Sunday, June 30, 2024

Negative Energies, Protections and Clean Energy. A Great Work by Damián Alvarez

Protections and Energy Cleanses.
Used by Grandmaster Damián Alvarez

Knowing, learning, to be able to identify negative energies is a duty of every good healer worth their salt.

By recognizing negative energies you can act on them accordingly.

Knowing when, how, why, and in what way they can attack us, and when, how, why, and in what way to react to negative energies can save our lives and those of our fellow human beings.

This book is not like the other books on energy protections that already exist on the market, because it not only contains countless protections and energy cleanses but also a guide to negative energies and their transmission routes.

Knowing the way your enemies, all enemies of God, act, will be your best protection.

Get the Book  " Negative Energies, Protections and Clean Energy"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit their  Author Page on Amazon Editorial  (link)

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Reiki Light Networks for Peace in the World

 Peace, Love and Abundance on Earth distributed equally
Reiki Light Network around the World. Silvia Hernández, Reiki Master

Peace, Light and Life
Mandala Reiki. Juan Ramón Díaz Ruíz. Reiki Therapist from Madrid

May the Light and Love of God Reign in Our Hearts
Reiki Light Network around the World. Grand Master Yaiza Dorta Sanabria

Peace, Love and Abundance on Earth distributed equally
Reiki Light Network around the World. Grand Master Damian Alvarez

Awakening of Human Consciousness
Reiki Light Network around the World. Grand Master Beatriz Pallés Darias

Healing for all Souls on Earth
Reiki Light Network around the World. Grand Master M. Jesús García

Balance on Planet Earth
Reiki Light Network around the World. Master Pablo Rodriguez Cano

May the Light Illuminate this beautiful World and the Hearts of Men
Reiki Light Network around the World. Great Teacher. Vanessa Herrera

Love, Love and more Love for all Living Beings
Reiki Light Network around the World. Teacher Paola Ascanio Pallés

Peace, Love and Wellbeing throughout Planet Earth
Reiki Light Network around the World. Master Oster Jon from Switzerland

Light and Love for the World and all Members of the Tinerfe Healing System
Reiki Light Network around the World. Grand Master M. Eugenia López

Peace in Heaven and on Earth
The Archangels join the Earth Healing Circle

Preserve Peace, Love and Light on Earth
"Guardians of the Light of the Earth" join the Healing Circle

Friday, June 28, 2024

"You can never leave the World or Humanity because you are Humanity and you are the World." You only feel what condition the World is in because you are the World.

We are all Potential Healers because we are all Love

Spiritual development entails "making us aware that we are all one and that we all feel about everyone." We all form the universe and we all start from the same Source. We are individualized but not separated. So, as your neighbor is, so will you be, good or bad.

The best way to be well is to make others well. Most people do not want to feel how bad others are, even if they themselves are the ones who caused that badness. It is Divine Justice. When we do harm to others we harm ourselves and we suffer for it.

Most people believe that spiritual development is feeling themselves full of peace, harmony and well-being. They do not realize that we all form the Whole and until everyone is not well, I cannot be well either.  Even most people's attempt at spiritual development is selfish so it is of no use as spiritual development.

Spiritual Development: Higher Consciousness of Understanding Reality

Healing, meditation, etc., may make you feel good for the moment, but (if you have truly developed spiritually), when you realize it, you feel that others are not well, then you will not "feel good" either. : you will cry with your neighbor's tears. The above mentioned is union, solidarity, strength.

The nonsense of saying "my way is the right one" because I feel better than others is just selfishness and ignorance, because how can you feel good when other human beings don't feel as good as you?

Spiritual development entails becoming one with Everything and with everyone (as I told you before), that is, rejoicing with the joys of the World and "suffering" with its sufferings.

It is not Philosophy, it is not just words. Throughout my life I have been discovering the scope of Energy Interaction and Resonance (scientifically proven Laws) between human beings, and how what our grandmothers said was true: "everything sticks except beauty or "everything sticks to beauty".

In recent times many "teachers", groups, groups and individuals have raised the cry to heaven calling for a "quantum leap" for Humanity, hoping to live in peace and happiness for the rest of their lives, as If those expected "quantum leaps" were a little pill, a medicine that would solve their problems and heal their souls, I am aware that healing a life takes a life, there are no shortcuts, God is fair.

Potential Healer, Learn to Heal with Damián Alvarez

Now, the same "teachers", gurus, groups and individuals who claimed "spiritual development", "quantum leaps", heavenly paradise on earth, peace, love and happiness, come to me because they do not understand why they feel bad when they they encounter with their neighbors, and why don't they heal their entire lives in therapy, even though other human beings continue to suffer, dying in wars, diseases, pandemics and famines.

