Monday, May 27, 2024

The Solar Plexus and Life

The Solar Plexus Chakra connects you with the Universe and Life

The Solar Plexus directs all functions of the physical body; Breathing, nutrition, growth, circulation, and the nervous system depend on it.

Through the Solar Plexus, man truly communicates with the universe, because the Solar Plexus is united with the cosmos, with the entire Chakra System and with the different aspects of the spiritual, sentimental, emotional and physical human personality. Therefore, it is an extremely important center for us and we must avoid anything that could contract, block, or unbalance it because it in turn governs the blood vessels and the other physical and energetic channels of the body, and when the blood, the other liquids or energy circulate poorly due to blockages in the Solar Plexus, physical and/or energetic “deposits” are formed), which, over time, produce all kinds of discomforts, symptoms and spiritual, sentimental, mental, emotional and spiritual illnesses. physical.

How it governs the internal organs: liver, stomach, pancreas, etc., and is also a “repository of vital energy” (an “energy battery of happiness”), an imbalance or blockage in the Solar Plexus due to scares and upsets Traumatic events such as fears, doubt, anger, disordered love, chaotic thoughts and feelings, physical and psychological abuse, deception, an accident, a failure, a separation, etc., etc., lead to an imbalance. total body and soul.

The Solar Plexus is your Self, here and now, and it is of great importance that it remains healthy and balanced since your general health, well-being and happiness depends on it.

(Original text by Virginia Gaskell Marmol, developed by Damián Alvarez)