Thursday, October 31, 2019

Deep Sacred Geometry (Course of Iniciátic). Publication of Damián Alvarez

Sacred geometry. Divine Geometry. Teometría. Book a Iniciático

Healers and Therapists modern Vibrational as those belonging to the School of Healing System Tinerfe utilize energy vibrations that produce certain sacred geometric shapes to heal, balance, load energy, protect, etc., humans and other living things. This geometry that both healthy and raises awareness and other energy levels of man towards health, wellness and personal and spiritual development might be called "Sacred Geometry".

Divine Geometry (Damian Alvarez definition), is that being part of geometry creation is the same form creation. I mean, all the energy is creative energy form of support, maintenance and development of the whole universe. It is divine energy. A geometric shape that produces positive energies that can heal means they are conscious, intelligent, creative, divine energies.

Geometric shapes exist in creation simply because they are those that form creation. Divine creative energy, therefore, can be measured geometrically. It would be understood by studying the creation to the Creator. divina.Podríamos energy would be understood then speak not of "Sacred Geometry" or "Divine Geometry" but "Teometría" (a word created by Damian Alvarez).
We would begin to understand not only the creation and as is formed but also the Creator. but the energy forms that the form is not study.

There are 7 (number of perfection), geometric shapes in the universe 5 perfect shapes, the circle (for me, the sphere), and the spiral. All forms fall within the sphere and start from it. He understood the sphere construction means the construction of the universe, is understood to God ...

Get the book  "Sacred Geometry Deep"  (link), Damian Alvarez
Visit their  author page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Quantum level Fourth Dimension and Astral Plane

The soul of man is composed of higher energies
to the Fourth Dimension. There are other spiritual dimensions

What is a quantum level of the fourth dimension, the holographic network?

No, when we talk about quantum level usually it refers to cellular energy cellular level. For example: we often speak of the healing works, works, it takes effect at the quantum level, at the cellular level. "Quantum" amount of energy concentrated on the subject.

The fourth dimension is supposed to be the Astral Plane be found above the three-dimensional physical world (thoughts, emotions and physical body). If we say that the healing energies work at a deeper level, healing energy root of the disease we would be referring to the root of the disease is spiritual and non-physical levels.

Holographic Red Animic Human Body: The Body Cetérico

You know the Plano Cetérico consists of an energy network, a map of all planes that are below, and from the Astral Plane is created, the "physical matter" is manifested, perhaps the Plano Cetérico is a hologram , viz. What is clear is that the Astral Plane is not a hologram.

The truth, thinking about this matter might be that the energy of the cells will begin to form energetically on the Astral Plane, in the fourth dimension. Most likely to be so. But we can not forget the other energy that would be above the fourth dimension and also form part of the cells although science has not yet discovered, I mean the spiritual energies of the fifth, sixth and seventh dimension.

Get the book  "Deep Spiritual Anatomy"  (link),
Damian Alvarez.
Visit your  author page on Amazon  (link)

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Healing and Spiritual Development (The Whole Truth). Publication of Damián Alvarez

The Whole Truth About Healing and Spiritual Development

Everything you always wanted to ask about healing and spiritual development, but do not dare to do so they do not take crazy or crazy, or because you thought no one could answer, have asked others and responded Damián Alvarez .

Reincarnation, past lives, development of chakras, ego and higher self, awakening consciousness, energy blockages, the Name of God, Reiki Healing, laws of interaction and energetic resonance, healing of animals, healing of economic, healing distance, angels, ascended masters, diagnose the pendulum creation of the universe, extraterrestrials, astral travel, premonitory dreams, clairvoyance, the reality, the power of love, the flow of life, happiness, self-esteem, higher chakras and children, opportunities God, karma, prophecy, santiguados, miracles, levels of consciousness, angelic communication, divine messages, and many other subjects of the same nature are the basis of the questions that have been made to the creator of Healing System Tinerfe , one of the few experts on the topic of today.

Damian Alvarez, with sarcasm, irony and humor that characterizes it, makes it possible to convert natural everything that most people believe supernatural experiences or symptoms of mental illness.

Embark on a journey into reality, hidden until now, the hand of the great master, and free yourself from your fears of the unknown, reading the same experiences that you have been told by others.

"The Whole Truth About Healing and Spiritual Development" is the second part of the hit play "Soul Questions, Answers Heart" by the same author.

Get the book  " The Whole Truth About Healing and Spiritual Development"  (link), Damian Alvarez.
Visit your  author page on Amazon Publishing  (link).

Monday, October 28, 2019

Chakras in "Keywords". General Diagnóstica Guide

The Chakras. "Seven Maidens" of Your Life

Let's see the system a little more detail Higher Chakras. I will write the name of the chakra and some keywords associated with each chakra.
If you know what part of the body each chakra sends energy, because you can associate any disease to a particular chakra and thus treating the root chakra you treat the disease. Well knowing that blocks or unbalances each chakra can make an accurate diagnosis.


