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Complexes often cause them repeated frustrations |
Anger often enters our lives through disappointments and frustrations. A frustrated person easily becomes aggressive and sends out waves of negative emotions that hurt both the sender and the people to whom it is sent. Anger is expressed in resentment, hatred, rage, aggressiveness. These low/negative emotions (even if they do not reach physical aggression) are negative energies, which are directed consciously or unconsciously towards the person who could offend us in some way.
Also emphasize that it is not the fault of another person "that we feel offended", but of our inner insecurity, of our complexes, of our previous frustrations. A person with a balanced Sacral chakra is not usually offended so easily, a self-confident person is not usually bothered by other people's impertinence either. The "trick" (as I have already written so many times), in order not to get frustrated and/or angry is "not to expect anything from anyone or expect anything". In any case, the one who acts with love never expects anything from anyone, because love is disinterested, therefore the one who acts with love can never be disappointed and get angry about it.
Frustrated people, whether sexually or creatively, also tend to be self-conscious, insecure, easily aggressive and do not accept other people's sexual or work successes.
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Use the Energies of your Sacral Chakra to Create and not Envy |
A las demás personas no las podemos cambiar, menos aún con odio, rencor, ira, etc., pero nosotros si podemos cambiar. Por mucho que critiquemos, por mucho que insultemos o nos enfademos con los demás, nuestra propia frustración no desaparecerá, sino que aumentará, desequilibrando aún más nuestro chakra Sacral y convirtiéndonos al final en personas muy antipáticas, en personas (realmente), insoportables, por no hablar del sinfín de enfermedades que puede causar el chakra Sacro desequilibrado (desde enfermedades renales, hasta genitales, pasando por problemas con el sistema circulatorio). Ver: "enfermedades asociadas al chakra Sacro desequilibrado" bajo esta misma etiqueta.
If you really want to change your life and achieve both loving and creative successes, try to use those destructive energies/emotions that you waste getting angry with others, in creative, constructive energies. Do not waste the energy of your Sacral chakra, your creative potential, in hating those who have been able to achieve what makes you so envious...
Get the Book "Sacred Chakra, Passion of Life" (link) ,
by Damián Alvarez
Visit his Author Page in the Amazon Editorial (link)