Sunday, September 10, 2017

The Healer and the Solar Plexus or the Solar Plexus of the Healers

The Power of Solar Plexus. The Power of Healers

The solar plexus is the main Healer "energy tool" of healing that has.
With the Solar Plexus chakra diagnostic Healing Therapist, undoes energy blockages through the "Energy Resonance", the "Esoteric Breath" and "Aligning the Light." Besides the solar plexus of the Healer is the one who "pushes" brings will heal, to help others be happy.
Many people believe that being Healer is an easy way to "make money". The Healer's profession, but the prettiest since you work for God, the more difficult. Only love can become a good healer, just love the sacrifice of feeling ill and the illness of other human beings is done and just love the healer offers his soul, so that through it to heal the physical and emotional illness of another human being.
All liar who thinks he can get rich as a healer and who do not move other economic interest in the profession will not last more than two years. It will end inflamed, swollen, physical and mentally sick, twisted in pain.

Healing is love and love is the only thing that really heals, protects and gives strength to both the healer and the healed.
Without love there is no healing for many therapeutic techniques that you know and apply them in your therapies.
Every good healer must absolutely have a healthy, balanced, strong, well-protected solar plexus.
Every good healer must absolutely know how to clean, balance, healing, energy load and protect your solar plexus.
The energetic interaction between the healer and the "container Therapy" implies that the therapist expose your Chakra System (especially his solar plexus, as the root of all disease is in this chakra) to the Chakra System patient direct connection. If the healer does not know how to protect from negative energies that unbalance, blocking, the Chakra System sick patient, then the patient who hopelessly unbalanced ail be Healer.
If the healer knows not undo energy blockages that sick the patient Chakra System, then you absorb into your own Chakra System also sick sooner or later, perhaps inflamed her belly and entire body. It ends therapies nausea and vomiting.
Eventually the "untrained Healer" sicker than their patients heal much to say that he is only a "channel of universal healing energies". How it can function as a blocked canal channel? Apart from the healing energies always transmitted between humans energies Major Chakras their systems so called "energetic interaction". This is the reason why many people feel bad, worse or better according to the "Healer" that will make the therapy.

As we have seen in other articles on the solar plexus, the connection between the solar plexus of human is always the case and could not be different between therapist and patient Healer, but instead the interaction is emphasized.
Only one soul can heal another soul because healing is love and only love can channel soul. The soul of the Healers, his aura, his system of major and minor Chakras are the "healing tool" used by the therapist to channel healing energies, the energies of love, the divine energies.
The balancing system Chakras Healing demonstrates good balance your solar plexus, the degree of love you have and what level of spiritual development is. It is well known that according to the degree of spirituality of the individual and also the degree of health and happiness of it.
If you Healer (much good will you have in helping others) but I feel bad for therapies or if you feel bad in touch with others without being Healer, then go to you educated in the beautiful "Art of Healing "and above all to educate you in the" Art of Love ".
If you are a healer and you just move the glory, power and money can also come to learn to be a good healer, but eventually get sick and no glory, no power, no money, but "King dead king position." Few will remember you ...

Actually God is just: "Woe to him who touch one hair to the least of these", "which has forgiveness but do not miss another lost".

Damián Alvarez