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Theocratic School. Love and life. Let's save the Planet and Humanity |
Some people have been surprised when they read what I write under the "tag" of this blog "Theocratic School" .
These people do not understand what they have to do with History, some religions, the Crusades, the Inquisition, sex in the Bible, etc., etc. with the "Tinerfe Healing System" and its Therapies.
You deserve an explanation!
First say that Theocratic School means "School of God." God teaches us with the Power of him or we learn about the Power of God.
Second, that the "Tinerfe Healing System" is not, far from it, the mere fact of "laying hands on it" and channeling healing energies by laying on of hands, but rather it is an abundant Philosophy and Life Guide,
Every good Healing System has, must have a Philosophy of Life that supports it, since Healing is not only "an elimination of symptoms", but a "path" of Personal and Spiritual development.
Just as the Reiki Healing System has as a Philosophy of Life "The Reiki Principles" that account for 85% of said "System".
Third, the explanation: Damián Alvarerz, creator of the Tinerfe Healing System, discovered the principle of the disease, the root of the disease: Fear.
Perhaps, someone, before him had already discovered it, but until now it had not been heard. By means of, and thanks to the Tinerfe Healing System we currently have evidence of such a great discovery for Science, Medicine, Humanity,...
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Plenitude of Love and Health. Fear does not exist in the Pure Soul |
Fear, the root of all illnesses, results in sorrows (heartbreaks, sentimental losses), traumas (frights and annoyances), frustrations (disappointments and anger), fear of neediness, loss, or theft (greed, mistrust , unsafety).
Being the sorrows, the traumas, the frustrations and the fear of going through needs the "source" of a "spring" of mental, sentimental, emotional imbalances, which we could well call "Energy Imbalances".
The "Energy Imbalances" referred to would also affect our Spiritual Essence, which would also become unbalanced, causing, in turn, imbalances in the physical body.
The "Energy Imbalances" first create diseases, dysfunctions and mental, emotional, and sentimental symptoms.
These symptoms are really just "energetic blockages" in the Human Spiritual Anatomy that can be healed. But if they are not healed, they will manifest as illnesses, dysfunctions and physical symptoms.
Over time, physical symptoms and illnesses will deteriorate the physical body, causing first aging and ultimately physical death and therefore mental and emotional death as well.
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"Rivers of Living Water will flow through you Eternally" |
To understand it more easily, I will explain it to you in a few words: Fear causes Pain, Trauma and Frustration. Sorrows, Traumas and Frustrations create Sentimental, Mental and Emotional symptoms. Sentimental, Mental and Emotional Symptoms create Physical Symptoms and Diseases. Physical Symptoms and Illnesses deteriorate the Physical Body, aging it and finally causing Death.
Damián Alvarez also discovered that it would be easier (and cheaper) to prevent the disease than to cure it. So why not work preventively? That is, not wait to get sick, but rather avoid getting sick.
But how to avoid getting sick? And besides, what does all this have to do with the Theocratic School?
First make a parenthesis to illustrate them: Illnesses are not due to a "bad life" or that "it happened to you" or that "God distributed luck and you, as a sick person, have bad luck", just as some School Doctors explain the reason for the diseases. It gives rise to think about everything they learned in a six-year Medicine career. If they don't know the reason for a disease, how will they cure it?
If the root of diseases is fear, simply by avoiding fear, we will never get sick.
The Metaphysical explanation would be: If we are Beings created in the Image and Likeness of God, then we are Pure Love, since God is also Pure Love.
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Fear does not exist in a being Created in the Image and Likeness of God |
Fear has been shown (at least by Damián Alvarez), which is the opposite of Love.
From what we deduce that living with Love, expressing our Divine Essence, living in our " Natural Habitat " which is Love, consciously and constant, we would never get sick, and not only this , but we could live Eternally.
Physical eternal life is not wishful thinking, fantasy, nor does it have anything to do with your faith in religions. Eternal Life depends only on your being able to live as God created you, as a Loving Being.
Despite ourselves, we try to live like a "fish out of water" and of course, sooner or later we get sick and die.
But who has instilled, taught, "educated" us to live in fear,
The answer is found in Damián Alvarez's "Theocratic School" in this blog.
Understanding who or who have "educated" us with fear and how and why, we will also understand what is making us sick, and better yet, we will know how to avoid that fear and the symptoms and diseases derived from it.
For many centuries, the Churches and Governments of the World have "educated" us with fear.
The Mission of the "Theocratic School" is not to re-educate (because it was never educated, but was deceived ) but to Educate as God commands (and never better said), Educate with Love, Educate to Love and Educate Love.
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You are closer to God enjoying his Creation than in the Church |
Discovering who introduced fear in your life and in your soul, and why, you will understand why you live without love, suffer, get sick and die.
The "Theocratic School" will help you free yourself from Taboos, Prejudices, False Beliefs, etc., that have been used to manipulate, control, dominate, force and stop you.
Negative erroneous "teachings" that are of no use to you and are controlling your life from birth to death. In addition, these supposed teachings only harm you, your neighbor and the planet, since fear is also the cause of everything negative on the face of the earth, whether they are family fights or international wars.
I hope that after the previous explanation it is completely clear why of the "Theocratic School" and its Mission and Meaning in the Base of the Tinerfe Healing System.
Always remember that God gave you the "free will" to live with Love. Do not allow anyone to force you to live with fear.
Be yourself , Act with Love, let Nothing Stop you... you will be Happy and you will stay Healthy.
Also remember that Jesus said that "God is a God of Life and not of death...Damián Alvarez at http://sistemasanaciontinerfe.blogspot.com/