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Fear also unbalance the Heart Chakra |
Energy blockages caused by fear cause heart illness
An energy blockade in the solar plexus not allow the
life energy of the Heart Chakra circulate downward to the chakras located below
plexus cannot "water" these chakras (Sakral and Base) with the
energies of love from the heart.
But where the energy does not traverse the solar
plexus because of these energy blockages headed?
Different energy blockages energy produce different
symptoms as well be mental, emotional, emotional or spiritual, later manifest
as physical symptoms.
Knowing the Spiritual Human Anatomy is beyond any
doubt that if blockages in the solar plexus cause fear or were caused by fear,
then the energy of life that should flow through the entire Hara Line and
therefore all the Chakra System Greater and Lesser builds on left chest /
breast / a, later to adversely affect and physically breasts, lungs and
especially the heart.
All heart disease then comes from fear. Not surprisingly,
the human essence, its natural habitat is love. Fear, love being otherwise
damaged, diseased heart.
Fear is energy that blocks the vital energy. That
vital energy bounces (literally) in the solar plexus chakra that not allowed to
flow as it is blocked and as if making a turn back up the Hara Line to the
Heart Chakra and since it accumulates on the heart organ.
I do not mean in any case the "scary ghost"
but fear to live, get sick, grow old, not like to be alone, to not live up to
the circumstances, to fail, to tell people , to lose everything, to die, etc.
Some people can release some of the accumulated energy
of the heart through the Throat Chakra when they sneeze, cough, sigh, but most
eventually physically sick, so be it breast with lung cancer or cardiovascular
disease (the Common arising from fear).
The first symptoms are mild discomfort and pressure on
the left breast, later punctures and pain that may extend across the arm of the
same body area to be noticed and then start to somatize accumulated negative
energy of fear in that body part : arrhythmia, tachycardia, severe pain, angina
pectoris and the classic heart attack.
The left chest pains do not usually go unnoticed by
the person concerned which gives him more associated fears (ie scarier) traumas
such as fear of death, fear of suffering a heart attack, etc., etc. , resulting
in greater accumulation of negative energy on the body eventually causing heart
and hopelessly cardiac arrest.
The treatment would be a therapy where the trauma
caused or were causing fear to the patient and also a local treatment to the
affected area also undoing the negative energy clusters that imprison
(literally) the chest and heart vessel rid of therapy.
Fear, albeit from the Solar Plexus Chakra also
unbalance the Heart Chakra that does not support that energy back, the most
prone organ in the energy area and specific body part cardiac organ where
negative energy eventually stagnate causing symptoms and specified.
The therapist must not only undo the energy blockages and
negative energy from fear and cause of symptoms, illness and death but also
educate the recipient of the therapy in the Art of Love, that is to live with
love and not with fear, ...
Damián Alvarez