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All medication that is not based on the human being consists of different bodies is Pure Energy Veterinary |
A good friend of mine sent me yesterday a document signed by a certain doctor of medicine in which you could read (not very well because it seems that the lady does not know how to write correctly) that natural therapies were pseudoscience that pseudoscience meant "false science "and that should ban as there have been some cases of cancer patient who has abandoned chemotherapy to treat naturally and has died.
The lady also said about two million Spaniards came to natural therapists, and almost every person who answered asked him ever in his life had come to a natural therapist. Also he claimed that this was because the doctors did not have much time with each patient.
The woman explained that the only science that existed was science (I imagine refers to, technological, social, natural medical science). Because we all know that there are also social sciences, natural sciences, etc. I imagine it will come to the school doctor.
Also emphasized that patients were helpless to natural therapists because they had no rights, and that there had been cases where justice had given reason to the natural and therapists to their patients.
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And energetic resonance interaction between humans Wherever Science can not / does not want to |
The truth, I I have always defended the rights of Therapists Healers , I stay dumb that there are people who are created in a position to tell others what is right or wrong. Everyone is free (I say), to choose the treatment you want, and if you disagree with medicine or medical science, because I think very well. First . I can say that pseudoscience does not mean "false science" , but is a term that modern science has chosen to denote those sciences that does not accept, because modern science only studies what "natural" physical and technological. Who has not granted the right to modern science to say what is science and what is not science
As if they were gods who know everything. That modern science does not accept any method of study or research themselves because "they are out of hand" does not mean it is false but they are not trained to investigate. Also, why should be they who decide what is natural? or that all natural is the physical.
Second . "Science" means (more or less), any technique and method of study is based on research, observation, testing, etc., to gain knowledge, and that based on prior knowledge. Any serious investigation can be considered scientific research but not in technology or physical.
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Natural Healing System Tinerfe. Science of Healing |
Third. To my knowledge, no one has died from being treated with infusions or a laying on of hands of a healer . A cancer patient dies because he had cancer and nothing else . Wake up !, you're not God and we all die of something or other, sooner or later you too. And when scientific medicine or medical science tells "We can not do anything more for you , " then it will come to an unconventional therapist, a pseudoscientific as you call does not it ?, or perhaps he will cross his arms waiting to die because medical science "death sentence". I speak of "a case" cancer patient, you said it did not want to be treated with chemotherapy.
Accept the decision of the man wanted to die and swallow his vanity and pride.
Because Where were you when the 110,000 cancer patients in Spain in just died last year, and that most (if not all), it was medical science. Is it your fault that perhaps these patients died or died from cancer? What put the forensic act, which killed medical science? I do not think so.
Room. Modern medicine will like 70 years old and has been based on what you call "pseudoscience" to be established, ie that the basis of modern medicine is traditional medicine, folk medicine. Doctors, indeed, should study history of medicine and history not only of modern medicine, because there are Hindu texts and Chinese doctors over 5,000 years ago, also Christian texts and / or Jews.
So when your grandmother or perhaps mother (you are Canaria also like me and have the same age more or less), you put compresses eucalyptus on the chest, it applied a poultice of vinegar and salt sprain ankle, he gave the "little water" (infusion), sage or orchard grass in the morning, and massaged her tummy with oil (which would have because we were poor), because I was dealing with natural therapies, with a pseudoscience. Thanks to these natural therapies home and the popular "pseudoscience" are you right now there, well placed, writing nonsense without any basis, without rigor without science.
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Pro on the Rights of the Masters of Healing and Healers |
Fifth. "That scientific medicine has time with patients." Listen to yourself itself. For Anything they will be doing wrong or not? How many people die waiting for surgery? Who killed these people? ¿Scientific medicine? Why not dare to say that scientific medicine receives about 15,000 complaints a year by negligence, and that about 1,000 people die from medical malpractice those only in Spain? Not talking about a person who has died of cancer while trying natural therapies but thousands who die while being treated by scientific medicine.
Sixth. Science only studies the physical, then it's time you start to study what "non - physical" because if you believe that we are only animals in clothes that do not own feelings, emotions, thoughts, soul (if they study and treat Therapists Natural healers), then you do not practice veterinary medicine but pure.
Besides, I do not see anything physical in psychiatric or psychological studies , but if you believe that psychiatry and psychology are also pseudoscience should start as first sweep in front of his own house.
Natural Healing System Tinerfe. 30 Years Healing the World |
Seventh. Lady, listen, if justice gives reason to the natural therapist, because there must be, or is loved has inadvertently say (perhaps he escaped), that justice is unjust. Does is getting not only natural therapists but also with justice? Anyway, I have always stressed the importance of Healers therapists well trained, with its rules of conduct, ethics and moral clear well, which is included always do medical diagnoses or prescribe medicines not prohibit medicine or any medical treatment. Thus the healer-physician tandem would be possible, and all so happy.
Besides, I can show (I've been doing for 30 years), that what you call pseudoscience is also science, although it is too big to modern medicine. When you want ... and Merry Christmas.
* Dedicated to Hippocrates, father of medicine: " The focus therapy was based on the healing power of nature ( vis naturae medicatrix in Latin)".
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 2 December 2018
for the record.
Damián Alvarez
Get the Book of Teaching "A Healing Session of Healing System Tinerfe" (link), Damian Alvarez.
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