Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Meditation with the Healing energies of Reiki Healing System Chokurei, Daikomyo and Antahkarana to energetically Clean the Solar Plexus

Daikomyo. You are the Light

To practice meditation should be started at third level or Reiki Master.
The following Healing Meditation use the healing energies of Reiki Healing System following:
1. Hands Up
2. Prayer
3. CHO-KU-REI in the Hara Line (to open)
4. DAI-KO-MYO throughout the body (to fill light)
5. ANTAHKARANA in the "Earth Star"
6. ANTAHKARANA climb the Hara Line from the "Earth Star" to the solar plexus by turning to the left.
7. ANTAHKARANA chakra is maintained below by turning it constantly left (to clean) and repeating the mantra corresponding to (paying attention) the solar plexus in three series: ANTAHKARANA, ANTAHKARANA, ANTAHKARANA time it deems necessary.
8. Lower ANTAHKARANA back to the "Earth Star".
9. close to the Energy
10. root

Damián Alvarez