Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Grief, Sadness and Fear (Part Two)

Energetic Interaction between Hearts in Love

Healing Masters and Therapists can also feel the emotional and physical symptoms caused by imbalances in the Heart chakra of any person, even if they do not "love" them, this happens because the energetic connection between a Healer and the recipient of the Therapy is Love in any and all cases. Healing is always Love.

There are also witchcraft aimed at harming the Heart chakra of other people, the classic ones would be "stabbing them in the chest or back" or "sow fear in the hearts of couples" so that they separate.

In any case, emotional states are healed by loving, but truly loving, without attachments or interests. True love does not possess and is totally selfless, so it cannot harm anyone.

A good guide: Love God, Think with Love, Develop with Love, Love others, Love yourself, Create with Love and Love Creation.
(See: "Healing Your Life with Love" in the "First Level of Spiritual Healing")

The best protection and the key against fear is "You shall love God above all things" and "You shall love your neighbor and (as), yourself."