Saturday, March 27, 2021

Healing Child. Current Healing Link and Future Healing of Humanity

The Healer lives to Heal and Heals to Live. Union with the Whole

The truth, although many people do extract energy from others, is that all disease is contagious, at least at the energy level. Right now it seems that God wants us to realize, once and for all, that we are all one, and it seems that the physical manifestation of diseases transmitted at the energy level are happening almost instantaneously on the physical plane as well.

Any imbalance, be it spiritual, mental, emotional, sentimental, that is, the root of all physical illness, is contagious. Some time ago, it took about 10 years for an energy imbalance to manifest itself as a physical disease, each day it is happening faster.

Through interaction and energetic resonance, we connect to our fellow human beings, feeling and many times suffering from the diseases of the neighbor and vice versa.

God is doing his part so that human beings become aware that "as long as there is only one person who suffers on the planet, the rest of humanity will suffer with them." Bear in mind that God will not allow man to destroy himself, nor to destroy his creation.

May we all be One in All and May we all be One in God

We Healers have always known it, we have been aware of it. A Healer heals the sick person, balances the unbalanced, relaxes the disturbed, etc., but most people are not Healers (although we can all become one), and instead of healing the sick and balancing the unbalanced, they are the energies of the sick and the unbalanced which make them sick and unbalance them. Thank you that God has put a Healing Link or Healing Child in each group, in each family, in each place, in order to break the energy contagion between human beings.

I was a Child Healing, I was a Healing Link, and I realized the reality at an early age: "That I was healing my parents, brothers, uncles, grandparents, cousins, schoolmates, etc. I was not the one that I was sick, but that I was the one who (literally) carried the diseases of all the people who were around me. " Now, and every day, more and more people are awakening to this eternal reality, or as Jesus Christ said through the mouth of his disciple John:

«So that all may be one; as you, Father, in me, and I in you, may they also be one in us! "  (John 17:21)

+ 50 Years as a Healing Link