Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Earth: The Mirror of the Human Soul

Only with Respecting Nature will it give you everything you need

Humans prefer to drive a car and die of lung cancer than to walk and breathe fresh air. Humans prefer pre-cooked foods full of hormones and die of stomach cancer than to grow their own food and live and eat well fury. The human being prefers to take a medicine with a hundred harmful side effects than a personal and spiritual development that leads to happiness.

The pollution that makes humanity sick is also accepted. If those products that pollute land, water and air were not bought, they would not be manufactured and environmental pollution would end.

The powers behind the multinationals also use negative education to sell us their harmful and corrosive products, poison for body and soul. The method used by tycoons would be to make human beings complex using "reverse psychology." The goal with this type of psychology that they use in their advertising campaigns is to be self-conscious, that is, to call you fat, ugly, old, poor, unhappy, (that is, they first traumatize you), and then sell you the "solution" to everyone. your problems: "the key to happiness."

According to the companies that are polluting the planet and the body and soul of the human being, if you do not have a car you are less of a person than if you do, if you do not have your townhouse (mortgage included), you are a failure, if you do not have a body according to the "canon of beauty" that they themselves have imposed you do not have "the right to live", if you do not eat the cereals that they sell you cannot be happy ...

The truth is that everything is a lie, and the need to a conscious education in the "Reality of Existence" based on love is urgent, if not, we will end the planet and the human race.

Damián Alvarez at  http://sistemasanaciontinerfe.blogspot.com/
(back to school, or rather, to the playground)

Get the Book  "Learn to Live"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit their  Author Page on Amazon Publisher  (link)

Monday, June 28, 2021

The Proof that God Exists: Joy

Joy is the "proof" that God exists

Joy is the Happiness that others see in our eyes, it cannot be hidden. It is the Gift and the Prize that God gives to the people of Good Heart and it is not expired or perishable, it lasts as long as Love lasts and if Love lasts always, Happiness and Joy always lasts.

La Alegría, make no mistake, is not doing "the Indian", doing the "toti", doing the "clown" or the "ju ju ja ja" Almost always the people who need to do the "ju ju ja ja" express only its falsehood, its disguised sadness. The "joy" that comes from alcohol, drugs or any situation outside of us is not True Joy because it does not come from within, but rather is a mask that hides our sadness (the opposite of Joy) or a form of escape of our sorrows.

Yes, sorrow is unhappiness, the opposite of Happiness and sadness is the opposite of Joy.

As we saw previously, Joy flows from our Happy Heart, it does not depend on external circumstances and it is not perishable or expired.

Joy is what others see in us when we are Happy. When we live with Love, it flows spontaneously in each situation and moment, it is God's Gift and Prize to Human Beings of Good Heart and it lasts Eternally.

Damián Alvarez at  http://sistemasanaciontinerfe.blogspot.com/

Get the Book  "The Virtues of the Heart"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit their  Author Page at Amazon Publisher  (link)

Sunday, June 27, 2021

The only thing you Deserve is to be Happy

That Karma is not synonymous with Suffering but with Happiness

Look, I don't think it's karma or that you deserve suffering in any way, but I know for a fact that when they try to annoy you, when they try to manipulate you, when they try to unbalance you, when they try to stop you, it's because you have a mission. very big / very important here on the planet.

It will help you to think that the more difficult they make it for you is because your mission is bigger and more important, and in your worst moments, always think that if they attack you that way it is because something very good is on the way.

Keep in mind that, even if you don't realize it yourself, there are beings who know your great potential and will always try to make life difficult for you, if it is not through you, it will be through those closest to you.

Well, I've been through everything, but here I am helping the world.

Divine Teaching Educates us to be Happy and not to Suffer

If it were for everything that happened to me and everything that continues to happen to me, well I would already be dead more than a thousand times, but I approached God, and God approached me, and there is no greater power in the Universe than that of God. . So, I recommend that you get closer to God, that you ask him to enlighten you, to help you, to protect you, to show you his / her way.

