Saturday, January 18, 2020

Upcoming Publications of Tinerfe Healing System

Damian Alvarez: Spiritual Development through Scripture

This year that begins in a few days I hope to beat "my own Guinness Record" (God willing), in most books published in a year (the record would be in 30 books).
I hope to publish books, but always keep me surprises, will be:
  1. Hidden Teachings of Jesus Christ
  2. Jesus Christ and the laws of interaction and Energy Resonance
  3. Scientific Gospel of Jesus
  4. Life and Work of the Great Master
  5. Magic Bible
  6. Solar Plexus  (The Great Encyclopedia)
  7. Spiritual Hierarchy  (The Great Encyclopedia)
  8. Food for the Soul
  9. Sport for Alma
  10. And energetic resonance interaction between Humans and other beings
  11. Science of Healing
  12. Mudras, asanas and Chakras
  13. NO Power is in Your Hands
  14. Metaphysics Disease. Metaphysics Disease
  15. Hidden Meaning of the Human Body
  16. Guanche Healing System
  17. Applied angelology
  18. Human sounds that Sanan
  19. Urban mudras That Work
  20. Care for the Healer Therapist
  21. Entrance to the Spiritual Paradise
  22. The Spiritual Exodus
  23. Theocratic School (Volume II)
  24. Theocratic School (Volume III)
  25. Kundalini massage  (Awaken the Power of Passion)
  26. The intelligence of the Chakras
  27. The Great Power of Solitude
  28. Sexology Energy Practice
  29. The female, the Great Man
  30. Physics and metaphysics of the Chakras
  31. Reincarnation, Vamps, and other nonsense
  32. Apple cider vinegar. Medicine Healers
  33. Sexual love
  34. Thought heal
  35. Between women and men Infinite Universe
  36. Minor Chakras System
  37. Levels of Chakras (experience reality)
  38. Chakras are not as nice as Pintan
  39. Teometría. Essence of Sacred Geometry
  40. Learn to live. (Reeducation Aware of the Chakra System)
  41. The mirror of your soul. Self-diagnosis method Metaphysical
  42. Treatment Guide Vibrational Healing System of Tinerfe
  43. Chakras and Reiki
  44. Energy Pollution Planet Earth
Books from Damian Alvarez on Amazon:
Author Page Damian Alvarez (link)

... and, above all, many surprises more ...