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The Chakras. The "Seven Maidens" of your Life |
We are going to see the Major Chakra System in a little more detail. I will write you the name of the chakra and some keywords associated with each chakra.
If you know to which part of the body each chakra sends energy, then you can associate any disease with a specific chakra and thus, treating the chakra you treat the root of the disease. Also knowing that it blocks or unbalances each chakra you can make a reliable diagnosis.
Crown Chakra:
White / Gold Light. God, Atheism, bigotry, skepticism, angry with God, materialism. Send energy to the whole body. Whole body diseases. Fibromyalgia, Rheumatism, Arthritis. Muscle and bone diseases.
Keyword: God
Third Eye Chakra:
Violet / lilac light. Alter Ego, Higher Self. Paranormal qualities like clairvoyance, telepathy, psychometry. Sends energy to the brain, head and eyes. Eye diseases, brain (such as Parquinsón, Alzeimer, etc.), and mental (such as Schizophrenia, Phobias, Manias, etc.). Insomnia, migraine, mental stress, psychic tension. It is unbalanced by criminality.
Key word: Alter Ego (that I that goes beyond you, that thinks for the good of all humanity).
Throat Chakra:
Blue light. Communication, development, learning, reading, writing, speaking, listening, teaching, learning. All communication even with "smoke signals", body or "signs". Sends energy to the ears, nose and throat. Thyroid, stuttering, aphonia, deafness, broken voice, smell problems, etc.
Keyword: Communication.
You can now diagnose all head diseases and associate them with a specific chakra.
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Heart chakra. The love of your life |
Heart Chakra:
Light Pink / Green. Love, fear, sorrows, heartbreak, emotional losses, need to love and be loved, ability to give and receive love. Sends energy to the breasts, lungs and heart. Breast, lung and cardiovascular diseases such as arrhythmias, tachycardias, angina pectoris, asthma, allergies, lung cancer, breast cancer, etc. Depression, Anguish, feeling of suffocation.
Keyword: Love
Solar Plexus Chakra:
Yellow light. Ego, your I here and now. Traumas (scares and upsets). Personal fulfillment, satisfaction. Self-confidence, self-esteem, self-esteem, shame, shyness, fear of failure, complexes. Sends energy to the pancreas, liver and stomach. Stomach diseases, liver diseases and diseases of the pancreas.
Keyword: Ego
Sacral Chakra:
Orange Light. Sexual and creative energies. Creativity, destruction. Angers, frustrations, disappointments, rage, resentment, anger. It sends energy to the urinary system and the reproductive system. Bladder, kidneys, prostate, ovaries, testicles, vagina, womb, penis. Impotence, frigidity, sterility, nymphomania, perversions, sexual deviations.
Keyword: Sexual and creative energies.
Base or Root Chakra:
Red light. Survival energy. It sends energy to the whole body, especially to the legs up to the groin. Diseases of the whole body, muscles and skeleton. Greed, materialism, superficiality. Fear of theft, fear of deception, fear of loss. Autonomous functions of the physical body such as being hungry, thirsty, going to the bathroom, wanting to sleep, doing digestion, etc. Material abundance.
Keyword: Survival Energies.
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"The Great Encyclopedia of the Major Chakras System" (link),
by Damián Alvarez
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