Have faith, leave your problems in the Hands of God, and He will solve them. You, rest, so you will have strength for the physical work that you have to carry out to be happy again. Also ask God to protect you from all negative beings. Keep in mind that people are not bad but are manipulated by negative beings.

Someday, looking back in time, you will see that you achieved many other good things even though you only wish to feel good for the moment.

For example, I learned a lot (between what I believed to be "suffering" and "suffering"), I studied a career, I learned a language, I learned to understand people and diagnose them, I learned to heal and protect myself, I learned to understand life, but above all I learned that my children, parents, brothers, were not my children, parents, brothers, but all children of God, and as long as I was attached to them they would attack me out there to make me suffer. I learned to control my feelings, emotions, and thoughts.

With God, no one will be able to make you Suffer, ... and you will love God above all ...

Although my parents, my children, my brothers are far away, I am happy, especially because I am close to God. They can no longer harm me through my relatives because I understood that the most important thing is not to be close to them but to love them. I also understood that kinship labels separate and make people suffer rather than unite.

Be careful, I'm not telling you to abandon anyone but try to see it from another perspective, that is, if you can be with a loved one, well that's good, but if you can't be with that loved one, then that's good too.

Take care of yourself enough that you deserve it, and realize that your happiness only depends on how well you feel. Do not leave your well-being on things or people outside of you.
Be happy for yourself.

30 Years Healing and Educating the World

Get the Book  "The Great Awakening of Consciousness"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez
Visit their  Author Page at Amazon Publisher  (link)

Saturday, June 26, 2021

The Starlight of the Soul

What Colors do the Transpersonal Chakras shine with?
With what Colors do the Stars of the Soul shine?

The energetic frequencies of the "Soul Star", the "Earth Star", "Core Star and Casual Chakra what colors do they give?"

Well, as we have seen previously, the light of the transpersonal chakras is like the brilliance of a diamond or the brilliance that polished gold gives off in its purest state.

The soul star shines like the brilliance of a diamond, so does the core star. It could not be otherwise. The Star of the Earth has a reddish black hue but is also bright like the quartz crystal called Polished Garnet, so it should be.

If you want to get an idea of ​​how the "stars" we are dealing with shine, you can take some crystals and put them in the sunlight and see their sparkles. I would use a clear quartz, herkimer diamond, selenite or a true diamond to see how the soul star and the core star shine.

Although a well-browned citrine and Sri Lankan topaz could also be used with the same benefit to experience their golden sparkles.

With respect to the star of the earth you can use a hematite, a garnet, a red topaz, ruby, or similar.

The Light of the Casual Chakra Spiritualizes the Human Mind:
The Manifestation of God Begins. "Thy Kingdom Come"

Please note that the light is not smooth or three-dimensional. It is not the colors of the named crystals that will give you the idea of ​​what that light is like but, and worth the redundancy, the light they reflect.

Once, yes, once, I had a diamond that they gave me, that I had set in a ring, and people said, how does it shine when it gets a little ray of sunlight! I tell you so you can imagine it.

The Casual chakra is another story because its energetic frequency is on the path between the Third Eye chakra and the Throat chakra, and I say "path" because, although I have never said it before (that is, this is exclusive), the Third Eye chakra has 2 tributaries, 2 paths: The first, and the known, is the path between the Third Eye and the Throat chakra. The other is between the Third Eye and Casual chakra.

The color that forms with the vibrational frequency of the Casual chakra is also cobalt blue. A deep blue with diamond reflections. I place the Casual chakra between the angelic plane and the level of the keteric plane, the template that forms the mental, emotional, sentimental, and perhaps even the astral world. Think that when the divine energy from the Crown chakra spiritualizes the Third Eye (spiritual thoughts), the physical world begins to be created according to that divine energy.

Here we have again the "Thy Kingdom come."

Friday, June 25, 2021

The Light of God

Gold Color. The Color of the Crown Chakra. The Light of God

And how can it be combined in the Hara Line with the combination of the energies that come from the Stars of the Soul and the Earth and give the colors of the Chakras. For example: the 50% White Light and 50% Red Light that make up the Ckakra Heart and give rise to a vibrational frequency of Pink Light?

