As we have already seen in previous articles, witchcraft is negative energy sent by witches with the aim of causing energy blockages (which they call moorings) in the energy body of the victim or victims. An energetic blockage in the human Soul always causes a blockage in the life of that person, since Life flows through human beings, it is not something that happens around them.
Witchcraft can also damage couples, families, businesses, etc. In these cases the sorcerer limits himself to sending negative energy to block the emotional ties that unite the lovers, that is, they energetically block the energy "tubes" that unite human beings with each other, that unite their chakra systems.
For example, a couple who truly loves each other will have their entire Major Chakra System united with that of their partner. The Witch or Witches will block the union and exchange of energies between the couple's chakras.
Other times, and depending on the intention of the witch, he will block the chakras or/and the paths between the major and minor chakras of the victim for a specific purpose.
For example, blocking a person's Solar Plexus will cause fear, insecurity, shyness, little self-esteem, etc.
Well-prepared Healers/Therapists (such as those belonging to the Tinerfe Healing System) who know Subtle Human Anatomy and work consciously and specifically on the Human Energy Body, undoing energy blockages so that energy flows through the patient and recovers their life and health. energetic and physical health, sooner or later they will encounter energetic blockages caused from outside, that is, they will encounter witchcraft.
Therefore, it would not be out of place to list below some types of witchcraft, the most classic ones:
BINDAGE ON THE EYES: The "blindfold" or the "clouds on the eyes" are entrusted to a witch, perhaps a husband or wife. unfaithful woman who does not want her partner to find out ("see") that she is being unfaithful. Almost always these cases of witchcraft are carried out because the infidelity occurs in an environment very close to the home, or between family members, which would be very easy to discover. The "blindfold" can also be requested by a partner who is cheating on his business partner, because she is stealing from him, for example.
The Healer/Therapist's job will be to undo the "energy blindfold" or the "gray clouds" over the victim's eyes so that they "open their eyes" and clearly see the entire situation that is happening around them.
KNOT IN THE THROAT: Also called "knot in the tongue" or "nail in the tongue". This type of witchcraft is commissioned by one of the parties in a Trial or one of the beneficiaries in a Lawsuit where a lot of money is at stake. Usually be the collection of inheritances or distributions of marital property. The intention of the witch with the "lump in the throat" is to leave his client's opposing party without arguments. Leave him with nothing to say to defend his rights.
Healer/Therapist in this case would be to undo the energy blockage that the witch applied to the patient's Throat chakra. In addition, follow-up throughout the duration of the trial or lawsuit, applying "energy protection" to the victim.
MENTAL DULLNESS: "Mental dullness" is a variant of "lump in the throat." The idea of the witch in this case would be to cause "mental blackouts" in the psyche of his victim so that he does not remember what she had to say at the trial to defend her rights, or so that her thoughts were inconclusive.
The Work of the Healer/Therapist in this situation would be to balance the Third Eye of the victim, to "cleanse" the mind of the external energies that are causing the "dullness" and to follow up with "energy protections" during the trial. or lawsuit.
KNIVES IN THE HEAD: Witchcraft almost always commissioned by very evil people or by groups that wish to eliminate someone they consider annoying for their purposes and/or business. The intention of the "knives to the head" is to cause insanity or at least cerebral thrombosis. This specific witchcraft is usually done by several witches at the same time in synchronization to cause more damage, so it is a very strong witchcraft and one must be very well protected from while working against it. The first symptoms are usually headaches and the sensation of metallic sounds in the center of the brain.
The Healer/therapist on this occasion will work with the highest energies of cleansing and energetic protections to undo the negative energies in the victim's brain, head and eyes. Although mostly the "knives in the head" or "cross of knives" usually concentrates negative energy in the center of the brain. The Third Eye chakra must also be "cleansed", healed and balanced.
STAB IN THE BACK: The "stab in the back" is usually carried out by people who are jealous, envious or who have felt hurt by the future victim of witchcraft. The "stab in the back" is usually very annoying and can cause a lot of physical pain and diseases, both muscular (in the back or chest area) and cardiovascular and pulmonary. The first symptoms of the "stab" are pain in the back at the level of the heart, which later spreads to the entire lung area and the area below the ribs.
Some commission the "stab in the back" just to test and demonstrate the power they have over their enemies.
The Healer/Therapist's job in this case will be to energetically cleanse the victim's lungs and heart, heal physical damage if there is any, and protect their back with an "energetic armor." The balanced state of the Heart chakra should also be controlled. In the case of the "stab in the back", several therapies for "releasing negative energies" and monitoring of the patient must be done, since the witchcraft could continue to happen. All until the patient is fully functional.