"I don't care about others. I just want to be well," is often heard (lately) from the mouths of those who were supposed to heal the world.

Thus, everyone wants to heal the world but no one wants to feel in their own soul (as if it were separated from the soul of others), the great deterioration that humanity is suffering.

Healing oneself is not selfishness because with it you heal the world, but it is selfishness to try to separate yourself from the sick world and "close your eyes" to the reality that surrounds us.

A really very wrong path: "You can never get out of the World or Humanity because you are Humanity and you are the World." You only feel what condition the World is in because you are the World.

Damián Alvarez at
34 Years Healing and Educating the World

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Peace and Love are not a Utopia, they can be achieved.

Peace and Love are not a Utopia, they can be achieved.

I do not believe in Peace and Love in the World, 
I am completely sure of it.
For me it is not a utopia,
For me, it's a reality
What can be achieved:

Some years ago...,
I didn't have so much peace and love 
inside me like I have now.

If I change, Humanity changes,
because I also belong to Humanity,
or not?

So, Peace and Love in the World
It's not a utopia
It is achieved with wisdom, with effort,
with tenacious work and patience.

Using the Virtues of Love
in our daily life,
We will achieve Peace and Love in the World,
but not the three classic Virtues,
but those that we believe are secondary:

Constancy, Perseverance, 
Order, Discipline, 
Temperance, Justice,
Prudence and Patience.


...This Christmas I don't wish you 
Peace Love and Happiness,
but may God give you strength
so you can share
with everybody
your Peace, your Love and your Happiness.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Book of Spiritual Healing (The Great Encyclopedia). New Publication by Damián Alvarez

Spiritual Healing. The Great Encyclopedia of Damián Alvarez



A true Spiritual Healer will not only utilize the healing energies coming from his Core Star, but will first "connect" the healing energies within him to the Love of God. He will "Connect" the Core Star to the Soul Star, He will "Connect" your Divine Spark to Divinity.

Through a simple prayer and our mind consciously directed towards the Soul Star and the Core Star we will "connect" our Divine Essence with God and then (also consciously), we will direct the Healing Energies towards others through the Laying on of Hands , of what is called Esoteric Breathing, with Thought, at a Distance or with the Look.

Some Healers dare to say that they do not need God to heal. Healing is Love, Love is God. What energies, then, do the "healers" who do not believe in God channel?
It seems absurd to me that some people believe in "universal energies" or "light energies" (emphasize that Reiki does not mean and has never meant "universal energy" but rather means Divine Energy), but that they do not believe in God. It's like believing in bottled water but not believing in the water source, or as I explain in my classes "some believe in milk but don't believe in the cow."

Furthermore, if we can heal it is because we are beings created in the image and likeness of God, which is why we can channel healing energies. If you do not believe in God you cannot believe in yourself as a Healer, since you could not possibly work for the Almighty.

Without God it is not that we cannot become Spiritual Healers, but that we would be unable to breathe even once on our own. The Healing Energies are Love and Life, that is, God, and God is the one who Heals.

Get the Book  "The Great Encyclopedia of Spiritual Healing"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit  their  Author Page on Amazon Editorial  (link)

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Spiritual Development and Higher Consciousness of Interaction and Energetic Resonance of the Healer with the World

Interaction and Energetic Resonance of the Healer with the World

Spiritual development entails becoming one with Everything and with everyone, that is, rejoicing with the joys of the World and "suffering" with its sufferings.

It is not Philosophy, it is not just words. Throughout my life I have been discovering the scope of Energetic Interaction and Resonance (scientifically proven Laws) between human beings, and how what our grandmothers said was true: "everything sticks except beauty" or "everything sticks." hits even the beauty."

In recent times many "teachers", groups, groups and individuals have raised the cry to heaven calling for a "quantum leap" for Humanity in the hope of living in peace and happiness for the rest of their lives, as if those expected "quantum leaps" "were a "little pill", a medicine that would solve their problems and heal their souls. I am aware that healing a life takes a life, there are no shortcuts, God is fair.

Spiritual Development. Higher Consciousness. We are all one

Now, the same "teachers", groups, groups and individuals who claimed "spiritual development", "quantum leaps", heavenly paradise on earth, peace, love and happiness, come to me because they do not understand why they feel bad when they meet with their neighbors and why they don't heal their entire lives in therapy even though other human beings continue to suffer, dying in wars, diseases and famines.

