Sunday, August 27, 2017

Solar Plexus "Pathways". Self-Love, Self-Realization

Solar Plexus "Pathways": Self-Love and Self-Realization

There are two "roads" leading to the solar plexus, one is the "path of self-love" that goes from the heart chakra to the solar plexus chakra and the other is a "way" back and forth that goes from the Plexus chakra Sacral chakra Solar to "the path of self-realization."
The "roads" are in the Hara Line and between the chakras as we have seen.
If the "path of self" is open, the human being is love itself, will love life, love yourself, your time here and now, you will feel at ease with himself, will have peace and welfare in its soul.
However if the "path of self" is locked, then the energy of love heart chakra not "bathe" the solar plexus filling of fullness but it will create distress, anxiety, nervousness, fear, anxiety, need to be loved , lack of zest for life, dreams, goals; the feeling that it lacks "something".

The emotional symptoms mentioned above will eventually manifest as physical illnesses such as heart palpitations, arrhythmias, chest tightness, breathing problems, chronic cough, angina, breast cancer and / or irremediably attacks.
If the "path of self-realization" is open, the wishes of the solar plexus, the Ego come true, manifest in the physical world. The Ego to know what you want out of life, what would like to do, what would satisfy the energy put in place way down to the Sacral chakra to their creative energies and manifest act on desires that will cause the realization personal.
When the creative energies of the Sacral chakra manifest in the physical world the desire of the Solar Plexus, they turn back to the solar plexus, the Ego realizing it, creating personal satisfaction, filling fullness of faith. It is when man sighs of fullness and feel proud of yourself, getting own security for future goals.
But if the path between the solar plexus chakra and sacral chakra is blocked, then the energy of desire does not flow to the creative energies not be started and no manifest the goal, which should result in frustration a disappointment, a failure. Failure, frustration, helplessness and lead to aggressiveness, jealousy, envy, anger, resentment, etc.
Emotional symptoms of Sacral chakra is unbalanced eventually manifest as physical illnesses related to the urinary system and the reproductive system could be as kidney failure, prostate problems, frigidity, impotence, infertility, incontinence, uterine cancer and tumors in the ovaries.
It's easy to tell a "love yourself" or "do not be angry" person, but these phrases do not help the person who does not love or frustrated person, only the specific therapies that undo the blockages that interrupt the energy flow in the "paths" between the chakras will solve the problem by getting the vessel for self therapy self-confidence and self-realization with all that entails.
Modern medicine does not have any effective treatment to heal the sentimental and emotional symptoms, unless classical antidepressants do not cure you but you numb, so that energy is inevitably symptoms manifest as physical illnesses.
You can get self-esteem, confidence in yourself, feel accomplished and avoid physical abovementioned diseases go to a healer / therapist expert Tinerfe Healing System. It will try your case individually, fully customized.

... And to live that is two days.

Damián Alvarez