Thursday, March 14, 2024

Rules of Behavior of the Good Healer

Strong Solar Plexus/Strong Ego, the Strength of the Healer

Always stay here in the now, don't wander with your mind. Learn to focus on the moment. Don't live in the future or the past.

Always be your true "I", your real "I", yourself. Don't "dress" with masks, or try to pretend, equal or surpass yourself, much less put yourself down.

Always listen actively and try to understand what you hear.

Develop your Ego to an adult state. Your Ego is your strength, your life, who you are here and now with a physical body. A weak Ego entails insecurities, complexes, fears, shame, failures...

Focus on trying to feel how you would like to feel, that is, full. When you know how you would like to feel, then try to stay that way always.

Always speak the truth as you understand it. Don't lie to others but mainly don't lie to yourself.

Never expect a certain result. Do not become dependent on a limited illusion or fantasy. Everything can always be better than your mind can imagine, or in another way better.

Do not imprison yourself in preconceived ideas, ancient teachings, prejudices and taboos. Open yourself to new ideas and the mysteries of life will be revealed to you.

Keep your dilemmas and existential questions alive, active, conscious. Your life has meaning and you will find it.

Ask the Divine Universal Love Energies (God) every time you have a question, wait for their answer and when you receive it, do not analyze it but accept it.

Keep learning all your life. We all have a lot to learn, both you and me. No one has ever learned it all.

Get the Book  "Universal Healing Techniques"  (link)  by Damián Alvarez
Visit their  Author Page on Amazon Editorial  (link)