Friday, August 25, 2017

Why inflames my stomach when I practice Reiki? Ignorance or Misinformation Reiki Healing System?

 Each day there are more and more Reiki Masters with swollen belly

Healers have always existed in all cultures and in all times.
Reiki is a healing system more spread throughout the world not because it is the best system of healing but because it is the simplest and easiest to learn and easiest to implement and teach the majority Teachers Reiki in the Western world.
When I worked in Sweden as Healer / Vibrational Therapist and Reiki Master in the 90s, most customers had and the most frequent were those who had learned Reiki in other schools and other teachers and felt very bad and not knowing why or having no one to ask, because their teachers had traveled to other homes to continue giving Reiki courses. Many Masters roamed his country, Europe and the world with Reiki courses, which were never accessible to questions, doubts and uncertainties of their students.
Note also that Reiki was introduced in Europe, at least in Sweden, for traders, business people, accustomed to pyramid schemes, and not by people with a sufficient degree of spirituality and love of neighbor.

Reiki was a big deal, courses in groups of up to 20 people, courses costing up to 6,000 Euros (Master). Some Reiki Masters I accompanied the banks so that they financed the future Master of Reiki as it was a business. You convinced with the phrase "since you do to another person Reiki Master and you regain your 6,000 Euros" and banks seeing the windfall financed them.
The courses are presented as "what was fashionable in America", the chic, how cool, modern, the actual. Reiki Masters course you sold claiming all kinds of miracles and exaggerating the legend of Dr. Usui to such an extent that surpassed the greatness of Jesus Christ. You promised the moon and the stars, the healing of all diseases, develop yourself spiritually, develop paranormal qualities, view and to contact angels and other light beings superiors. Really it rocked as how to sell the "product" and it worked.
In Reiki courses they were taught in a weekend they'll make the four relevant initiations and taught you the hand positions of rigor. We also gave the class a piece of paper with "Reiki Principles" on the second floor and another sheet with the "three Reiki symbols." Then you spent the entire weekend practicing with other beginners while the Master or Masters circled looking if you did well the positions of the hands or if you were sending distant healing (second level).
If at any time you felt a stomach ache or head and wondering that was due, Reiki Masters I answered that it was nothing, it was all good and that Reiki is not "hit" anything.
When asked that how it worked "that" the answer was "you do not worry, you put your hands and you're done."
Anyone with "half a brain" realize that those "Masters" were called were not, or did not have enough knowledge to answer the simplest of questions or because they kept what they knew and quickly took a secret that gave them power and it cost a lot of money getting.
From time to time, and thankfully, the odd classmate told me "the headache that you feel is mine, I carry with him a week ago and now me being removed", or that other than telling me " Have you noticed that you want to throw up every time you come about the Master? "
Actually if I learned something in the Reiki course I went to when such a system of healing came to Europe but was of my classmates and not my Masters.
Seeing as he was the spiritual outlook and ignorance of my teachers started looking for answers to my questions on their own. I studied Vibrational Medicine, Spiritual Healing, Gem therapy, Metaphysics, Psychology, I Massage courses, other systems of healing, etc., etc., until I felt qualified or more qualified than those who called themselves Masters but did not have answers to their students. I opened my first therapy center Vibrational I quoted at the beginning of this article and who came mostly practitioners and teachers Reiki and Karuna Ki felt bad for two reasons: First, because no one explained to them what was happening to them fared and second to happen because nobody explained why it happened.
The answer that some teachers gave their students ranged from "Clean 21 days", "Spiritual Crisis" and more sweeping: "Stop practicing Reiki and you go".
We are energy beings (and not because I say so, it is scientifically proven for many years) and therefore our relations are energetic interactions means that our energies are related, yes, yours and mine.
In all human relationships always mutual interaction energy where higher frequency energies will dominate happens. If your energies prevail, you will heal the person with whom you associate. If prevailing energy of a sick person, then you will kill you as it relates to you.
Reiki Masters defend the position that the Reiki energies are so high and flowing in only one direction, or Therapist to container, it is impossible for any symptoms, illness, imbalance is spreading from the container Therapy Therapist
What they forget or do not know or want to know those Masters of Reiki is the Energy and Energy Resonance Interaction between two energy bodies always happen. Energy interaction that happens in all relationships, so when we send or give healing to others. Energy that interaction happens mostly through the major chakras system and the major chakras cannot be closed because such interaction through these energy centers experience life, feelings, passions, emotions, love , etc.
It is assumed that any healing is Love (Reiki is not an exception) so through a Reiki Therapy interaction between two or more humans is stronger and more durable than in a normal relationship.
So it is not surprising that teachers and practitioners of Reiki, (even if they have other positions on the matter), continue connecting to their students and patients, feeling their diseases, symptoms, imbalances, etc. in their own energy bodies to such an extent to make his energy these symptoms to physical manifestation.
Left unanswered the question in the title of this article with the following example:
Interaction Energy solar plexus to solar plexus between two human beings always happens automatically.
Most people have the solar plexus very uneven or very blocked (rather broken).
When healing others we do not happen to the energetic interaction disappears but is accentuated, so it becomes more profound and lasting.
Through the Energy and Energy Resonance Interaction with the Solar Plexus blocked or unbalanced Therapy container becomes unbalanced or the solar plexus blocks Therapist Reiki not only causing inflammation of the stomach, but also stomach pains, nausea, dizziness, headaches, head, diarrhea, vomiting, anxiety, tachycardia, etc., etc., etc., (ie all symptoms that can be the recipient of the therapy.
In addition, all Healing Therapy consists of three parts: Clean Energy, Energy Healing and Load Balancing or. Not like Reiki teachers postulate that "is just put your hands and you're done."
Therapists Healing System Tinerfe learn to protect ourselves from the energies of the container that could unbalance us or block our own system of chakras.
We work actively directing the energies consciously and accurately, to cleanse, heal and load and are not just "universal energy channels" as Reiki therapists.
We also know undo, remove, clear the negative energies that might have adhered to our energy body from the energy body of the container of therapy.
In addition to knowledge of Spiritual Human Anatomy, Metaphysics and Disease Dynamics Soul / Life have logical explanation for any of your questions.

And whoever disagrees with me first explain to me today because there are so many Reiki teachers and therapists so sick that they do not even realize it, and because every day there are more and more therapists and Reiki Masters swollen belly, suffering from nausea, stomach pain, gas, heartburn, cramps, etc., etc., etc.