Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Prophecy for the Year 2020 (The Year of Light). New Year's Message by Damián Alvarez

The prophecies of Damián Alvarez are always fulfilled
Year 2020, the Year of Light The year that awaits us will be a year full of Light where every human mind and heart will be illuminated with the energies of understanding, love and comprention. We are all one, we are all everyone, we are all ... Union, solidarity and equality without differences, will be the values ​​that will show that humanity It is the culmination of divine creation and deserves such an honor. We will not ask for rights, we will not complain more, but we will take responsibility for our lives, ... and those of everyone else.
"... man and woman God created them, and saw that it was Good"
We are prepared to face the integrative changes of country and country, nation and nation, continent and continent, family and family, heart and heart, man and woman, and man and woman and God. The white flag will be everyone's flag, the flag of that Light, of that union, of that responsibility, ... and peace will never end ... The planet Earth will no longer be called "blue" but "great green." The Light of our soul will produce spiritual photosynthesis That will fill our great home, our paradise, with natural abundance and total balance, ... and no one will go thirsty, nor hunger, nor grief, nor fear, ... I wish you a Happy New Year full of Light Damián Alvarez
* Point out that Damián Alvarez's Prophecies are always fulfilled.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Message (by Damián Alvarez)

Merry Christmas! wishes you Damián Alvarez and the Tinerfe Healing System.

Christmas Message
(by Damián Alvarez) During the Christmas Holidays, you see, it shows you feel, the increase of kindness, generosity kindness, joy, unity, spontaneity, of the human being. That is the Christmas Spirit, that is the Christmas Spirit, that does not come from something outside but arises from the human heart. Yes, together we create the Christmas Spirit, that inner joy that transcends us unconsciously towards, and for the good of others, also filling them with joy. The birth of Jesus is a reminder to the human being that he also has an inner child that must be reborn, that must be resurrected, a child who looks forward to being born to life. This year, I wish that we keep alive all year long that inner child, that light of peace and love that lives in all of us, and that we don't bury her after these holidays, because that inner child, that light, is who we really are: beings of peace, love and solidarity who want to live in peace, love and solidarity throughout the year. Let's make Christmas carols our daily mantra. Let's be smart, let us be happy, and let us make others happy. Merry Christmas! wishes you Damián Alvarez
the Tinerfe Healing System.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Merry Christmas Everyone Wishes Damián Alvarez and Healing System Tinerfe!

Merry Christmas! Wishest the Healing System Tinerfe

Damián Alvarez and Healing System Tinerfe!
Merry Christmas to everyone!

Friday, December 20, 2019

Anatomy of the Spirit (Old Discoveries, New Revelations) New Publication of Damián Alvarez

Anatomy of the Spirit: New Revelations of Damián Alvarez

We interpret life with our chakra system and not with our senses. The information collected way of life but that information interpreted by the chakras, especially the solar plexus that governs our mental body, as we have received a mental education, our interpretation of life tends to be mentally.

But it is not there, because the chakras also receive information on everything that exists. It is as if the chakras were seven other senses man has to function perfectly in the universe, in reality.

So, each and every one of the chakras has an intelligence, although, as we have said, the intelligence which is based above all, the human being is in psychic intelligence.

The other chakras also send us / so collect information such as the Solar Plexus but we never brought up emotionally, sentimental, and even less spiritual, that is, they never raised our other chakras to "think" for themselves, at least not consciously.

This truth is so profound that the mind (Solar Plexus), not only interprets the information received through the senses but also the information they provide us the other chakras. I mean, both emotions and feelings, in addition to spiritual experiences, we understand mental way, so psychic, ...

We all often felt tingling in the mouth of the stomach. Not many, not so often, but surely ever any of you have felt the tingling or fire in the belly under (sacral chakra). In the latter case, the world of emotions intelligently responds to an external stimulus although not psychic. The same can sexually excite as repudiating one or more people as our sacral chakra tell us very intelligently.

nervous, moody feel, irritated contact with certain people, as passionate, not just sexually, is the response of our soul to an external stimulus we interpreted positively or negatively depending on the education received (in this case "emotional education") and we react to this, to this.

