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How Do You Educate Your Children with Money or with Love? |
We have seen in previous articles that until the age of twenty-one the human being does not have a well-formed Ego of his own, but rather his “I” depends largely on the personality of his parents.
The parents of the “example person” that we are going to deal with are those who educate the human being during his development from birth to “coming of age.”
The education that a child receives is always negative, since those who educate the child, whether it be school, religion, street culture or parents, have also received a negative education.
Parents, the elders, can only educate young people as they know how. Adults have received a negative education, therefore they will only be able to educate their children in a negative way.
Negative education is education based on fear and not love. An education full of prejudices, taboos, negativity, erroneous teachings, false expectations, materialism, etc. A lie, a deception.
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Current Education is a Deception, since it Discriminates |
Negative education (to which the vast majority of human beings have been exposed) cannot really be called education, since it does not educate, but rather deceives.
Negative education has two functions: First, it robs the individual of his or her self-confidence and self-esteem. Second, the creation of a being that continues to educate the next generations in a negative way.
The reasons for negative education are several: It is easier for authorities to govern insecure people than people who think for themselves. The commercial system also loves self-conscious people so that it can more easily sell their products. If everyone thinks the same (they have gone through the hoop) it is easier to impose a fashion, a fanatical idea, a lie on them than to impose it on individual beings with their own personality. The rulers, the merchants, the religious authorities love “herds of people” who dance easily and without complaint to “the tune they play.”
But the main reason for negative education is to distance the human being from who he really is: “A being created in the image and likeness of God with infinite potential.” The easiest way to deceive a person is to make him believe from birth that he is another being than what he really is, like the story of the “Ugly Duckling.”
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The Teaching that promotes Power and Glory. Psychological Abuse |
As long as a person feels insignificant, clumsy, weak, self-conscious, small, he will never realize his great potential and thus will never become a "problem" for the "relevant authorities" who only want to control, manipulate, force, direct, separate, stop, in order to obtain one's own power.
The authorities, whether civil or religious policies, etc., are in turn controlled by what we call “negative spiritual beings” who are really those who do not want human beings to find out about their great divine potential, their free will. will, that he is a being created in the image and likeness of God with everything that implies, since then he could not manipulate him and direct him towards illness and death.
“Negative spiritual beings” try through parents, schools, religions, cultures, etc. “Educate” the human being so that he goes through life as a shadow of what he really is and never finds out who he really is, condemning him to death and unhappiness.
There are two ways in the “current system” of educating an infant:
One way would be to directly remove his Ego by telling him that he is of no use, that he will never become anyone, that he is useless, that he will never succeed, that he does everything. bad, that he screws up everything he touches, that he is stupid, that he is ignorant. This “education” is psychological abuse that most of the time is also accompanied by physical abuse.
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The Race Behind Money is Always Lost |
The other way would be education based on materialism, which can really be as traumatic as the “education” explained above: “My child studies so that you can become someone tomorrow,” “If you study and get good grades you will get a good grade.” work and you will earn money and you will be someone in life”, “The most important thing is work”, “Money is man's best friend. "Be careful so they don't deceive you", "Don't be taking care of other people's children, think of yourself", "No one gives anything as a gift", Don't be stupid and distribute because when you don't have anyone, no one will remember you." , “You think about yourself first and if there is enough, then maybe...”, “You have so much value”, “If you don't have money, no one will love you”,...
Do you recognize yourself in the previous examples? When you brag about your children's school successes, you are hanging a yoke around their necks, putting a lot of pressure on them? Do you realize that you measure your children by material, student, or sporting achievements and not by their innate ability to express love? Have you stopped to think that perhaps your children want freedom instead of a bunch of adjectives that will be of no use to them?
Sooner or later, triumphs turn into failures, the rich can become poor, the intelligent can lose their memory. , the handsome aging man and that magnificent student who had very good grades and was going to get a good job and earn a lot of money to be “someone” in life, now finds himself traumatized, depressed, sad, bitter, self-conscious on the unemployment list , believing himself to be the most insignificant of people just because he doesn't have a job. You parents directed him toward self-destruction with “negative education.”
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When a Man "Fails" all of Humanity "Fails" |
What will become of all those children who, when they are adults, cannot get a job, money, power, glory, a car, a townhouse, a faithful partner, two children (whom they poorly educate) and eat corn flakes at night? tomorrow?.
With “negative education” we only create “monsters” condemned to failure, since we are not everything that the “system” wants us to believe we are, and just as the dove cannot fly like an eagle, likewise a being created in the image and likeness of God, as the human being cannot live as if it were his money, his job, his family or his possessions, which only limit him, condition him and separate him from himself and make him unhappy and therefore They make him sick and kill him.
The education that would truly create beings that would triumph in the universe by creating peace, love and happiness, resembling their Creator, would be education based on love, education without fear: “Love your neighbor”, “we are all equal”, “ share with others”, “the most important thing is that you be yourself, school grades are the least important thing”, “remember that you are not a physical body but a spiritual being”, “money is not the least important”, “the more you give, the more you have”, “love is the only difference between two human beings”, kisses, hugs, affections, puchis-puchis (physical expressions of the feeling of love) for everyone equally at all times.
Nirvana, spiritual ecstasy, fulfillment, happiness!
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School of God. Subject Love. Career Being Yourself |
But who educates their children like this?...
(The Tinerfe Healing System is not only a therapeutic method but a philosophy of life, one of the best wherever they are found, it creates a school by educating in the reality of existence, educating with love, breaking taboos and prejudices, breaking chains).
Get the Book "The Solar Plexus, the Sun of your Life" (link)
by Damián Alvarez.
Visit his Author Page on the Amazon Editorial ( link)