EGO BINDING: It is the most classic witchcraft that exists. It is really an energetic blockade around the victim's Solar Plexus to nullify the Ego. They really "tie" your Ego. A person without ego becomes a "zombie" to a greater or lesser degree. The lack of Ego leads to shyness, shame, insecurity, fear, little self-esteem, chronic fatigue, vital movements almost due to inertia, etc.
The sorcerer's mode of operation in this case is to baptize a doll or any object in the name of the victim. You can also work directly on the photograph of the witchcraft vessel.
A "binding" in the Solar Plexus can annul the victim in such a way that they can feel the ugliest, the worst dressed, the poorest, the least educated, the least loved, etc. , etc. A "binding of such characteristics can easily lead the victim to suicide, drugs and/or alcohol. The nullification of the Ego can be as dramatic as the victim in question stops eating, washing, cleaning his house and even throwing away. The victim is left without strength, but the shame caused by any situation due to lack of security is what really "eliminates" them from society.
This classic witchcraft is carried out by someone who wants their victim to do poorly. "things" for specific interests. A classic case of why this witchcraft is carried out would be that of the woman or man who, not feeling reciprocated by the love of another person because they already have a partner and love them, wish them "evil." .
Being a fairly strong witchcraft, it is easy to counteract, thanks to the ease of recovery that the Solar Plexus has. Several/many therapies must be done to undo the energy blockages ("bindings") in the Solar Plexus. Hard work for the healer/therapist but in which the benefits of the therapies are quickly seen.
Maintenance and monitoring to keep the patient's Solar Plexus (Ego) strong and protected would not hurt.
"KNOT IN THE PENIS" OR "VAGINAL SEWING": Type of Witchcraft commissioned especially by dissatisfied lovers who want their loved ones not to have sex with their new partners or formal partners.
The witch on this occasion blocks his victim's "will to have sex." He blocks the dorsal part of the Sacral chakra, thus, the recipient of witchcraft loses passion and sexual desire.
Witches and clients of such a service are not stupid and do not take away the sexual desire of their lovers, but rather take it away from their formal partners, wishing with such action that the lover returns to the arms of his lover as he cannot have sex with your everyday partner.
On this occasion the Healer/Therapist will work on the patient's Sacral chakra, undoing the energy blockages found there. He will charge and vitalize said chakra with energy and passionate sexual drive. Maintenance can also be done to keep the patient's libido booming and energetic protection of the blocked area.
"BINDING THE RIGHT LEG": Such witchcraft is carried out in an attempt to not allow the victim to "move forward", that is, to try to stop her development. The right leg is the one that carries the person forward. The impulse to move in life, the future, flows through the right leg. By blocking the energies that flow through the victim's right leg, the witch manages to paralyze her, forcing her to miss opportunities, not continue with her needs and fail in her projects.
This witchcraft is usually commissioned by opponents, rivals in business, sports, etc. Although it can be commissioned by anyone who wants someone else's life to go badly.
Witchcraft relatively easy to eliminate. The Healer/Therapist will be in charge of reopening the energy flow between the "Centers of Abundance" and the "Earth Star", and will also root the patient well. Some "protective glasses" or "protective oils" would not hurt to recommend to the client.
The above scheme cited is only a brief guide to "Classical Witchcraft". There really are countless different forms of witchcraft, from just "the desire for things to go badly for you" to the provocation of chronic and very serious illnesses in the body and soul of the victim.
Many times several types of witchcraft can be mixed in one, causing much more damage to the victims with such action.
In relation to witchcraft on the family, home and business, we will dedicate ourselves to it in another article.
If you suspect that witchcraft is being performed on you, then, without haste but without delay, seek treatment from a well-trained Healer/Therapist.
It is very important that you never lose hope, keep in mind that Healers/Therapists work for God and Divine Energy is the Most Powerful in the Universe. Therefore you do not have to worry, because God is Great, God Heals and God does Justice. There is help, go to an Experienced Healer/Therapist, don't hesitate, don't give the "taste" to your enemies.
Sooner or later, both witches and their clients will receive the "reward/punishment" that corresponds to them, according to the evil they have caused to others and according to the designs of our Creator...
Justice is mine says Jehovah!
