Thursday, July 4, 2024

Thy Will be done, both on Earth and in Heaven

Our father. Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven

“Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven”

With respect to this part of the Our Father prayer we must ask ourselves three questions:

The first, is God's will not done on Earth and not in heaven or does it refer to God's will being done on Earth as it is done in heaven?
The second, should we desire that God's will be done because our power as beings created in the image of God is needed for the divine will to be manifested, and not only on Earth but also in heaven?
The third, if it is not the Will of God that is done in the universe, whose will are we following, manifesting?

It is clear that God's will is not manifested today on our planet. We initiates know that God's will is not manifested in heaven either, at least in the lowest planes of the spiritual world, where fights between angels and demons take place.

We initiates also know that everything that happens on Earth (physical plane) is a repercussion of something that has already happened on the spiritual planes.

The Will of God is always Love, in Heaven and on Earth

If there is war on Earth it is because there is also one in heaven, or in other words: Every time a war begins on Earth it is because it began in heaven some time ago. This does not take away our responsibility for what happens on the planet, but we should, therefore, be more responsible with our lives. The human being is also spiritual, the human being also lives in the spiritual world, the human being also belongs to the universe.

The truth is that “as below, so above, and as above, so below.” The previous premise teaches us that we can affect the spiritual world with our actions, thoughts, feelings and emotions. It also teaches us that we can consciously change the spiritual world from the physical plane.

Spiritual Warriors are often immersed in spiritual wars on Earth, but they are also chosen by the angels, and with permission from the Time Lords, to engage in direct combat against the rebellious angels on higher planes.

God's Will Manifests on Earth through the Human Being

Remember also Satan's words to God: “If I am not god of heaven I will be god of Earth”, or those others: “If you give me time I will turn every human being against You (referring to God)”.

Surely God has infinite ways of manifesting His Will on Earth, but one of them is through the human being: “Let it be Your Will and not mine.” We must ask, we must live according to the Will of God.

We are beings created in the image and likeness of God, therefore, just by being ourselves, we would be manifesting the Will of God on Earth through our lives. We are love, if we are ourselves, love will manifest on Earth, the Will of God (love) will manifest on Earth, because God is love, and our seed, essence and energy of life.

May the Will of God manifest on Earth through me

Based on the above, we clearly realize that we have only two options: Either we live doing the Will of God or we live doing the will of the devil. Thus, anyone who does not live according to the Will of God, not that nothing happens, but that a lot happens: he is doing the will of the devil.

I wish with body, mind and soul that the Will of God be done both in Heaven and on Earth, on all planes, on all levels and in all dimensions, and that the Will of God be manifested on Earth throughout my life, and that is why I ask:

“ Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven ”

Dedicated to my good friend Luis
Creator of the Charismatic Angelic Healing System

Get the Book  "The Great Secret of the Lord's Prayer"  (link) by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Editorial  (link),

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Great Power in the Commandments of the Law of God. Great Work by Damián Alvarez

They are Commands, They are Law, They are from God. The Great Power

The Great Power in the Commandments of the Law of God
(they are Commands, they are Law, they are from God)

Jesus Christ refers to the Ten Commandments of God's law when a young man asks him how to obtain eternal life: “Teacher, what good thing must I do to obtain eternal life?” Jesus responds: “If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.” And he cites to his interlocutor the precepts that refer to love of neighbor: “You shall not kill, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness, honor your father and mother.” Finally, Jesus summarizes these commandments in a positive way: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Mt 19:16-19).

 The human being can consciously direct his or her own energies of love toward other beings of creation, not only connecting himself with the loved one but also connecting to God, creating a perpetual, eternal chain, you see, of love, between all of humanity. creation.  The "chain of love" would always have at least three links: God, yourself, and the being you love. In other words, it could be said that,  when you love, you connect the loved one to the heart of God via your own heart.  When you love you live, when you love you express your true self in creation, when you love you are "one" with God and the entire universe, and in that state it is impossible to get sick, in that state it is impossible to grow old, in that state it is impossible to die. In the state of "loving" you only "are" and you are happy eternally...

Get the Book  "The Great Power in the Commandments of the Law of God"  (link),  by Damián Alvarez
Visit their  Author Page on Amazon Editorial  (link)

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Healing of Mother Earth

Healing the World also Heals Humanity

Follow the same procedure as to send Distance Healing but imagine/visualize that you have the globe in your hands.

You can also use a photograph of planet Earth and place your hands on it while sending healing to it.

