Friday, March 20, 2020

Tinerfe Healing System (Master Manual). Publication of Damián Alvarez

Manual of the Master of Healing System Tinerfe

If you want to learn our system of healing, then I recommend it to everyone, you start from the beginning (we have a Curriculum). No loose taught courses but each course served basis for the next and the whole race is a unit. After mastery are generally taken into account the specific wishes of students, but without a firm basis you lose.
Tinerfe Healing System is not only a therapy but a philosophy of life, a way of living. It tries to teach in a logical, understandable scientific. Everything has to have an understandable explanation.
I recommend you start by the First Level of Spiritual Healing, which is the first course of the first level.
Each course consists of 5, 6, 7 classes. Each class is accompanied by a therapy and you're healing while you learn.
Classes meet weekly, The Master teaches or send the class and makes therapy student. The student has one week to study, carry it out, do homework, and ask what they did not understand. Elapsed week would or would send a test with questions and the next class and appropriate therapy.
The student may end up as Healer, Therapist, Master, Grand Master or Master of Healing System Tinerfe. The student decides when to leave or continue.
Of course that classes can also teach face. In this case you can dispense with the test questions, since the Master, firsthand, evaluates dynamically students in each class.
In this manual you will learn the Master of Reiki Healing System and the Master of Healing System Quartz crystals, which is the same as that of the Master Spiritual Healing System. You will also learn the three levels of the Karuna Ki Healing System, and how to enter all this knowledge, all this wisdom in Healing System Tinerfe
Angelic Healing System, Anatomy of the Spirit, Metaphysics Disease, Sacred Geometry, Cristaloterapia Advanced Universal Healing Techniques, will be offered in future manuals.

Get the  "Manual of the Master of Healing System Tinerfe"  (link), Damian Alvarez
Visit their  author page on Amazon Publishing  (link)