Monday, September 9, 2024

The Programs of the Universe are very nice...but the Earth is a mess.

We are the Universe.
It is very interesting to watch documentaries about the Universe explaining the formation of Galaxies, Stars, the Sun... but what about the Earth? That tiny Planet (which is no longer so blue).

Man is always looking far away when his own house is a mess. Let's not even talk about his own Interior because that would make us run away.

It is a primary task for all of us to look after what we really have. It is idiotic not to do so.
Our Planet is dying in silence and we are not capable of helping those who give to us unconditionally.

I want a better planet Earth, because I love it
For many who think it is a utopia, I would say that it can become a reality. If we have invested time in the negative and reached this point, why not the positive.
Everything can be changed for the better if we fight with the same IDEOLOGY, not the one that separates, disunites, imposes, criticizes... NO, that is not valid... to do things you just need to do them.
With love, strength, bravery, courage and a lot of common sense, this planet can be made into a wonderful place.
For the pessimists, the unbelievers of the impossible, for the doubtful, the utopian... for them there is MARS.

There are many of us who do NOT want:
- Planet Earth to be a garbage dump,
- or a planet of wars, hunger, misery, corruption...
- nor a contaminated planet,
- much less a planet in which species become extinct, deforested, plundered, mistreated.

No. We do not want this. If some people want it... they are in serious trouble.

Is the Human Being intelligent or idiotic?

                                        WE WANT HUMAN BEINGS WHO WANT:

-a blue, bright, radiant Planet full of Light, Peace, Love,
-where species coexist without becoming extinct because man has already chosen change,
-where Peace has been established in the heart of everyone,
-pure air is breathed,
-only good exists because evil has not worked,
-where respect for others is already a fact,
-where the sea, the rivers, the lakes are crystal clear,
-where there is abundance for All, because there is,
-where We have all finally assimilated the concept of BEING ONE.

                              A NEW ERA OF LOVE BEGINS