Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Solar Plexus. Anxiety and Panic Anxiety

Exist Anxiety and Panic Anxiety?

We have seen in previous articles as blockages in the solar plexus caused by fear negatively affect the heart chakra and the physical heart organ ail.
But what explanation have anxiety and panic anxiety attacks? Clearly, in this case, fear (panic) "plays" a key role in such emotional illness.
To say that in some countries such as the Nordic, the anguish is not considered a disease. In fact, for Medicine in Northern Europe, the anxiety does not exist, although the deal, mostly with antidepressants.
It is clear that anxiety exists and can be a very annoying "disease", involves other symptoms such as fear and finally the famous "panic anxiety attacks."
The anxiety does not allow the carrying such emotional illness lead a normal life. Panic attacks can occur anywhere at any time wreaking havoc in the affected person and those who have around. I have encountered cases that during a panic attack broke doors kicked, knives flying through the air and tore up the hair.

Often the fear of having an anxiety attack produces anxiety enough to cause a seizure and is not just a play on words but a reality.
It is clear that certain situations are more likely to cause an attack of the characteristics specified above others, but there really is not an external factor that produces anxiety or panic attacks, but the person in question is sick that creates anxiety "drawing" in negative life experiences suffered in the past and that produced traumas (blockages in the solar plexus). To repeat certain situations in modern life, the soul of the sick person "remembers" and experience again and again the situation that produced fear, anxiety, panic anxiety, of course leading to a new panic anxiety attack.
Experience shows that anxiety is caused not only by energy blockages in the solar plexus but also in its immediate top and the "path" between the Heart Chakra and the Solar Plexus.
The energy path between the heart chakra and the solar plexus chakra is the "way" of self-love (Heart Chakra: Love, Solar Plexus: Ego, I).
The trouble occurs when the vital energy that should circulate naturally by the Hara Line from the heart chakra to the solar plexus, filling it with love (self) is not accepted by the Solar Plexus because of energy blockages or just does not reach this chakra blockages between the two chakras above.
Self-esteem is essential for good mental health of human beings. We believe difficult situations and create trouble are those that happen because we believe we will fail and this is due to low self-esteem you have. As we have seen, the low self-esteem is, in turn, due to energy blockages from the Heart and Solar Plexus Chakra.
Energy from the heart chakra that does not cross the Solar Plexus Chakra to Sacro and Base is "pumped" to the Throat Chakra to somehow free (looking for a "valve" exhaust). But the energy of anxiety is usually very strong and Throat Chakra cannot free themselves from it, causing a feeling of suffocation and chest tightness. That's the feeling of anguish: Energy rising like a sphere or cloud and imprisons certain parts of the chest and throat and can be repeated until almost chronic form, creating the feeling of suffocation.
When the person in question believes he cannot breathe, it suffocates, feels fear and then creates the symptoms of anxiety panic attacks. Symptoms resulting from fear are causing anxiety chest palpitations, tachycardia, arrhythmias and feeling of suffocation. The hysteria and havoc of body and soul can cause panic attacks during the chaos.
The "chaos" is the way for the soul to free energy (anxiety) that literally imprisons and not let breathe, or live.
A healer / therapist experienced energetically cleanse the "path" between the Heart Chakra and the Solar Plexus. They break up also stagnant energy in the higher part of the solar plexus and not "accept" the energies of Love Heart chakra. The energy of life (love) would flow through the Hara Line filling the solar plexus with Love. The person treated not only heal your symptoms of anxiety, fear also preventing future attacks would cause panic, but also get a lot more self-esteem.

If anxiety and panic attacks do not let you live, do not take shelter on antidepressants, you're not depressed. You just need to learn to love you for who and how you are. Besides anxiolytics (depression medicines) they never heal you but you will drug.
There is help! Therapists trained under Tinerfe Healing System will not only heal but also teach you to love you.

Remember that love is the most natural thing in life and love yourself another aspect of life.

Damián Alvarez