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Vitality. life force |
BASE CHAKRA: First chakra, physical energy, life desires, vitality, life power, energy store, energy generator, survival energy.
Blocked: Lack of vital energy, low energy, appearing sick, not being here and now, dizziness, avoidance of the physical world. Red vibration.
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Passion. sexual desires |
SACRAL CHAKRA (FRONT): Love of sex and the other gender, sexual enjoyment, physical enjoyment, pleasurable orgasms. Orange vibration.
Blocked: Lack of satisfaction in sex, painful orgasms and/or no orgasms. He doesn't like sex.
SACRAL CHAKRA (DORSAL): Sexual energy, sexual drive, sexual potency, desire (will) to have sexual relations.
Blocked: It does not have sexual impulses, it does not fill the physical body with vital energy, it does not have a healthy psychic contact with sexuality.
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Satisfaction. Self realisation |
SOLAR PLEXUS (FRONT): From this energy center we understand that we exist, that we are in the Universe and belong to it. "Mental control room" of emotions, feelings, sensations. If it is balanced, we understand the world in a positive way. From the Solar Plexus we connect to other human beings. Yellow vibration.
Blocked: Pains in the Solar Plexus and stomach pains, mental blocks, negativism, uncertainty, worry, shyness, insecurity, etc.
SOLAR PLEXUS (DORSAL): Willingness to stay healthy and to contribute of ourselves to the World. Healers tend to have this energy center highly developed. We know our place in the Universe and how to stay healthy. Satisfaction and personal fulfillment.
Blocked: Personal dissatisfaction.
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Love, to love |
HEART CHAKRA (FRONT): Metabolism of healing energies, both physical and spiritual. Unconditional love, self-love, love of neighbor, love of the planet, love of God and the Universe. Through this energy center we connect to those we love.
Blocked: Difficult to love without expecting anything in return. Pink and Green vibration.
HEART CHAKRA (DORSAL): From this chakra we "fight" to get what we want in life. If it is open, we understand that loving unconditionally is a channeling of Divine Love through us.
Blocked: Difficult to live, we see the world aggressive and cruel. Our will is always against the will of others. Nothing goes right. We live more than anything for our own interests and not for love.
Succeed. Create Your Wishes |
THROAT CHAKRA (FRONT): If it is balanced, we do not blame others for our failures, but we create what we want in our lives. We succeed in all our projects and we feel fulfilled with those triumphs. From this center we give and receive knowledge, ideas, plans, projects, etc. Blue Vibration.
Blocked: We do not accept ideas or teachings because of our mistrust. We experience the world pessimistically and always expect something bad to happen.
THROAT CHAKRA (DORSAL): Professional triumphs and positive and balanced development of our lives. Confidence and inner security based on the conviction of our wisdom.
Blocked: Life is a perpetual collection of failures. We will be proud and vain and we will hide our failures under the masks of pride. Fear of failure that will attract more failures. People who measure success in money or possessions are not successful but vain.
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Life is wonderful. God is good |
THIRD EYE (FRONT): Visualization capacity. From this energy center we project mental images of how we understand the world. We "create" our own world. If those images we have of "reality" are positive, we will create a paradise in our lives. Lilac vibration.
Blocked: If the images we have of the world are negative, we will create a hell.
THIRD EYE (DORSAL): Provides the necessary energy to launch the ideas that the front part of the same chakra has. If this energy center is balanced, then our ideas will manifest on the physical plane.
Blocked: Criminality. We blame our own failures on the world or on God. Failures that only lead to frustration and despair.
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Thank God that we can thank him |
CROWN CHAKRA: From this energy center we connect with our spirituality and with God. We unite all the energetic bodies, physical body and soul. When the Crown chakra is balanced we feel one with God, everyone and everything and we understand that life goes beyond us and the physical world. White and/or Golden Vibration.
Blocked: We will not understand a single word of what we are dealing with in this article.
Get the Book "Master's Manual in Healing with Quartz Crystals" (link), by Damián Alvarez
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