Saturday, June 29, 2024

Reiki Light Networks for Peace in the World

 Peace, Love and Abundance on Earth distributed equally
Reiki Light Network around the World. Silvia Hernández, Reiki Master

Peace, Light and Life
Mandala Reiki. Juan Ramón Díaz Ruíz. Reiki Therapist from Madrid

May the Light and Love of God Reign in Our Hearts
Reiki Light Network around the World. Grand Master Yaiza Dorta Sanabria

Peace, Love and Abundance on Earth distributed equally
Reiki Light Network around the World. Grand Master Damian Alvarez

Awakening of Human Consciousness
Reiki Light Network around the World. Grand Master Beatriz Pallés Darias

Healing for all Souls on Earth
Reiki Light Network around the World. Grand Master M. Jesús García

Balance on Planet Earth
Reiki Light Network around the World. Master Pablo Rodriguez Cano

May the Light Illuminate this beautiful World and the Hearts of Men
Reiki Light Network around the World. Great Teacher. Vanessa Herrera

Love, Love and more Love for all Living Beings
Reiki Light Network around the World. Teacher Paola Ascanio Pallés

Peace, Love and Wellbeing throughout Planet Earth
Reiki Light Network around the World. Master Oster Jon from Switzerland

Light and Love for the World and all Members of the Tinerfe Healing System
Reiki Light Network around the World. Grand Master M. Eugenia López

Peace in Heaven and on Earth
The Archangels join the Earth Healing Circle

Preserve Peace, Love and Light on Earth
"Guardians of the Light of the Earth" join the Healing Circle