Many others have heard literally purring her heart (heart chakra), and feel that your chest is opened by peeling soft clouds of pink energy, giving off love., But there are times when, where, and against all logic, our heart shrinking (also literally), and we are filled with fear.

Most spiritual experiences can not explain logically / mind. It is often heard to say "you have to feel it, experience it to understand it, you can not explain," but our soul understands, our spiritual chakras understand, although they can not explain but mentally for the moment. I say "for the moment" because every human being can learn to "think", intuit, deduce all their chakra system complete and with each of them separately.

Get the book  "Anatomy of the Spirit"  (link)
Damian Alvarez
Visit your  author page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Great Encyclopedia of Angels. New Publication of Damián Alvarez

The Great Encyclopedia of Angels. Damián Alvarez work







Get the book  "The Great Encyclopedia of Angels"  (link), Damian Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Light of the Soul. Light Chakras (Part Three: The Light of the Paths between the Chakras)

Roads between the Chakras, the Ways of the Light of the Soul

But, not to forget the paths between the chakras, it is assumed, I guess, will have to be, since the star of the soul to the crown chakra flows only white light color. Since the crown chakra to the third eye also, but since the third eye downward or from the heart chakra (central point of human spiritual anatomy), and mixed pink color and different colors and frequencies are composed as lilac, indigo, lavender, turquoise, and all as the vibrational frequency of the chakras of the person studied.

For you to understand better you give the example of the second color associated with the heart chakra is green color that is formed by combining the blue color of the throat chakra with the yellow color of the solar plexus. Thus, from the throat chakra to the heart chakra energy flowing blue, and from the solar plexus up and mixed in the heart chakra the yellow light of the solar plexus with blue, green and so occurs.

Roads round with 2 colors or more each, up to 7 basic colors are mixed to form a bright colored diamond spectra. That is the human being, that is the human soul.

Get the book  "Walking the Soul"  (link),
Damian Alvarez
Visit their  author page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Light of the Soul. Light Chakras (Part Two: Levels of Chakras)

Life is infinitely variable thanks to the levels of the Chakras

And the reverse how does it work? How it behaves and / or breaks (if it breaks down), the red light coming from the "Earth Star" by the Hara Line through the Base Chakra?

Anyway, you know well that each of the chakras can vibrate at different frequency levels, but always depending on the physical spiritual (red light), or (white light).

You can create for God (white light), you can create for the planet and humanity (purple light) can be created for self and as a form of communication (blue light), you can create with love (light pink) you can create for self made (yellow light) you can be created to maintain healthy, active body, that is, for pleasure (orange), and can be created to survive (red), that is, to eat.

Love always make the difference, whether mundane or divine

The above are the levels of the sacral chakra as colors, according to the decomposition of light. Everything is the same throughout. A the same as there are 7 energy bodies, each with a set of 7 chakras, as also and logic overwhelming, as each chakra form seven overlapping chakras different energy frequency belonging to 7 chakric systems, as each chakra has 7 levels, 7 colors, 7 dimensions 7 expressions of being, according spirituality and love, or compulsive necessity and materialism.

Love always makes the difference, in fact, can be raised higher frequency, ie at the level of the frequency of white light (spiritual love) our whole system of chakras higher level. Then we would obtain what is called "Christ consciousness), and is at the time when the will of God is manifest on Earth through us. Do not mix the red light with white light but are a channel of divine energies, that will illuminate the world through us. we will be light from light, a mirror of God, and the earth too.

... to be continue

Damián Alvarez

Get the Book  "Meaning and Therapeutic Use of Color in Vibrational Medicine"  (link) of  Damián Alvarez
Visit your  author page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Monday, December 16, 2019

Energetic Virus, Epidemics and Infectious diseases (Part Three: The Science, Technology and Energy Contagion

Energy virus spreads to the speed of Thought

I would like to ask why there are diseases, pain, diseases that suddenly many people suffer from the same time. Sometimes there are many people who have a stiff neck or back pain or sciatica, and now there are many people suffering from colon cancer. Are blocks / imbalances that already have these people but to detonate all at once?

If a blockage to auric level takes 10 years or so to manifest physically, what happened at a more global level so that all these people suffer these problems and why detonate right now?