Crown Chakra:

Light White / Golden. God, atheism, fanaticism, skepticism, angry with God, materialism. Sends energy to the whole body. Full body diseases. Fibromyalgia, rheumatism, arthritis. muscle and bone diseases.
Keyword: God

Third Eye Chakra:

Light Violet / lilac. Alter Ego, Higher Self. Paranormal qualities such as clairvoyance, telepathy, psychometry. Sends energy to the brain, head and eyes. eye diseases, brain (as Parquinsón, Alzeimer, etc.) and mental (as schizophrenia, phobias, mania, etc.). Insomnia, migraine, mental stress, psychological stress. Unbalances crime.
Keyword: Alter Ego (the self that goes beyond you, you think for the good of all humanity).

Throat Chakra:

Blue light. Communication, development, learning, reading, writing, speaking, listening, teaching, learning. All communication albeit with "smoke signals" body or "sign". Sends power to the ears, nose and throat. Thyroid, stuttering, hoarseness, deafness, broken voice, smell problems, etc.
Keyword: Communication.

You can now diagnose all diseases of the head and associate them with a particular chakra.

Heart Chakra. The love of your life

Heart Chakra:

Light Pink / Green. Love, fear, grief, heartache, emotional losses, need to love and be loved, ability to give and receive love. Sends power to the breasts, lungs and heart. Diseases of the breast, lung and heart as arrhythmias, tachycardia, angina pectoris, asthma, allergies, lung cancer, breast cancer, etc. Depression, anxiety, feeling of suffocation.
Keyword: Love

Solar Plexus Chakra:

Yellow light. Ego, your Self here and now. Traumas (shocks and dislikes). Personal fulfillment, satisfaction. Security in same you, self-love, self-esteem, shame, shyness, fear of failure, complex. Sends energy to the pancreas, liver and stomach. stomach diseases, liver diseases and diseases of the pancreas.
Keyword: Ego

Sacral Chakra:

Orange light. sexual and creative energies. Creativity, destruction. Anger, frustration, disappointment, anger, resentment, anger. Sends power to the urinary system and reproductive system. Bladder, kidney, prostate, ovaries, testicles, vagina, womb, penis. Impotence, frigidity, sterility, ninfomania, perversions, sexual deviations.
Keyword: sexual and creative energies.

Base Chakra or Root:

Red light. Survival energy. Sends energy to the whole body especially the legs to the English. Diseases Length, muscles and skeleton. Greed, materialism, superficiality. Fear of robbery, fear of deception, fear of loss. autonomous functions of the physical body as hunger, thirst, toileting, want to sleep, digest, etc. material abundance.
Keyword: Energy survival.

Get the book
"The Great Encyclopedia of Major Chakras System"  (link),
Damian Alvarez
Visit their  author page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Development of the Chakras. The Sacral Chakra

Sexual development involves a profound contact with the physical body

The Sacral Chakra energy center is the second largest of the seven that make up the base of the spiritual anatomy that develops in the soul of man. The child during its first seven years of existence experiences life through the Chakra System Over his parents, especially his mother, since most of their time is within the Aura of it.

In its early years of existence, the child experiences life through the chakras of the parents. Every seven years, the child will chakra after chakra separating from their parents to form their own identity. As adult must be spiritually spent 49 years, seven seven - year periods, so that man is completely separated from their parents.

The first chakra separating from their parents is the Base Chakra at the age of seven years. At seven, the child is able to survive on its own, or go to the bathroom when you feel like, look for food when hungry, drink when thirsty, etc.

When the child reaches puberty, around fourteen, separates the Sacral Chakra from their parents for their own sexual identity. It is the time of the first infatuations attached to sexual desires. It is also the time of masturbation and the first orgasm.

Sexual Taboos repressed, frustrated and sicken the soul

The young man or woman begins an era of adventure, discovery of her body that develops, shifts from overnight to an almost excessive speed. The bigotito children, pubic hair, penis growth and increased testicular volume as well as breast augmentation and development of the genitals of the infant are accompanied by sexual excitement, with perhaps sporadic ejaculations both male and the female.

Normally, between fourteen and twenty-one, human beings develop sexually in full. New experiences, feelings and physical changes cause young people to begin to discover their physical body (and other humans) more attentively, and post your pleasant position. Contact with the physical body is accentuated in such a way that many only see life through the Sacral Chakra, ie through sex. It's no wonder that attitude, because it is the Sacral Chakra which are more active in this vital period.

