Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A Dangerous World or a World of Love?

Recovering the Earthly Paradise is the Right and Honor of all

We must emphasize that the world that our parents believe to be aggressive is made up of themselves, the world is not something apart from which we can get away from, the world is you and me, the world is all of us. When we think that the world is dangerous, we are really telling our children that we are dangerous. A phrase that I find very funny is the following: “As parents will have found out about everything they try to warn their children about.”

We must not only educate our children with love, but also our parents and grandparents.

Being afraid of being killed or of killing ourselves is understandable to a certain extent, but fear can never prevent us from being killed or from killing ourselves, but Prudence and Discretion can. Prudence is a virtue and virtues are expressions of love, so prudent is the one who lives with love. Live with love so as not to harm others, or yourself. Do not live in fear, because that fear will be your greatest danger.
In any case, most people live in fear of everything and everyone, that is, they see danger in everything and everyone, otherwise they would not live in fear.

It is “hard” to admit it, but for most people, the world is a dangerous world, the human being is a dangerous being. They think that the truth is the opposite: God created planet Earth as a paradise and we are beings created in the image and likeness of God, we are love. We should live in this paradise in peace, harmony and happiness every day of our years. Why, then, so much fear of an unreal, unfounded danger? The answer is easy, the most logical answer is: “because we have been deceived.”

The Greatest Possible Protection is Biblical Teachings

Living with love does not mean being stupid, on the contrary. Love is wise, love is powerful, love causes respect, security and fidelity. Fear, on the contrary, creates insecurity, uncertainty, worries, anxiety, anguish and ultimately panic. Panic makes us act irresponsibly, impulsively, insecurely with others, and that is when we become dangerous beings for them and for ourselves. It is the imprudent and indiscreet way of acting that creates danger.

In the end, fear is always what can stop us. The fear of danger limits us, controls us, manipulates us, forces us, stops us. We know that everything that limits us, controls us, manipulates us, forces us and stops us does not come from God because God gave us Free Will.
Against everything that takes away our Free Will we must “fight”, but with love, prudence and discretion.
Really, what stops you is not danger but the fear of danger, that lie. Negative spiritual beings deceive us into believing that there are dangers so that we live in fear, dangerously towards ourselves, others and the planet and self-destruct.

In any case, “don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing”, “a live dog is better than a dead lion”, “what good is it to gain the whole world if you lose yourself”, and “don’t be afraid of those who can kill your body and not your soul” are written and are guidelines to follow in order to live prudently but without fear.

Don’t be stupid, don’t let “danger” or fear of “danger” stop you, so that no one can prevent God’s Will from manifesting on Earth through you with a lie and that, through you, planet Earth will recover its original condition of paradise of peace, harmony and happiness.

Get the book  "The School of God"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

He who controls his solar plexus, controls the universe. A work by the Grand Master Damián Alvarez

He who controls his Solar Plexus,
controls his Universe

It is not that "he who controls his Solar Plexus controls the Universe", since controlling the universe is not our thing but God's. Of course, "he who controls his Solar Plexus controls his own universe", no more and no less.

By avoiding everything that blocks and unbalances this precious chakra (the sun of your life), we will control our life one hundred percent, we will be happy, we will achieve all the good things we want in this step through earthly life, we will feel completely fulfilled.

In order to avoid what unbalances this energy center, we must first know what unbalances and blocks it. Apart from traumas, there are other important factors, perhaps not so well known, that block and unbalance this chakra. These are:
Temperance keeps the Solar Plexus Chakra Strong and Healthy
  • Witchcraft.
  • The interaction and energetic resonance between our Solar Plexus and the Solar Plexus of the rest of the people with whom we interact.
  • Negative energies from other people directed towards us unconsciously, such as jealousy, envy, etc.
  • Flattery and criticism from others that could undermine our security.
  • Attacks by negative spiritual beings.
  • Psychic contamination.
  • Excessive sentimental, emotional and psychological states of oneself and of other people.
  • Traumas (scares and disgusts)

Get the book  "He who controls his Solar Plexus controls the Universe"  (link), by Damián Alvarez.
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon's Editorial  (link)

Monday, September 16, 2024

Music Therapy for Body and Soul (Sounds that Heal, Sounds that Cure). Bestseller by Damián Alvarez on Amazon (May 2024)

The Book "Music Therapy for Body and Soul" by Damián Alvarez
"Sounds" Magnificent

Sounds are vibrations, vibrations are energy. Music therapy is the art of balancing the energies of the human being and the environment with the energies of sounds.