Using a globe is very practical if you hold it with your two hands to send healing to the entire planet or to place your hands over specific places, cities, countries.

The power word “Love” or/and the symbol that represents Universal Love (Esé) can be used with great benefit.

Planet Earth needs the Power Word "LOVE"

You can “introduce”, “close” and “root” the healing energies in the planetary lines, circles and power centers if you know them.

Always ask in “Prayer” according to the Divine Will and for the good of the planet and all of Humanity.

The healing of the planet does not take away the “free will” of the human being because it is a planetary healing and not a personal one.

Article provided by: Damián Alvarez at

Monday, July 1, 2024

Is Reiki a Gift from God and should we charge for that Gift?

Love is Free but Healers have to subsist on something

According to Reiki Alliance and based on the fact that Dr. Usui practiced Reiki Healing in the streets with poor and homeless people, realizing that they were getting sick again (supposedly), because they did not value what was given to them for free (Reiki Therapies), the value is said ( which has to be very high according to some, but not me) that you have to give to Reiki therapies to heal yourself.
The official price of a 45-minute Reiki therapy is 40 euros.

The Reiki Healing System always works. I always say that the one who has to have faith is not the recipient of the therapy but the Therapist.

You can give classes and therapies for free, but I recommend that you always charge. The Healer/Therapist's job is the most difficult in the world and will never be paid no matter how much our "patients" can give us. I also recommend that you rise to the occasion and be flexible (financially) with people and give everyone the same opportunities to learn and heal.

Healers also have two hands, to give and to receive.

Many times a gift, consideration, smile, hug, gratitude from an economically poor person has more value than the 40 euros that a stingy, skeptical or ungrateful person can leave you.

We have two hands, one to give and the other to receive and you already know that if the tree is not watered and fertilized well, then sooner or later it will stop bearing fruit. If after a therapy in which you have put all your effort, energy and effort, the recipient of the therapy does not pay you, then sooner or later you will become disillusioned, lose motivation and stop helping others with Reiki therapies.

Some people tell me that I could work another job to survive and do Reiki therapies for free. I send these people home, and when they look at me strangely and ask me if I'm angry, I usually answer that I'm not angry but that I don't have time for them because I have to go to work to survive. The lesson is that if I had to do another job, there would be no way I would have time to care for my students and patients. Furthermore, people who believe that healers should practice healing for free do not realize that then the therapist would not have free time for himself (a need of every human being). Well, in summary: Some are so narrow-minded that they believe that healers should work for free and in their free time. Totally absurd! of course.

Well-Prepared Reiki Therapists. Healthcare professionals

On the other hand, we have the plot of the cheapskate who comes out with the idea that "if healing is a gift from God we should not charge" and "if God gave you that gift for free, you have to give it to others for free as well." . I usually ask the stingy, greedy person who wants to squeeze you out without spending a euro the following question: Where does the gift of the hairdresser, the doctor, the sweeper, the carpenter, etc. come from? Don't all the gifts and talents come from God? Why can a hairdresser and a carpenter get paid and a healer not? They don't give the healer bread or a screw at the hardware store. Nor do they tell him: Fill the car with free gas because you are a healer.

Furthermore, no matter how many gifts from God you receive, the courses, the practices, the study and practice materials, the electric light that illuminates the moment, the relaxing music that plays and the incense that is burning cost money.

Certain dark souls believe that healers get rich by deceiving other people or that healers should condemn themselves to poverty as an act of faith toward God who gave them the gift of healing. What these dark souls do not know is that the work of the healer, although the most beautiful, is the most difficult that exists on planet Earth. A good healer will never be able to get rich since only one soul can heal another soul and it would be practically impossible to care for so many patients (well cared for) with so many diseases to become rich. Those dark souls are the first to rejoice if things go badly for you financially and you have to close the "kiosk".

Healing is a Pleasure and an Honor but also a Work

An energy exchange must always occur between human beings but we can never put conditions on the Universe as to how this energy exchange must occur. There is more energy in a few kilos of potatoes than in 500 euros.

Use your common sense when it comes to "energy exchange." Do not abuse or take advantage of those in need, but never forget to charge the greedy person more than the others so that you do not rude him or her. The greedy will then be the ones who will help good-hearted people with fewer resources heal.

Damián Alvarez at

Get the Book "Specialization Thesis in Spiritual Healing"  (link), by Damián Alvarez Visit his Author Page on the Amazon Editorial (link)