Wednesday, August 7, 2024

He Who Controls his Solar Plexus, Controls the Universe. A Work of the Grand Master Damián Alvarez

He Who Controls his Solar Plexus,
Controls his Universe

It is not that "he who controls his Solar Plexus controls the Universe", since controlling the universe is not our thing but God's. Of course, "he who controls his Solar Plexus controls his own universe", no more, no less.

By avoiding everything that blocks and unbalances this precious chakra (the sun of your life), we will control our life one hundred percent, we will be happy, we will achieve everything good we want in this step through earthly life, we will feel completely fulfilled.

In order to avoid what unbalances this energy center, we must first know what unbalances and blocks it. Apart from traumas, there are other important factors, perhaps not so well known, that block and unbalance this chakra. these are:
Temperance keeps the Solar Plexus Chakra Strong and Healthy
  • The witchcraft.
  • The interaction and energetic resonance between our Solar Plexus and the Solar Plexus of the rest of the people with whom we interact.
  • Negative energies from other people directed towards us unconsciously, such as jealousy, envy, etc.
  • Praise and criticism from others that could undermine our security.
  • Attacks from negative spiritual beings.
  • Psychic pollution.
  • Excessive sentimental, emotional and psychological states of oneself and other people.
  • Traumas (scares and upsets)

Get the Book  "He Who Controls his Solar Plexus Controls the Universe"  (link), by Damián Alvarez.
Visit their  Author Page on Amazon Editorial  (link)