Thursday, July 20, 2017

Solar Plexus Blocked and psychic and Physics Deformation of the Human Race

Physics Deformation of the Human Race

The first symptoms of an unbalanced or blocked Solar Plexus are nausea, indigestion, pain and heartburn, gas, bloating the pressure below the ribs and back pressure on the liver and pancreas, constipation, cramps, dizziness, headache, mental tension, anxiety, anguish, fear, insecurity, low self-esteem, low self-esteem, sense of failure.
The energy must flow, life must flow through us. When we block the energy of life two things happen:
First, the energy has to go somewhere. Second, some organs and body parts were left without power.
Have you not seen how many people exist today in our society with the inflamed stomach? Every day more and more the "skinny fat" thin people with huge bellies, people who seem to be in the ninth month of pregnancy.

Proudly calls "beer bellies" are just bellies are crying that heal, deformed bellies, sick bellies, bellies full of fears, insecurities, complex ....
The human body is being deformed because of energy blockages in the solar plexus. The vital energy does not flow to support specific organs naturally accumulates, stagnates, is blocked in the stomach causing inflammation of the stomach.

To make matters worse, the Solar Plexus weak and lacking energy trying to cover the energy deficit by absorbing energy from the solar plexus of other people, who also have their solar plexus sick and causing sickest bellies, bellies higher.
Many will say that one cannot laugh schadenfreude and of course I do not, just try to inform and educate because there is help to heal the "beer bellies".
It is a fact that the human body is sick inside and out. Inflamed, tense, full of gas, acidity and heartburn, ulcers bellies. Bellies that produce vascular diseases, back pain, anxiety, palpitations, anxiety, respiratory problems and "steal" self-love, self-esteem and safety to humans are diseases that do grace.
What if it's funny is that people take for granted all the above symptoms as normal, natural, when it is not in either aesthetic or health degree and also that all that suffering can be avoided with healing therapies, education and guide of life.

If you do not want to have your swollen belly, if you want to eat without heavy digestions, if you realize that your belly is a nuisance and not something to be proud of, then remember that therapists of Healing System Tinerfe specialize in Healing Solar plexus.