Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Healing and curative properties of the color navy blue

Navy Blue. Deep Fundamentals, Security and Confidence

The colour of foundation, of seriousness, of discipline, of well-provided services. Of communication where maximum respect, consideration and healthy and deep knowledge are provided.

The colour Navy Blue provides security, confidence and shows well-formed people in whom we can trust and even leave our lives in their hands. Proof of the above is the extensive use of this colour in uniforms, for example of pilots, stewardesses, nurses, military personnel, sailors, etc.

Planning based on corroborated data and facts and in-depth studies of the subject in question. Long specialised studies with solid foundations.

Relaxing, but not because of its quality of relaxation, but because of its stability of well-formed foundations. Navy Blue focuses thoughts and directs creative energies in a certain way. There is no superficiality, variability or the influence of emotions or light sentimentalism that could change these thoughts and plans. It is not based on illusions or expectations, Navy Blue has everything very clear and leaves nothing to chance.

Security based on Exact Studies and Perfection of Performance

Spiritually or Metaphysically it means the power that communication based on exact knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and of God himself has to successfully complete the Divine Mission of our life. Always taking ideas and projects to their physical manifestation. Like a good ship that, although sailing over the sea of ​​emotions that could unbalance it, always has the determined course and anchors safely in a safe harbor.

Therapeutically it is used to purify the lungs and facilitate the exchange between oxygen and waste gases, facilitating the organic assimilation of energy and oxygen in the air. It can also be used to treat brain damage caused by lack of oxygen in the brain.

It purifies the mind of negative thoughts and confusion, and gives the mental clarity that knowledge based on reality provides, so it can be very effective in the treatment of depression and other difficulties, whether emotional or sentimental, that could affect the physical organism and manifest in diseases.

Navy Blue is excellent for treating psychosomatic pathological states, especially skin diseases.

Get the book  "Meaning and Therapeutic Use of Colors in Vibrational Medicine"  (link), by  Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on the Amazon Editorial  (link)