"I don't care about others, I just want to be well myself" is often heard (lately) from the mouths of those who were supposed to heal the world.

Thus, everyone wants to heal the world but no one wants to feel in their own soul (as if it were separated from the soul of others) the great deterioration that humanity is suffering.

Healing oneself is not selfishness because with it you heal the world, but it is selfishness to try to separate yourself from the sick world and "close your eyes" to the reality that surrounds us.

A really very wrong path: "You can never get out of the World or Humanity because you are Humanity and you are the World." You only feel what condition the World is in because you are the World.

Damián Alvarez at

Monday, June 24, 2024

Spiritual Healing: Specialization Thesis. A Thesis of the Grand Master Damián Alvarez

A Thesis on Spiritual Healing by Damián Alvarez

Spiritual Healing: Specialization Thesis

This book is not only a study in the deep Spiritual Anatomy of the human being, but a "School of Healing":

Who are we? Why do we get sick? What is our vital mission in this incarnation? How can we feel fulfilled and happy? How to heal our lives? These are just a few of the many questions answered in this revealing thesis.

If your intentions and actions are in accordance with your vital mission, God's will and yours will be one. Discover how you can heal your life just by living consciously in the now and how to teach others to be happy while you are happy.

Get the Book   Specialization Thesis in Spiritual Healing"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit their  Author Page on Amazon Editorial  (link)

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Healing Meditations, The Great Book. The Best Healing Meditations of Grand Master Damián Alvarez

The Great Book of Meditations by Damián Alvarez

Get this great Work: "The Great Book of Healing Meditations", now from "Amazon" for all countries in the World.

"It has been shown that meditation is beneficial for health, but we are also going to meditate to consciously heal ourselves, that is, we will do "Healing Meditations."
Always remember to do the "Healing Prayer" before the "Healing Meditations" so that with the power of your mind you can send where you want and give specific instructions to the healing energies to do what you want. You are going to work actively with the healing energies, you are not going to be a simple channel for "something", but you will direct the healing energies as you want, for your good, now, and later, for the good of the whole. The humanity.
You will always know what you are doing, how you are doing it and why you are doing it, and the best thing will be that with time and practice you will be able to move 150 healing energies in a matter of seconds."
Damian Alvarez

Get "The Great Book of Healing Meditations" (link),  by Damián Alvarez  
Visit their  Author Page on Amazon Editorial  (link)

Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Light of the Chakras (Part One: The Light of Passion)

The Light of the Soul, the Light of the Chakras: A dynamic Rainbow

And vice versa, how does it work? How does the red Light that comes from the "Earth Star" along the Hara Line through the Base Chakra behave and/or decompose (if it decomposes)?

The same thing happens with the red light coming from the Earth Star, and that "enters" the human body through the Hu-yin point, which, although we are studying them separately, since one cannot be explained without the other. .

Without the white light coming from the Soul Star, the decomposition of the red light that reaches the human being from the Earth Star cannot be explained, because it is precisely the white light that decomposes the red light and vice versa, thus form the entire spectrum of colors that form the system of major and minor chakras, paths between them, auric bodies, etc.

In other words:  The soul incarnated in a physical body vibrates with the energies of light broken down into different aspects, levels, dimensions of the human being , but not only light, because sounds and aromas are also vibrations. The color pink should smell like roses in the heart chakra of a person with this chakra balanced, but here we go.

Orange. The Color of the Sacral Chakra, the Color of Passion

The red energy from the Earth Star bathes the base chakra, all the minor chakras associated with it, and the paths between them with this light. Red energy keeps the physical body vital, and the soul's roots in that physical body.

But what happens in the sacral chakra, the world of emotions, so that the physical red light of instinctive survival becomes the color orange, since it has received a little spiritual white light from the Soul Star. The Passion is deeply orange.

For this reason, emotions are not instinctive, automatic, physical, but rather spiritual, although the instinct of creation, procreation, and sexual desire is greatly marked by red energy, and it is logical, because the sacral chakra has more than " animal" than spiritual. Many times we become sexually excited, and without knowing why, that is, unconsciously, automatically, naturally. That is the power of the red color of the sacral chakra.

But we can also have sex or create for love, create for God or desire to procreate for God, and that is when we mix a little white spiritual light into the sacral chakra and transform it into the color orange.

... to be continue

Damián Alvarez at

Get the Book  "Meaning and Therapeutic Use of Colors in Vibrational Medicine"  (link), by  Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on the Amazon Editorial  (link)