Considering that the root of every physical illness is energetic, by treating the energies of the human being we treat the root of the illness, as well as its physical manifestation.
But Music Therapy not only heals, it also has therapeutic properties, that is, it cures.

In all cultures, rituals, religions, music has always been present to induce elevated states of consciousness, create positive energy, provide peace and well-being, spiritual and physical strength, protect and heal: Gregorian chants, Tibetan bowls, bells, drum beats, intonation of mantras, and a long etcetera.

It is very clear that "he who sings drives away his evil", and it is fully proven that sounds affect not only our energies but also our vital organs and our mental, emotional and sentimental state. Likewise, noises negatively affect our body and soul. Yes, noises produce negative energy that can make us sick.

The best music therapy that exists is the "music of nature": The sound of the wind in the trees, the song of birds and dolphins, the "music" of a stream, the intoxicating waves of the sea, and even soft human sounds full of love such as whispers or the sound of sighs (discovered by Damián Alvarez).

It has also been proven that sounds affect us even before we are born.

Music cheers up the depressed, vitalizes the listless, calms the angry, ...and brings us closer to God:  "in the beginning was the Word (Energy/Sound in Motion), and the Word became matter..."

Get the book  Music Therapy for Body and Soul"  (link), by Damián Alvarez.
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Is Reiki a Gift from God and should one charge for that Gift?

Love is Free but Healers have to survive on something

According to Reiki Alliance and based on the fact that Dr. Usui practiced Reiki Healing on the streets with poor and homeless people, realizing that they got sick again (supposedly), because they did not value what was given to them for free (Reiki Therapies), it is said of the value (which must be very high according to some, but not me) that you have to give to Reiki therapies in order to heal yourself.
The official price of a 45-minute Reiki therapy is 40 euros.

The Reiki Healing System always works. I always say that the one who has to have faith is not the recipient of the therapy but the Therapist.

You can give classes and therapies for free, but I recommend that you always charge. The work of the Healer/Therapist is the most difficult in the world and will never be paid no matter how much our "patients" can contribute to us. I also recommend that you rise to the occasion and be flexible (financially) with people and give everyone the same opportunities to learn and heal.

Healers also have two hands, to give and to receive.

Many times a gift, consideration, smile, hug, gratitude from a financially poor person is worth more than the 40 euros that a stingy, skeptical or ungrateful person can leave you.

We have two hands, one to give and the other to receive and you know that if the tree is not watered and fertilized well, then sooner or later it will stop bearing fruit. If after a therapy in which you have put all your effort, energy and effort, the recipient of the therapy does not pay you, then sooner or later you will become disillusioned, lose motivation and stop helping others with Reiki therapies.

Some people tell me that I could take on another job to survive and do Reiki therapies for free. I send these people home, and when they look at me strangely and ask me if I am angry, I usually answer that I am not angry but that I do not have time for them because I have to go to work to survive. The lesson is that if I had to take on another job, I would impossible have time to attend to my students and patients. Also, people who believe that healers should do their healing for free do not realize that then the therapist would not have any free time for himself (a necessity for every human being). Well, in short: Some people are so narrow-minded that they believe that healers should work for free and in their free time too. Totally absurd! Of course.

Well-Prepared Reiki Therapists. Health Professionals

On the other hand, we have the plot of the miser who comes up with that "if healing is a gift from God we shouldn't charge" and "if God gave you that gift for free, you have to give it to others for free too." I usually ask the miser, the greedy person who wants to squeeze you without spending a euro the following question: Where does the gift of the hairdresser, the doctor, the street sweeper, the carpenter, etc. come from? Don't all the gifts and talents come from God? Why can a hairdresser and a carpenter charge and a healer not? The healer is not given bread or a screw in the hardware store. Nor is he told: Fill the car's tank with gas for free because you are a healer.

