Friday, July 26, 2024

How to Make Love

Making Love with Love. Fusion of Body and Soul

The best position to “make love with love” is the “Lotus Flower” position: The couple sitting in front of each other, the woman with her legs spread over the man's with her knees bent, who will keep his own bent at the knees as well.

The “Lotus Flower” Position is not only the best in the sexual act because it lengthens it, delaying the orgasm and because the couple can caress each other, but because the Major Chakra System of each member of the couple joins in perfect communion, forming a heart with its energetic bodies melted.

Each member of the couple will visualize the symbol of “Perfection in Love” covering the body and Aura of the other member, visualizing it in pink and mentally reciting the mantra “Love” directed towards her partner.

To see how to draw the "Perfection in Love" symbol see:

Love. The most important thing is the Spiritual Orgasm

You can also visualize a symbol of love in each chakra (don't forget the Tan-Tien so that the union is perfect). You can visualize the hearts on your own chakras, on your partner's chakras or do both at the same time. Keep in mind that the symbol of love represents energies of love, so visualize those energies as soft pink and bright clouds that surround your chakras, uniting them with the chakras of your partner with the energies of love, while repeating the mantra " Love love love".

The parts of the body most likely to accept love are the mouth, breasts, butt and genitals. Each and every one of those parts of the body form a heart.

The man will give love with his “heart” (penis and testicles) to the woman who will receive it with her “heart” (vagina) as well, the woman enveloping the man’s “heart” with the heat of her own “heart”

... .and perhaps that perfect union bears fruit...fruits of love...

34 Years at your Side (very close)