Get the Book "The School of God" (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his Author Page on Amazon Editorial (link)
Witchcraft can also damage couples, families, businesses, etc. In these cases the sorcerer limits himself to sending negative energy to block the emotional ties that unite the lovers, that is, they energetically block the energy "tubes" that unite human beings with each other, that unite their chakra systems.
For example, a couple who truly loves each other will have their entire Major Chakra System united with that of their partner. The Witch or Witches will block the union and exchange of energies between the couple's chakras.
Other times, and depending on the intention of the witch, he will block the chakras or/and the paths between the major and minor chakras of the victim for a specific purpose.
For example, blocking a person's Solar Plexus will cause fear, insecurity, shyness, little self-esteem, etc.
Well-prepared Healers/Therapists (such as those belonging to the Tinerfe Healing System) who know Subtle Human Anatomy and work consciously and specifically on the Human Energy Body, undoing energy blockages so that energy flows through the patient and recovers their life and health. energetic and physical health, sooner or later they will encounter energetic blockages caused from outside, that is, they will encounter witchcraft.
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The Virtues of the Heart. The Courage of the Healer/Therapist |
Therefore, it would not be out of place to list below some types of witchcraft, the most classic ones:
BINDAGE ON THE EYES: The "blindfold" or the "clouds on the eyes" are entrusted to a witch, perhaps a husband or wife. unfaithful woman who does not want her partner to find out ("see") that she is being unfaithful. Almost always these cases of witchcraft are carried out because the infidelity occurs in an environment very close to the home, or between family members, which would be very easy to discover. The "blindfold" can also be requested by a partner who is cheating on his business partner, because she is stealing from him, for example.
The Healer/Therapist's job will be to undo the "energy blindfold" or the "gray clouds" over the victim's eyes so that they "open their eyes" and clearly see the entire situation that is happening around them.
KNOT IN THE THROAT: Also called "knot in the tongue" or "nail in the tongue". This type of witchcraft is commissioned by one of the parties in a Trial or one of the beneficiaries in a Lawsuit where a lot of money is at stake. Usually be the collection of inheritances or distributions of marital property. The intention of the witch with the "lump in the throat" is to leave his client's opposing party without arguments. Leave him with nothing to say to defend his rights.
Healer/Therapist in this case would be to undo the energy blockage that the witch applied to the patient's Throat chakra. In addition, follow-up throughout the duration of the trial or lawsuit, applying "energy protection" to the victim.
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Healers/Therapists. Lightworkers/Warriors of God |
MENTAL DULLNESS: "Mental dullness" is a variant of "lump in the throat." The idea of the witch in this case would be to cause "mental blackouts" in the psyche of his victim so that he does not remember what she had to say at the trial to defend her rights, or so that her thoughts were inconclusive.
The Work of the Healer/Therapist in this situation would be to balance the Third Eye of the victim, to "cleanse" the mind of the external energies that are causing the "dullness" and to follow up with "energy protections" during the trial. or lawsuit.
KNIVES IN THE HEAD: Witchcraft almost always commissioned by very evil people or by groups that wish to eliminate someone they consider annoying for their purposes and/or business. The intention of the "knives to the head" is to cause insanity or at least cerebral thrombosis. This specific witchcraft is usually done by several witches at the same time in synchronization to cause more damage, so it is a very strong witchcraft and one must be very well protected from while working against it. The first symptoms are usually headaches and the sensation of metallic sounds in the center of the brain.
The Healer/therapist on this occasion will work with the highest energies of cleansing and energetic protections to undo the negative energies in the victim's brain, head and eyes. Although mostly the "knives in the head" or "cross of knives" usually concentrates negative energy in the center of the brain. The Third Eye chakra must also be "cleansed", healed and balanced.
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Healing Tinerfe. Exhaustive Knowledge Spiritual Anatomy |
STAB IN THE BACK: The "stab in the back" is usually carried out by people who are jealous, envious or who have felt hurt by the future victim of witchcraft. The "stab in the back" is usually very annoying and can cause a lot of physical pain and diseases, both muscular (in the back or chest area) and cardiovascular and pulmonary. The first symptoms of the "stab" are pain in the back at the level of the heart, which later spreads to the entire lung area and the area below the ribs.
Some commission the "stab in the back" just to test and demonstrate the power they have over their enemies.
The Healer/Therapist's job in this case will be to energetically cleanse the victim's lungs and heart, heal physical damage if there is any, and protect their back with an "energetic armor." The balanced state of the Heart chakra should also be controlled. In the case of the "stab in the back", several therapies for "releasing negative energies" and monitoring of the patient must be done, since the witchcraft could continue to happen. All until the patient is fully functional.
