Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Solar Plexus and insecurity. Cause of Disease associated to vital organs

 Insecurity. Cause of Disease associated to vital Organs

We see in the previous article the immense amount of symptoms that created the insecurity caused by the weakening of the Ego because of energy blockages in the solar plexus.
The energy locked in the extremities cause physical symptoms such as muscle aches, ligaments and bone pain.
The emotional, mental, emotional and spiritual concerns were the cause of these physical symptoms and misnamed chronic diseases.
But what about the energy it does not flow through the solar plexus because of insecurity ?.
Explains. The chakras are like filters, strainers and energy. If a particular hole strainer tupe, also a specific energy is not flowing through that hole.
There are different types of energy with different energy frequencies through the body and the human soul. For example, the same energy is not an emotional or sentimental doubt that a mental question.
It could not be otherwise as we experience life thanks to the major chakras and life is multifaceted, therefore the different variants of vital energy are almost endless, and the different feelings, emotions, feelings, etc. forming what is "living".
Thus, as the energy block, depending on the type of insecurity, so it will stop flowing energy needs through the solar plexus, with relevant symptoms produced by that particular energy.
The energy does not traverse the solar plexus because of the insecurity produced by the fear of criticism deviates from its natural path through the Hara Line and accumulates on the liver, later manifest as physical illness.
It is not far-fetched explanation and is not a theory but a fact experienced many times during healing therapies.
Generally are artists (especially painters) who are more prone to criticism and liver diseases. In the past it was believed that liver diseases painters were suffering because of their work with chemicals. We now know the truth.
But not only artists suffer reviews and uncertainties with respect to these criticisms. Any person who lives to prove to his parents that he has succeeded in life may have liver disorders, because they always have the insecurity that produces negative criticism from their parents. If, as in many cases, both parents and children are artists the situation worsens. The child can hardly prove he is a good artist or artist better than their parents, and those parents who will be leading critic of the children.
Instead, the energies of insecurity caused by the fear of failure tend to accumulate on the spleen. First pressure and discomfort then increase over time until some physical illness on that body part manifests feel. The most prone to insecurity due to fear of failure are often those that have long been out of work or those who held the same job for a long period of his life and now need people to switch careers. Individuals with many years of convalescence and now renew their working life can also have this kind of insecurity and the resulting problems in the spleen. Adolescence and age crisis also created some uncertainty regarding succeed or fail in life.
Undefined general insecurity has or may suffer most humans. There are few people on the planet hundred percent sure of themselves. It takes many years of healing and spiritual development to achieve complete security.
The energies that do not flow through plexus chakra blockages that cause insecurity in general not "reach" far away, stagnate under the last ribs, below the lungs.
The retention of negative energy below the lungs can cause pain at first small and minimal breathing difficulties, accompanied perhaps a sore back following the lower line of the ribs. Over time, if the person in question does not heal, the discomfort will lead to serious diseases such as lung cancer or accumulation of fluid in the sacs of the lungs.
Insecurities carry sentimental heart problems and are often experienced as fear. Fear of not being loved, of being alone, to give it up, not having anyone to love, to get sick and die alone (but we have discussed in previous articles fear so we shall not).
Both types of insecurities and associated physical symptoms they can be treated effectively getting good mental and physical health. The therapy will be directed to undo as many blocks as possible in the solar plexus to the vital energy flow through the energy center and not stagnate on the vital organs, while the recipient of the therapy regains self-confidence .

Damaged organs be treated locally, but since the life energy starts to flow naturally, the physical symptoms will only be a matter of time disappear.

Damián Alvarez