In addition, no matter how much of God's gift you receive, the courses, the practices, the study and practice material, the electric light that illuminates the moment, the relaxing music that plays and the incense that is being burned cost money.

Some dark souls believe that healers become rich by deceiving other people or that healers should condemn themselves to poverty as an act of faith towards God who gave them the gift of healing. What these dark souls do not know is that the work of a healer, although the most beautiful, is the most difficult that exists on planet Earth. A good healer will never be able to become rich since only one soul can heal another soul and it would be practically impossible to attend to so many patients (well attended to) with so many illnesses in order to become rich. These dark souls are the first to rejoice if things go badly for you financially and you have to close the "kiosk".

Healing is a Pleasure and an Honor but also a Job

There must always be an exchange of energy between human beings, but we can never impose conditions on the Universe as to how this exchange of energy has to take place. There is more energy in a few kilos of potatoes than in 500 euros.

Use your common sense when it comes to the "exchange of energy." Do not abuse or take advantage of those in need, but never forget to charge the greedy more than others so that you do not spoil them. The greedy will then be the ones who will help heal good-hearted people with fewer resources.

Damian Alvarez at

Get the book "Specialization Thesis in Spiritual Healing"  (link), by Damián Alvarez Visit his Author Page on the Amazon Editorial (link) 

Monday, September 9, 2024

The Programs of the Universe are very nice...but the Earth is a mess.

We are the Universe.
It is very interesting to watch documentaries about the Universe explaining the formation of Galaxies, Stars, the Sun... but what about the Earth? That tiny Planet (which is no longer so blue).

Man is always looking far away when his own house is a mess. Let's not even talk about his own Interior because that would make us run away.

It is a primary task for all of us to look after what we really have. It is idiotic not to do so.
Our Planet is dying in silence and we are not capable of helping those who give to us unconditionally.

I want a better planet Earth, because I love it
For many who think it is a utopia, I would say that it can become a reality. If we have invested time in the negative and reached this point, why not the positive.
Everything can be changed for the better if we fight with the same IDEOLOGY, not the one that separates, disunites, imposes, criticizes... NO, that is not valid... to do things you just need to do them.
With love, strength, bravery, courage and a lot of common sense, this planet can be made into a wonderful place.
For the pessimists, the unbelievers of the impossible, for the doubtful, the utopian... for them there is MARS.

There are many of us who do NOT want:
- Planet Earth to be a garbage dump,
- or a planet of wars, hunger, misery, corruption...
- nor a contaminated planet,
- much less a planet in which species become extinct, deforested, plundered, mistreated.

No. We do not want this. If some people want it... they are in serious trouble.

Is the Human Being intelligent or idiotic?

                                        WE WANT HUMAN BEINGS WHO WANT:

-a blue, bright, radiant Planet full of Light, Peace, Love,
-where species coexist without becoming extinct because man has already chosen change,
-where Peace has been established in the heart of everyone,
-pure air is breathed,
-only good exists because evil has not worked,
-where respect for others is already a fact,
-where the sea, the rivers, the lakes are crystal clear,
-where there is abundance for All, because there is,
-where We have all finally assimilated the concept of BEING ONE.

                              A NEW ERA OF LOVE BEGINS

Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Great Power of the Ego, The Power of the Solar Plexus. A Great Work by Damián Alvarez

The Great Power of the Ego. The Power of the Solar Plexus

Many schools, religions and philosophies postulate that we must forget our Ego in order to develop spiritually.
The Ego manifests itself in the life of the human being through the Solar Plexus chakra.
The chakras are part of our soul, of our spirituality.
Our Ego (Solar Plexus) is our "I", here and now, with which we understand the world, with which we understand reality.
Spiritual development entails a development of the entire Major Chakra System, including the Solar Plexus.

A strong Ego helps in spiritual development. Although I dare say that without the Ego, without the Solar Plexus, such development would not exist.
A person with a big and strong Ego “takes on the world”, does great things, “brings important projects to fruition”, writes, develops, invents, discovers, teaches, knows who he or she is and what he or she wants in life, and does not allow anything or anyone to stop him or her. A person with a big and strong Ego is a winner, also in the spiritual realm.