EGO BINDING: It is the most classic witchcraft that exists. It is really an energetic blockade around the victim's Solar Plexus to nullify the Ego. They really "tie" your Ego. A person without ego becomes a "zombie" to a greater or lesser degree. The lack of Ego leads to shyness, shame, insecurity, fear, little self-esteem, chronic fatigue, vital movements almost due to inertia, etc.
The sorcerer's mode of operation in this case is to baptize a doll or any object in the name of the victim. You can also work directly on the photograph of the witchcraft vessel.
A "binding" in the Solar Plexus can annul the victim in such a way that they can feel the ugliest, the worst dressed, the poorest, the least educated, the least loved, etc. , etc. A "binding of such characteristics can easily lead the victim to suicide, drugs and/or alcohol. The nullification of the Ego can be as dramatic as the victim in question stops eating, washing, cleaning his house and even throwing away. The victim is left without strength, but the shame caused by any situation due to lack of security is what really "eliminates" them from society.
This classic witchcraft is carried out by someone who wants their victim to do poorly. "things" for specific interests. A classic case of why this witchcraft is carried out would be that of the woman or man who, not feeling reciprocated by the love of another person because they already have a partner and love them, wish them "evil." .
Being a fairly strong witchcraft, it is easy to counteract, thanks to the ease of recovery that the Solar Plexus has. Several/many therapies must be done to undo the energy blockages ("bindings") in the Solar Plexus. Hard work for the healer/therapist but in which the benefits of the therapies are quickly seen.
Maintenance and monitoring to keep the patient's Solar Plexus (Ego) strong and protected would not hurt.
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If you suspect witchcraft, go to a responsible professional. |
"KNOT IN THE PENIS" OR "VAGINAL SEWING": Type of Witchcraft commissioned especially by dissatisfied lovers who want their loved ones not to have sex with their new partners or formal partners.
The witch on this occasion blocks his victim's "will to have sex." He blocks the dorsal part of the Sacral chakra, thus, the recipient of witchcraft loses passion and sexual desire.
Witches and clients of such a service are not stupid and do not take away the sexual desire of their lovers, but rather take it away from their formal partners, wishing with such action that the lover returns to the arms of his lover as he cannot have sex with your everyday partner.
On this occasion the Healer/Therapist will work on the patient's Sacral chakra, undoing the energy blockages found there. He will charge and vitalize said chakra with energy and passionate sexual drive. Maintenance can also be done to keep the patient's libido booming and energetic protection of the blocked area.
"BINDING THE RIGHT LEG": Such witchcraft is carried out in an attempt to not allow the victim to "move forward", that is, to try to stop her development. The right leg is the one that carries the person forward. The impulse to move in life, the future, flows through the right leg. By blocking the energies that flow through the victim's right leg, the witch manages to paralyze her, forcing her to miss opportunities, not continue with her needs and fail in her projects.
This witchcraft is usually commissioned by opponents, rivals in business, sports, etc. Although it can be commissioned by anyone who wants someone else's life to go badly.
Witchcraft relatively easy to eliminate. The Healer/Therapist will be in charge of reopening the energy flow between the "Centers of Abundance" and the "Earth Star", and will also root the patient well. Some "protective glasses" or "protective oils" would not hurt to recommend to the client.
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Do not lose hope. Love still exists. God will do Justice |
The above scheme cited is only a brief guide to "Classical Witchcraft". There really are countless different forms of witchcraft, from just "the desire for things to go badly for you" to the provocation of chronic and very serious illnesses in the body and soul of the victim.
Many times several types of witchcraft can be mixed in one, causing much more damage to the victims with such action.
In relation to witchcraft on the family, home and business, we will dedicate ourselves to it in another article.
If you suspect that witchcraft is being performed on you, then, without haste but without delay, seek treatment from a well-trained Healer/Therapist.
It is very important that you never lose hope, keep in mind that Healers/Therapists work for God and Divine Energy is the Most Powerful in the Universe. Therefore you do not have to worry, because God is Great, God Heals and God does Justice. There is help, go to an Experienced Healer/Therapist, don't hesitate, don't give the "taste" to your enemies.
Sooner or later, both witches and their clients will receive the "reward/punishment" that corresponds to them, according to the evil they have caused to others and according to the designs of our Creator...
Justice is mine says Jehovah!
Get the Book "The School of God" (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his Author Page on Amazon Editorial (link)