That if doctors are aware or not is another question, but the news will likely never see certain statistics that science and medicine can not explain, simply not because they do not exist, but because they do not want to alarm the population or because they do not know how to give a scientific explanation for the energy transmission.

I know, for sure, that there are weeks that the medical centers of population are crammed with people, all with the same symptoms or illness, that is, it is a classic, normal for us healers, and a hidden truth of science to society.

Epidemics Relations Physical Energy transcend
Social Networks They transmit and receive a Distance

Realize too, and according to your question, that pains me name it (and talking about sporadic pain), often focus on the front or back of a particular chakra. To think, right?

I also never forget that the distance does not eliminate the energy transmission. Noting that "thanks" to current technologies and social networks, energy transmission occurs faster and includes many more people for obvious issues.

... and if we spoke of what he called "Conspiracy Theory" (not mine), that is, according to this theory, it is believed that when pharmaceutical businesses are not going so well things as they want it "passed the plane "downloading some flu viruses (for example) on the population, and a few days later, because everyone has the flu.

It also gives you to think about what the "system" can do with electromagnetic waves, vibrations / energy to the end and to the Cape. If they can cause earthquakes, then just imagine what they can do with your body. To me amazes me that in the same week (has happened to me several times during my career), several people unrelated to each other, suffer (at the same time), stroke, thrombosis, cerebral infarction, etc. To also think.

Get the Book "Interaction and energetic resonance  between human beings" (link)  Damian Alvarez and Beatriz Pallés Visit your  author page on Amazon Publishing (link)   

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Energetic Virus, Epidemics and Infectious Diseases (Part Two: Witchcraft are Contagious too and also Spread)

Witchcraft are contagious too.
Infect humans and to the environment

I would like to ask why there are diseases, pain, diseases that suddenly many people suffer from the same time. Sometimes there are many people who have a stiff neck or back pain or sciatica, and now there are many people suffering from colon cancer. Are blocks / imbalances that already have these people but to detonate all at once?

If a blockage to auric level takes 10 years or so to manifest physically, what happened at a more global level so that all these people suffer these problems and why detonate right now?

Although it also creates that witchcraft may affect only the person addressed to him, also impact negatively on people who have around you, not just logically that others see in poor condition health, but also because the interaction and energetic resonance between the victim of witchcraft and other persons acting as a means of energy transmission.

To talk about the influence of the universe that affects all human beings equally, and often, not negatively, but as human beings are incapable (often the majority), to change and develop spiritually, it suffers from great way physical symptoms that could be avoided by raising your vibrational frequency with a pinch of love.

The Brujerías they can heal by Healers Experienced

During the so-called "quantum leaps" many people, and at the same time, often "suffer" horrible headaches (especially), but they can feel pain until every millimeter of your body. Hot, tired, sore muscles throughout the body, pain in the Crown, Third Eye and eye problems Causal chakra chakra This is usually a classic that is the professional therapist.

We arrived at the interaction energy and resonance that although present in the cases discussed above must accentuate. Your pain is my pain, suffering so like you or not. That's right, no more no less, you like who likes. We are all one. If your neighbor sick you get sick with him or her, or course, so healthy.

I give you an example: a young girl make it a witchcraft and the throat chakra unbalanced which in turn upsets your thyroid. Thyroid problems will cause a chronic cramping for about three years. All medical tests are negative. She has a perfect stomach. She spread her partner but no colic but the energy imbalance in your throat chakra, and he spreads his grandfather. Grandpa caught is transmitting to all members of the club seniors their "chronic colic" (thyroid imbalance), and these people spread, in turn, grandchildren. These children infect classmates also infect their teachers who infect their families.

Children are links healers Nature

They will take some better and some worse, but next week you will have full consultation with people suffering from colic. And let us give thanks to the "Healers links" that exist in every family or group, otherwise, would infect the entire planet.

The different times of the year like the days before Christmas also create a lot of tension, stress, overwhelm and nervousness, and never rule out interaction and energetic resonance, as before, during and after Christmas will have in your query many people suffering from lumbar problems, depressed or whatever.

