Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Healing and curative properties of the color turquoise

Turquoise Color. Paradise. Heaven and Earth the only Reality

Turquoise is a carefree, light, youthful, excessively active color. Dreams of Peace, Love, Happiness and Freedom.
Turquoise has no taboos or prejudices. It implants in our mind and soul the desires, the hope of freedom.

Outdoor and fresh activities, contact with nature and with other human beings, but without any kind of restraint. Bathing naked in the sea, rolling in the fresh grass, shouting to the four winds “how wonderful life is” and “how happy I am.”

Turquoise is paradise where heaven and earth mix with respect, love and consideration, but without all the responsibilities and ways of being, customs, unnecessary erroneous beliefs that the system has implanted in our hearts.
The Turquoise Blue color really “breaks chains.” It frees the caged bird so that it can fly through the blue sky completely free.

Agile communication, without fear of making mistakes, without owing anything to anyone, without any explanation. My life is mine, I am here to live and enjoy and nothing else.

Turquoise can be used in many ways during therapies, from the treatment of skin diseases to the therapeutic use of lowering fever and various inflammations due to excess heat, red color, concentration of energy, infections in certain parts of the body or in the entire body.

Turquoise. Airs of Freedom. The mere fact of Being Yourself

Being a cooling color, it is used to treat throat infections and other respiratory system conditions. Also, as we have said before, Turquoise is beneficial to treat all kinds of skin conditions and inflammations.

But the most common use of this valuable color is in the treatment of diseases associated with the respiratory system such as asthma and bronchitis, especially those in children, since these are usually manifested by the abuse of power or too much oppressive love of parents over children who are "not allowed to breathe."

Turquoise also cleanses and revitalizes all internal organs since it purifies the blood and supplies it with oxygen.

Metaphysically, Turquoise Blue cleanses and protects from negative energies (for this purpose the American Indians used it with their Turquoise crystals). It helps in communication and also in development, whether physical, mental, sentimental, emotional or spiritual.
Yearning for a better world governed by God, where all human beings can live in freedom, without fear. The only thing that really exists is heaven and earth. The earth, our physical sustenance and the sky, the greatness of our Soul. Fear darkens the color Turquoise in such a way that it does not let it shine...

Get the book  "Meaning and Therapeutic Use of Colors in Vibrational Medicine"  (link), by  Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on the Amazon Editorial  (link)