The Sacral Chakra is the one that governs sexual energy in humans, and its high activity is completely natural. Most children funneled much of that sexual energy playing sports, but do not be surprised if you find your teens in bed under the sheets playing or masturbating in the shower. Do not scold them because it's just a sign of good health. The expanded hormones, load and are male (testosterone) or female (estrogen and progesterone) are those that produce the miracle of preparing adolescents for procreation.

Adolescent sexuality. Passion of Life forgotten by adults

The Sacral Chakra is of great importance to the human soul as it has to do with emotions and creativity. If you want your children to have healthy emotions, let them enjoy sex, enjoy their bodies. Not frustrated from small, because it will lead to future problems of aggression and bad behavior in general, in addition to all these taboos that "chained" to her bed.

Of course , the above does not eliminate expressed their children to have a serious, sincere and natural sexual education on your part.

Note that sexually repressed people are committing atrocities and not sexually healthy and experiencing sexuality of their children quite naturally, body and soul so they do.

Sacred Chakra has awakened and with it, the world of passions. Remember that nature is wise and God always knows what he does. Soul is never wrong.

Damián Alvarez

Get the book  "Sexuality Soul"  Damian Alvarez
Visit the  Library Amazon  (link)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Damian Alvarez will present the Healing System Tinerfe in South Tenerife

Damian Alvarez will present  the Healing System Tinerfe
El Medano in the south of the island of Tenerife.

Damian Alvarez has been invited to present the Healing System Tinerfe in  M3 Socio Cultural Center  of El Medano, Tenerife in the South, along with other great masters of this School Teachers and Therapists Healing Healers.

The event will take place next Saturday 29 June from 10.00 to 18.00.

All of you are welcome!

Always with the support
of Tinerfe Healing System. 
* Keep you informed.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Music Therapy for Body and Soul (Sounds that Heal, Healing Sounds). Publication of Damián Alvarez

The "Music Therapy for Body and Soul" Book of Damian Alvarez
"Sounds" Magnifico

The sounds are vibrations, vibrations are energy. Music therapy is the art of balancing the energies of human beings and the environment with the energies of sounds.

Given that the root of all physical illness is energetic, treating the energies of human beings treat the root of the disease and its physical manifestation.
But not only healthy, but also has therapeutic properties, ie curing Musicoterapia.

In all cultures, rituals, religions, has always been music to induce higher states of consciousness, create positive energy, bring peace and well being, spiritual strength and physical, protect and heal: Gregorian chants, singing bowls, chimes, highlights drum manthras intonation, and so on.

It is very clear that "frightens her bad singing" and is fully demonstrated that the sounds affect not only our energies but also our vital organs and our mental, emotional and sentimental state. Also, noise negatively affect our body and soul. Yes, the noise produced negative energy that can make us sick.

Best Music Therapy there is the "music of nature": The sound of the wind in the trees, singing birds and dolphins, the "music" of a stream, the heady waves, and even sounds human soft and full of love as the whispers or the sound of sighs (discovered by Damián Alvarez).

also it is shown that the sounds affect us even before we were born.

The music encourages the depressed, vitalizes the listless, calm the enraged ... and brings us closer to God:  "the beginning was the Word (Energy / Sound in Motion), and the Word was made subject ..."

Get the book  Music Therapy for Body and Soul"  (link), Damian Alvarez.
Visit your  author page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Chakras, Spiritual Development and Energy Act Interaction and Resonance

Spiritual Development involves the care of other human beings

I often hear the following classic question from my students and patients: Why the more I sound, the healthier I am, the more I develop spiritually I have to feel more and more how bad are human beings with whom I I relate ?.

First you think we heal or heal us and we often make rash enough to believe that others will also heal at the same rate as us.
Far from reality. From the moment you make a therapy and you're better than people who have never done a healing session.
The same applies to spiritual development. Since you begin to develop yourself spiritually you will find yourself automatically "above" those who do not.

Since you do the first therapy you are healthier than those who never have made her, therefore your relationships since then will be with sick people and feel their physical and emotional illnesses with your own body and soul if you're not aware of it.

Absolutely no one escapes the Law of Resonance Energy

And most important spiritual development is that the more we heal, the cleaner our Major Chakras System, with which we understand reality, the more we feel unbalanced and blocked chakras of other people are.

As seen above , it is because we are all one, all start from the same source and individualized even if we are not separate. In other words you could say that schadenfreude is our evil, that the better our enemy feel better we'll meet us if we were happy with fortune and joy neighbor, that fortune and happiness also we make it our and we will feel good. The best way to be there well is making all found in around us are well. 

Energy is the Law of Resonance. Chakras question.

Damián Alvarez article in

Get the book  "The Art of Healing Your Relationships"  (link), Damian Alvarez
Visit their  author page on Amazon Publishing  (link)