Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Perpetual Gratitude or Complaint. Self-Centered Love or Interest

We must thank God for everything.
We must also thank everyone.

 The truth is that what most people believe about "living in gratitude" is a myth. The vast majority tell me that every day, the first thing they do is thank God for being alive, and of course it is very good that we do it, since God is our creator and our sustenance.

What many forget are those words of Jesus Christ that I quote: "He who despises my brother despises me." We should thank God for our daily bread (for example), but we should also thank the baker every day who invests his time in bringing us bread.

Some people do not appreciate the services provided by others because they believe that the payment they receive is enough, as if they could buy the life of the baker (for example), which, of course, is not for sale, but if it were, there would not be enough money to pay for it, since life is the most precious thing there is.

He who does not thank his neighbor does not thank God either.
He who does not love his neighbor does not love God either.

The vast majority complain or demand more and better services. "It doesn't matter if it costs more" they often say, believing that they are buying a human being and not a service, and not thanking for one thing or another. The one who complains will always complain about everything, and the grateful one will thank for the most insignificant thing because love believes everything, believes it a lot, values ​​it and is considerate, respectful and empathetic.

It doesn't matter if you dedicate three hours to the self-centered person who lacks love, he will demand three more hours from you, everything will seem little to him, and instead of being grateful and full of peace in his soul, he will leave angry and full of resentment and rage. Really full of demons.

I once wrote "give everything you want but never let yourself be robbed." There are leeches of the soul who want to steal your life, who want to dispose of it in a totally self-interested way. They do not know what it is to live in gratitude for "many thanks to God" they give.

Don't Complain Anymore.
Live in Gratitude, Live with Love

Being grateful for a child's smile, for some nice words from a neighbor on the street, for a greeting, for a pat on the back, that is what gratitude is all about.

Be thankful for the little things that good-hearted people want or can give you. Be very, very, very thankful, and (even if you feel like despising them), teach those hard-hearted people to love, who don't realize that when you dedicate a minute to them, they have become part of your life because you are sharing your life with them.

Thank the flower for its scent and the birds for their songs, the trees for their shade, shelter and fruit, and the people for their existence.

Be very grateful for "little" and you will have a lot

Your life is a treasure, and so is everyone else's life. Respect that life and that sharing. Be thankful for every second another person spends with you. Don't take anything for granted, and above all, don't complain or make demands that only show your selfishness and lack of consideration.

I hope the concept has become clear.

Damian Alvarez
34 Years at your Side (very close)