should possess every human beings.
Visit enchanted / a page the author:  Amazons Librery (link)

Extract from the book "Solar Plexus, the Sun of Your Life:

Healers potentials. Inflammation of the stomach and
other symptoms

If you people get up in the morning
flat stomach and go to bed at night with belly
inflamed that it looks like you will explode, then you
a healer or potential healer.
¿You suffered from stomach gases throughout your childhood and
were allergic to lactose? For you are a healer or
Healing potential.
Were you the "black sheep" in your family? One that
rebelled against her parents and the "System" that which
I was always angry, irritated, sick. For're a
Potential healer or healer.
Are you a person you like being alone, when
better you are is while you're isolated from the
the rest? For you are a healer or potential healer.
Do you tides, you get stressed, your head hurts, you get "bassoons
tension "feel nauseous when you walk into a department
stores? For you are a healer or potential Healer.
Are you popular, but as members of your group
Friends develop and succeed in life you feel that
every day are things worse? For you are a healer or
healing potential.
Do people you know or do not know is "open" to you
and they tell you their troubles and heartaches, that is all your life?
For you are a healer or potential healer.


Do you feel anguish, anxiety, nerves in the "mouth of the
stomach "nervousness in general, or you have been diagnosed
ever depression? For're a healer
Do you feel heart palpitations and pain in the heart, to the point
you've done hundreds of cardiograms and do not have
"I found nothing"? For're a healer
You ¿suffer from insomnia and feel when you go to bed
you have a "hole" (deep vacuum) in the "mouth of the
Stomach (Solar Plexus)? Well, then you're a healer or
healing potential.
Do you feel weird, different, like you do not belong to this
planet? For you are a healer or potential healer.
Do you eat anxiety, impulse purchases, you
despair during any waiting (however minimal that
whatever), you're stressed, you suffer verbiage ( "you speak
up a storm without stopping "), you talk about moving
arms and hands in an exaggerated way, are unable to
relax, you agobias in the morning and / or when you start
any housework? Then you are a healer or
healing potential.
Do not worry, you're not alone, are not rare, nor have a
depression. There are many people like you, in fact
There is a Healer in each family, a "black sheep".
Chances are you're healing your partner your
family, your friends, your co-workers, etc.,
and you only feel your symptoms and diseases.


Thankful in advance
and always Sincerely
Damián Alvarez
Author page (link)

Friday, February 21, 2020

Relations are either Love or are Nonsense

Relationships should be based on love and not the interest

Master Healer and you have a duty to teach, heal and also tolerate others who do not. I always say we have to understand others and understand that no one understands us. Is our mission. Do not try to convince but to explain, educate, inform, you have a lot of "good stuff" to share with the world.

I would have told people in the face I never would maintain a relationship with them for the way they are. People must have a lot or at least something in common (especially love), to maintain a good relationship and lasting, if not, everything is fleeting.

Do not ask God in your relationships: Youth, beauty, money, rather ask God: Kindness, understanding, flexibility, spirituality, that you please as you are, that you please because your spiritual art, which is normal really natural. There are many sensitive people, and what they want is to find another "spiritual" person close to God.

Most people seek these relationships (so they are aware of it or not) which are above the surface, material classic (to call it somehow). To people like wise people with "power" to approach God and to heal, and above all, like people who have things clear and very sure of themselves.

Well, to sum up , be yourself always, anything stop you and always acts with love, especially love yourself . You will always see that a relationship is good for you when you can be yourself, everything else is just passing the time.

Damian Alvarez in

Get the book  "The Art of Healing Your Relationships"  (link), Damian Alvarez
Visit their  Author Page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Power of Aromas and Therapeutic Massage.By Beatriz Pallés Darias (Video Conference from London). IV International Congress of Healing System Tinerfe

Beatriz Pallés presents the paper "The Power of Aromtherapy"

Dona Beatriz Pallés Darias, artist, designer, writer, and also Master of the Healing System Tinerfe with all the Masters that this title includes, as are the Master of Reiki, the Master of Karuna Ki Master Spiritual Healing, the He mastery of Healing Angelic, the Master of Healing Quartz crystals, the Master of Healing Universal and specialist in Tibetan Massage and Anatomy Spiritual deep, were surprised at the Congress passed with his presentation on "Interaction and energetic resonance between beings human "and the presentation of his book on the same subject, he wrote hand in hand with Damián Alvarez (creator of the Healing System Tinerfe).

