Thursday, February 8, 2018

Reiki Practitioners and Reiki Master with the Inflamed Belly. Belching, Yawning and Healing

Tinerfe Healing System, usually be very effective
in eliminating the enormous inflammations of the stomach

Although the inflammation of the stomach has always been attributed to digestive gases, it is not really the gases that inflame the stomach but the negative energies.

A Reiki Master or Practitioner (or anyone else) can collect through the "Energy Interaction Law between humans", the negative energies of any other person and "make them yours" (Law of Energy Resonance).

Witchcraft (conscious sending of negative energies), as well as jealousy, resentment, rage, anger (negative energies too) can inflame anyone's belly, whether it be Reiki Healer or not.

Inflammation of the belly occurs when an energy outside the individual blocks or unbalances the Solar Plexus and perhaps also other chakras (especially the Heart chakra and the Sacral chakra).

Energy blockages in the chakras produce an energy deficiency in the organs associated with the chakras in question, and at the same time accumulation of energies that produce, among other symptoms, the inflammation of the stomach, called classically "beer belly".

A Reiki Master or Practitioner is more prone to blocking the chakras, as he works in direct relationship with people who (presumably, because of that) have the Chakras System unbalanced and / or largely blocked . Also, the energetic interaction between a Healer and another person is deeper and more lasting than between two people who are not.

The only way to eliminate "beer bellies" would be by undoing energy blocks in the Solar Plexus and other chakras that do not allow energy to flow naturally. With healing techniques you can balance the chakras but if you do not undo energy blocks, soon the chakra will become unbalanced again.

Techniques to undo energetic blockages in the Solar Plexus and other chakras through "Alignment with Light" and "Esoteric Breath" supported by Quartz Crystals therapies and Aromatherapy recipes taught by the Teachers of the Tinerfe Healing System, usually be very effective in eliminating the enormous inflammations of the stomach, the inflammations of the stomach of the "healers".

Keep in mind that you could spend months and years (perhaps a lifetime) with your belly swollen before you started to expel those energy blocks through belching and yawning. Instead, in direct contact with a Master of the Tienerfe Healing System, and through energetic interaction with him, he could begin to expel that stagnant energy in his chakras and specific parts of the body, perhaps from the first therapy or class, belching you also as the Master.

The above is due to the Law of Energy Resonance, so you just have to learn some specific technique, but (to call it somehow) you start only by being in direct contact with the Master. It would be a natural initiation, an initiation of life.

Damián Alvarez

Get the book "Breathe Reiki. All the Truth about Reiki"
by Damián Alvarez.

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