Think also in a holographic, united, total, global way. Do not keep thinking linearly, from top to bottom, but in all senses, directions, to infinity. The human being is not from top to bottom like a line but is one with himself. It is a well-organized conglomeration of energy bodies (counting on the physical body as an energy body as well), impregnated with each other. The human body is not an empty hole that is filled with the soul but a complete body that is permeated and permeates all other energy bodies to form a single being.

God creates in this way, in spheres that permeate each other, and together they form the whole. God does not create this here and the other there. It is not that only "we are all one" but that "all is one".

In any case, I recommend the article of my authorship "The chakras are not as beautiful as they paint them", since to achieve that state of existence we would have to have all the chakras healthy and balanced and that is very difficult to achieve, since then it would be like absorbing the entire spectrum of colors in bright first light.

You can become yourself and then shine with the light of God

Also note that the light associated with the Crown chakra, that is, the white one, is something after the first discoveries about the human soul (I imagine), and it would be due to the association of white light with purity, balance and perfection, in As for God, but in the beginning the vibrational frequency of the light with which the Crown chakra was associated was light (not gold), but Gold Light.

It is assumed that if the human being could develop his chakras (which are light, energy) to such an extent that those lights could unite with each other, then the human being, then, would shine like the light of a diamond, it would shine like the best polished gold: A star.

Precisely getting to achieve what is called "Consciousness of Christ or" Christic "" is that: to develop ourselves spiritually to such an extent that the vibrational frequency of our life (body and soul), will not change its frequency in the light that It sustains us (the divine), that is, that the Will of God and ours would be one, and therefore that of the planet Earth and the universe. We would be polished diamonds, and we would shine with the charisma of the most beautiful of stars.

This explanation of how each of the chakras are formed / created, or why they vibrate with that certain color frequency is my discoveries. I can't find a better explanation for it, in fact, I don't know anyone who could have given me a better explanation, and I'm talking about humanity in its entirety.

* Damián Alvarez's Articles are parts of Copyrighted Books so all Rights are Reserved

Get the Book  "Meaning and Therapeutic Use of Colors in Vibrational Medicine"  (link), by  Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Furnish your Mind and Soul

Your Mission is to Protect the World and not the other way around

I think Feng Shui is very beautiful, but I firmly believe that the heart of a good man is already enough to create a home full of love. I also believe that a kind of Feng Shui should be invented not to furnish homes in a certain way but to furnish the minds and souls of some men.

Create love and distribute in all directions. Understand that "You are the salt of the Earth", the one that heals. preserves, maintains, cleans and shines. May your home be the reflection of your soul and may your soul be the best place in the world.

Do not use Nature to maintain your well-being but rather use your well-being to maintain Nature, or at least it is reciprocal, It is our responsibility, Everyone's responsibility.

They have tricked us into asking for everything to come to us from the outside. They never taught us that everything is part of our interior, that we must give, contribute, help, create, maintain and develop.
One day I wrote: "Everyone who leaves the planet better than found it has fulfilled their vital mission on Earth." Let's see if it's true and we all carry our life mission to fruition.

Your Earth, Your Home.

Damián Alvarez at  http://sistemasanaciontinerfe.blogspot.com/

Get the Book  "The Great Awakening of Consciousness"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez
Visit their  Author Page at Amazon Publisher  (link)

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Solar Plexus Treatments

Solar Plexus Massage was already practiced in the 19th century

Music Therapy to Heal the Solar Plexus

To heal your chakras with Music Therapy as explained in the Book "The Solar Plexus the Sun of your Life", use the old headphones that are flat and hold them over the chakra with two cross-shaped strips on each headphone. Don't use modern in-ear headphones.
You can also break old speakers and remove the speaker and attach it to the chakra in the same way I explained earlier.