However, a Healer experienced, and I get to me as an example because I do not know another, it would take a year to eliminate energy epidemic, and that if he can heal the "shoot first," that is, the girl which they made him witchcraft.

Get the Book "Interaction and energetic resonance  between human beings" (link)  Damian Alvarez and Beatriz Pallés Visit your  author page on Amazon Publishing (link)

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Heal the Humanity and Heal the Planet. Vital Mission of the Healer

Healer works for love and not by necessity or obligation

Healing is a gift of God, a blessing and not a curse.

A Healer not get sick if you do not give healing to other people because healing is not "lay hands" on someone else, but that healing is life, and a Healer lives.

A Healer (supposed) Healing practice with other people because you like to help others, because it is their vocation and do it for love, not for any interest, like the ridiculous claim the title of this article.

It is clear that if the vocation of a person, their vital mission in the earthly incarnation is to help others with the practice of healing, then how better you feel that person is healed, because in practice the mission of his life ago a person to be happy, both as a healer as in any other profession helps neighbor or the planet.

Anyway one healthy Healer with their presence. Energy healing overflows reaching all others and to the planet.

In previous articles I wrote that "wherever he goes heals a Healer" and it's true. All human beings come from the same source, and all human beings are connected through our Souls (energy bodies). So, what affects one affects people in varying degrees to all humans, according to the connection we have with the first affected person.

Healing is Life. Living is Sanar

Humanity us all, humanity 's you and me, so what affects humanity affects each of us and everyone else.

A Healer impossibly may encounter a sick person, unbalanced and not heal, because that is the nature of the Healer. The nature of the healer is to heal, and that healing does not always happen through therapy, but it happens in all areas and moments of life.

To the contrary, often a Healer needs retirement needs from society to recover, to not feel "bombarded energy" continuously for other human beings and then ill (see "The care of the therapist" in this blog).

So if a healer is removed is not ill, recovers, and then continue healing, because if the vital mission of a healer is to heal, wants and desires to heal.

But if a Healer decided not to practice professionally, just to heal (live) to your family and friends would be enough spiritual work.

Healing is an art and a science, a Vocation of Love

The Art and Science of Healing is not an obligation but a choice. Everyone can heal, which only a few really have a special vocation for this task, the same as other people want to be carpenters or hostesses, but not all humans are carpenters or hostesses.

On the other hand, we know who heals is not the healer, he's just a mere channel of Divine Healing Energies of Love. It is God who heals. Love impossibly can sicken a Healer if he loves, but does not practice, because to love is to heal.

We are all loving spiritual beings, we all get sick if they do not transmit love to others, all get sick and die because of not living in love, living in fear, not only the Healer, because we are all equal, we are all healers, we all love we are all children of God.

Both being Healer as a gardener if you do not follow your vital mission with divine love, get sick and die.

However every day there are more Healers on the face of the earth and are getting sick because they have not learned to care for themselves and spend too much time (life) to others and forget to take care of themselves.
I teach my students. "First you, your second and third you, then others".
It's classic hear people say "is that I give everything for others" or this other "life-giving without receiving anything in return," or one that says, "is that I want others more than myself."

we are all Healers and together will heal the World

Some people ask me if "is not selfish putting oneself first the others , " I tell them that " it is not selfish, it 's smart." If I'm right I can help many people, however if I am not wrong just can not help anyone, but I also need help.
Besides , my life has the same value as that of others is not it ?.

To avoid exceeding of the subject and to complete them can say that a healer who does not heal is not a healer, and is not entirely clear. Also a healer, but not practice, healthy, and that if a healer is removed is not to get sick, but to recover and to continue working as a healer.

God is good and no fool and a gift of God as the Healer receiving impossibly can make you sick. But if everyone being equal not channeled Love, who is also a gift of God to all mankind, for the same "rule of three" it is fully demonstrated that humanity is sick because he lives without love.

The Myth of title insurance that they invented those who want to scare future Healers without any basis.

So no "we throw stones on our own roof" because what is really sick live without love is also a gift of God (we repeat) and few carry it into practice.

Damián Alvarez article in  https://sistemasanaciontinerfe.blogspot.com/