Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Treatment of the Sacral Chakra and Emotional Body. Sexual and Creative Energies

Sacral Chakra. Emotional Body. Creative, Sexual Energies

Vibrational Frequency of Light: Orange Color.

Vibrational Frequency of Sound: VAM Mantra. Bass and Double Bass Music. Musical Note RE. Speaking/Singing in Tongues. Sanctified Mantra LOVE.

Aroma Vibrational Frequency: Ylang-Ylang, Orange, Grapefruit, Grapefruit.

Vibrational Frequency of Quartz Crystal: Carnelian, Garnet, Red Jasper, Heliotrope, Orange Agate, Orange Calcite.

Vibrational Frequency of the Japanese Usui Reiki Healing System: DAI-KO-MYO, ANTAHKARANA, SEI-HE-KI Healing Energies.

Vibrational Frequency of the Tibetan Reiki Healing System: DU-MO, SEI-HE-KI Healing Energies.

Vibrational Frequency of the Karuna Ki Healing System: Healing Energies DAI-KO-MYO, DU-MO, A-UM, OM, HALU, SHANTI.

Vibrational Frequency of the Charismatic Angelic Healing System: Healing Energies MERKABAH, TETRAGRAMATON, Sphere of Crosses, JEHOVAH SEBAOT, Archangel Jarama-el, SHEKINAH, METATRON.

Vibrational Frequency of Healing Energies LOVE.