Beatriz Pallés in the Congress of the Healing System Tinerfe

Today, it surprises us once again with a paper for this IV International Congress, entitled: The Power of Aromas. The Power of Massage Therapy.

Beatriz Pallés explain the benefits for body, mind and soul of the healing and therapeutic massages, we will introduce in the world of scents and aromatherapy, teaching techniques of self - massage, and the least aromas to heal and balance each chakra.

Beatriz Pallés present his latest book "The Power of Aromas"

The Grand Master also teach us the most popular massage used by Healing System Tinerfe, as it could be "Massaging the Solar Plexus", "Massage Angelic" Massage Fluid Chakra ", etc. Using in his paper graphic teaching material.

Beatriz Pallés note that works right now in central London (England), practicing the art and science of aromatherapy.

Beatriz welcome your speech to the Fourth Congress of the International Healing System Tinerfe.

Damian Alvarez
Organizer Congress

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Gaia Music

Gaia holds one of the physical Throne of God: Our Planet,
but needs our collaboration, our Peace Music

There are many thrones maintaining the physical throne of God, as many as planets, galaxies, universes. Do not think that only planet Earth is the physical Throne of God but all physical creation. In this case you should think (again), in a holistic and non-linear way, even less egocentric. Do not believe ever that we are the center of the universe.

Gaia, the spiritual being that deals with the maintenance of planet Earth, is supposed to be a throne, but, you know how it should sound, that music should occur when the entire planet is in equilibrium, that is, full of peace and love.

The heart symbolizes perfectly the Wings and energies of Gaia

I believe that no human being has experienced since the creation of our this "great home" physical. Removes all the wars, so are international and intra-family eliminates all physical hunger and spiritual, removes all diseases, dysfunctions and imbalances of the human being, removes attacks of negative spiritual beings, energy influences of other planets on Earth, etc., etc., etc., and you'll find the true sound of Gaia.

I'll talk later in other articles of the sound of the universe but note again that we too are part of Gaia, the same as the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdom. Without these kingdoms, Gaia would remain nothing, a void. Gaia without you sound different ...

All part of the orchestra of life, the great symphony of the Most High, although often, many touching tune.

Planet Gaia, Love in its most pure, light and Word of God

Do not forget, for example, that the energies of the Sun and the Moon directly affect our planet, in addition to other planets, at least those in our solar system, and also have their own music mixes with our "song earthling ".

Just think that in the solar star (a cetérico level), is a spiritual war going on between the Archangel Micha-el and Satan, so imagine what sound, or other energy manifestations are coming to us from the sun.

... to be continue

Damian Alvarez in

Get the book  "The Word, the God Music"  (link),
Damian Alvarez
Visit their  author page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Cast Ecologic Fruits and Vegetables for the year 2019 and extension of the estate Tinerfe Healing System. We have overcome!

We have distributed about 2,000 Kilos of Organic Bananas
(as you can see whitefly is conspicuous by its presence,
but what a Pineapples!)

During 2019, the garden of the Healing System Tinerfe distributed:

  • 2,000 kilos of bananas
  • 1,000 papayas
  • 1,000 chayotas
  • about 20 pumpkins
  • beterradas, chard. cabbages, and other "weeds"

... and much more.

Banana orchards media Deserted
begin to form part of our Finca

We have expanded our organic farm with 2 new orchards, that is, which is often referred to in the banana field "two mothers". Together they are about 14 pocetas, ie about 50 banana plants (seedlings), more. We had about 150 adults and seedlings with pineapples and children, so it would add nearly 200 seedlings in total. Many bananas to distribute.

The truth that gardens are made shit (pardon the word), but that's the truth. The plants are small, thin, many fallen, badly maintained, with whitefly, many pineapples bananas on the floor, they lacked has water, fertilizer and especially love, but as we have to spare, especially of love, for it is. Some nitro, and sure that God will help us to "stretch the water, so we have to water the 2 new mothers too.

If you expand Photography will see
until Pineapples Bananas on Earth

They put two photographs to see how shabby they are. Apart from the banana, then we will plant some papayeras, marrows. chahoteras. There is also a middle perfect shade for planting parsley, cilantro and stuff.

Within a few months I will put some pictures to see how it has developed.

Damián Alvarez