A person without an ego is a “zombie”, a person with complexes, without self-confidence, easy to manipulate, control, force, and stop.
A person without an Ego is incapable of thinking for himself, but lives according to taboos, prejudices, teachings, clichés, the thoughts of others, fashions and many, many fears (life programming).

People with a big ego are those who have always sacrificed themselves for the rest of humanity. Those people who, living without fear, dare to say that “the earth is round” without caring about the reprisals that such a position could cause them, are people with a big and strong ego.

The self-assured Ego is what creates the geniuses, the masters and spiritual guides of the human race. Egos that have dared to step out of the “collective Ego”, the artificial and weak Ego of the “great masses of the people”.

There are some Grandmasters (like myself) who are able to see the difference between a strong Ego and a weak Ego based on their own life experience, and choose to live according to the former. 
You too can do it with this book, and soon you will be living according to my favorite phrase:  "Don't let anyone make you believe that you are less than wonderful, because you are, without a doubt."

Get the book  "The Great Power of the Ego"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Solar Plexus Chakra (The Great Encyclopedia) Great Work by Damián Alvarez (Now Available in Spain)

The Great Encyclopedia of the Solar Plexus Chakra.
A Work by Damián Alvarez

Never before has so much been written, so profound and true, about the Solar Plexus chakra, the most important energy center (referring to current daily human life) of the major chakra system, since with this we interpret life, and connect our ego to that of all other human beings, in each and every one of our relationships, affecting us for better or worse.

No theories, hypotheses, conjectures, but the most complete and sincere reality, based on 30 years of professional experience as a Therapist/Healer and Healing Teacher and more than 30,000 Therapies of the author.

Damián Alvarez places the root of all illness, dysfunction and imbalance in the Solar Plexus. He exposes illness as a manifestation of energetic imbalances (mental, sentimental, emotional and spiritual), which we understand mentally, that is, with the chakra we are referring to.

A negative mental education turns us into beings who interpret life events in a negative mental way, thus suffering repeated traumas that weaken our "I", our "ego", making us insecure, anxious, distressed, self-conscious, feeling like failures.
Traumas, whether associated with thoughts, emotions, feelings, block our ability to mentally understand reality, unbalancing the rest of the chakras of the human spiritual anatomy, and making us emotionally ill.

Our unbalanced and/or blocked energy centers cannot support our physical body, which will sooner or later become ill, in addition to mental, emotional and sentimental illnesses.

You will never find a sick person with a healthy Solar Plexus chakra, and you will never find a healthy person with a sick Solar Plexus chakra.

With this book you will learn not only to heal this important energy center, but also to cure all the associated symptoms. In addition, you will learn energy cleansing and protection to avoid being infected by other people's sick solar plexuses. As if that were not enough, the author initiates us, educates us, in the art of living in a positive way, free of trauma, with a practical, simple, dynamic philosophy, based on his own life and experience.

Do you want to control your life? Do you want to be happy? Do you want to feel healthy and fully fulfilled? Do you want to achieve self-esteem, self-love, self-confidence, peace and well-being? This is the book you have always been looking for.

Damian Alvarez

Get  "The Great Encyclopedia of the Solar Plexus Chakra"  (link) by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Editorial  (link)

Friday, September 6, 2024

Negative Energies, Protections and Energy Cleansing. A Great Work by Damián Alvarez

Protections and Energy Cleansings.
Used by Grand Master Damián Alvarez

Knowing and learning to be able to identify negative energies is the duty of every self-respecting healer.

By recognizing negative energies you will be able to act on them accordingly.

Knowing when, how, why, and in what way we can be attacked, and when, how, why, and in what way to react to negative energies can save our lives and the lives of those around us.

This book is not like other books on energy protections that already exist on the market, because it not only contains countless protections and energy cleansings but also a guide to negative energies and their transmission routes.

Knowing the ways of your enemies, all enemies of God, will be your best protection.

Get the book  " Negative Energies, Protections and Energy Cleansing"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Publishing  (link)