To treat the Solar Plexus you can use the RAM mantra, but also guitar music. You are looking for an instrumental album with guitar music and that's it, there are many on the net that you can download for free. The music of Paco de Lucia is perfect for this task.

You don't need to Suffer anymore. Solar Plexus Massage is Effective

Solar Plexus Massage

If you are going to give yourself the Solar Plexus Massage, the first thing is that you have the chakra oil prepared (2 drops of lemon essential oil and 3 drops of rosemary essential oil (or vice versa) in 1/2 deciliter of base oil) .

You apply a little oil in the solar plexus following the movement of the chakra, that is, according to the movement of the needles of the clock, but as if the clock were located on your chakra with the pointers and numbers facing outwards. Then apply a little more oil or spread the one you have in the chakra over your entire stomach so that your hands can glide well.

Lying down, place your right hand on the Solar Plexus (stomach) and your left hand on your right hand to apply pressure and slide your hands down, for example to the navel, and repeat this movement several times.
Press your hands on your stomach as much as is comfortable for you. If you do not find any blockages, start again and press a little more but without causing pain or hurting you, slowly.
The blocks are felt as if they were balls, spheres of energy, sometimes even balls. When you feel that your guts "run", they sound, it is that the blockages are being undone.

Move your right hand about 5 or 10 centimeters to the right of your body but just below the ribs, never above them because you can hurt yourself. Place your left hand on your right hand, press down on your stomach, and slide your hands toward your navel again. Do it over and over.
Solar Plexus Massage is Best Done with Two Hands

Keep moving your hands to the right each time 5 or 10 centimeters below the ribs until you reach the hips and no longer have room to work, and doing the same in each movement, that is, repeatedly sliding your hands to the navel from the position below the ribs.

Do the same but on the left side of your body.

Now lower your hands about 5 centimeters below the first position you did (5 centimeters below the Solar Plexus) and slide them now but a little below the navel. Do the same as in the first series of movements. The massage area gets shorter as you go down and get closer to the pubic bone until you no longer have a place to work.

Repeat the process as needed (30 minutes of therapy).

With the "Vacuum Therapy" it would be the same way as with the hands, giving repeated passes down from the first position (on the Solar Plexus) and sliding the glass to the navel. Then you start again and from a position about 5 centimeters to your right and below the ribs, that is the same as with the massage with the hands. Do the entire series until you reach the pubic bone (30 minute therapy).

Do not worry if you do not feel that the blocks are undone, they are already disappearing, for example when you are sleeping and relaxed, or throughout the day. You may feel flatulence or burp several times in a row.

Feeling bad while energy blocks are being released is normal. Think that you are experiencing the damage caused at the time by the trauma that caused the blockage. Some symptoms you may experience could be hot flashes, cold, nausea, limb weakness, dizziness, etc.

Well, if I explain it better, I'll give you the massage.

Heal your Solar Plexus and you will be Completely Happy

Ironing the Solar Plexus

Nothing woman, a normal, warm iron. The "old plates" thing was to tell a bit of history alone, since the "Ironing of the Solar Plexus" has many decades behind it. You have to be practical, the important thing is that the iron is a little hot.

You place a towel between your Solar Plexus and your Sacrum covering your entire tummy. 
You take the iron with your right hand and automatically, naturally, the iron is placed across your body.
Rest the iron on your Solar Plexus and slide it up to your pubic bone with a little pressure.
Repeat the process and squeeze a little more each time until you find the energy blocks, but without causing damage. Heat the iron when it cools down, be careful not to burn yourself.
30 minutes of Therapy is enough.

I do not recommend that you mix the therapies. Choose one, a week and the following week you can choose another, so you will realize which therapy is more effective for you. Do not do the therapies for more than 3 days in a row, and then rest for a week, then you can start with other therapies or repeat the previous one.

Author of the book 
"The Solar Plexus, the Sun of your Life"

Get the Book  "The Solar Plexus, the Sun of your Life"  (link)
by Damián Alvarez.
Visit his  Author Page in the Editorial of Amazon  (link)